c# Programming Glossary: datalayer
Questions about Entity Framework Context Lifetime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10777630/questions-about-entity-framework-context-lifetime So the answer Your code should be in my opinion like this DataLayer public List Article GetArticles List Article model using var..
Generic extension method : Type argument cannot be inferred from the usage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3630153/generic-extension-method-type-argument-cannot-be-inferred-from-the-usage RowType . This is a method that will be used as part of a DataLayer by many different programmers so I would rather not need them..
Return DataReader from DataLayer in Using statement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/850065/return-datareader-from-datalayer-in-using-statement DataReader from DataLayer in Using statement We have a lot of data layer code that follows..
Repository and Data Mapper pattern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8844105/repository-and-data-mapper-pattern Here is a simple Data Access Layer with two classes. SqlDataLayer is a simple class which is inherited from an abstract class.. class which is inherited from an abstract class named DataLayer. Here I provide some functionality like following code public.. I provide some functionality like following code public SQLDataLayer const string connString ConnectionString goes here _connection..
Why Interface Layer/Abstract classes required in our project? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9702032/why-interface-layer-abstract-classes-required-in-our-project easiest way to understand this imo is an abstraction over DataLayer . You have set a functions to retrieve a data from xml file...