c# Programming Glossary: expression.andalso
Combining two expressions (Expression<Func<T, bool>>) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/457316/combining-two-expressions-expressionfunct-bool share improve this question Well you can use Expression.AndAlso OrElse etc to combine logical expressions but the problem is.. in expr1 and expr2 If so it is easier var body Expression.AndAlso expr1.Body expr2.Body var lambda Expression.Lambda Func T bool.. right var param Expression.Parameter typeof T x var body Expression.AndAlso Expression.Invoke left param Expression.Invoke right param ..
Replacing the parameter name in the Body of an Expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5430996/replacing-the-parameter-name-in-the-body-of-an-expression Func T bool y return Expression.Lambda Func T bool Expression.AndAlso x.Body Expression.Invoke y x.Parameters x.Parameters This works.. .Inline .Apply y.Body return Expression.Lambda Func T bool Expression.AndAlso x.Body newY x.Parameters Or in .NET 4.0 using ExpressionVisitor..
C#, Linq2Sql: Is it possible to concatenate two queryables into one? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/569671/c-linq2sql-is-it-possible-to-concatenate-two-queryables-into-one body null foreach var range in ranges var filter Expression.AndAlso Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual member Expression.Constant range.A.. body null foreach var range in ranges var filter Expression.AndAlso Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual member Expression.Constant range.A..
Hows to quick check if data transfer two objects have equal properties in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/986572/hows-to-quick-check-if-data-transfer-two-objects-have-equal-properties-in-c y props i if body null body propEqual else body Expression.AndAlso body propEqual Compare Expression.Lambda Func T T bool body.. if body null body memberEqual else body Expression.AndAlso body memberEqual if body null Compare delegate return true..