c# Programming Glossary: datarowview
How to get the selected row values of DevExpress XtraGrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12762617/how-to-get-the-selected-row-values-of-devexpress-xtragrid Name .ToString textBox1.Text gridView1.GetFocusedRow as DataRowView .Row Name .ToString textBox1.Text gridView1.GetFocusedRowCellValue..
Why I get “System.Data.DataRowView” instead of real values in my Listbox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15428542/why-i-get-system-data-datarowview-instead-of-real-values-in-my-listbox I get &ldquo System.Data.DataRowView&rdquo instead of real values in my Listbox I'm hoping someone.. a highscore all I get back in my listbox is System.Data.DataRowView . Can anyone see why Code MySqlConnection myConn new MySqlConnection.. of any column of your dTable you can get them doing this DataRowView drv DataRowView lstNames.SelectedItem String valueOfItem drv..
Select newly added Row - DataGridView and BindingSource http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1664537/select-newly-added-row-datagridview-and-bindingsource this because I want to update just the newly added row DataRowView drv DataRowView myBindingSource.Current myTableAdapter.Update.. I want to update just the newly added row DataRowView drv DataRowView myBindingSource.Current myTableAdapter.Update drv.Row and not..
Sort items in datatable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2294180/sort-items-in-datatable
.NET 3.5 Listbox Selected Values (Winforms) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2608568/net-3-5-listbox-selected-values-winforms foreach var item in selected var itemArray DataRowView item .Row.ItemArray var name itemArray 0 var id itemArray 1..
C#: Seeking PNG Compression algorithm/library [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4418454/c-seeking-png-compression-algorithm-library
DataGrid get selected rows' column values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5121186/datagrid-get-selected-rows-column-values be able to get to the column value from a row item. OR DataRowView row DataRowView dg.SelectedItems 0 Then row ColumnName share.. to the column value from a row item. OR DataRowView row DataRowView dg.SelectedItems 0 Then row ColumnName share improve this..
How to implement conditional formatting in a GridView http://stackoverflow.com/questions/661670/how-to-implement-conditional-formatting-in-a-gridview e if e.Row.RowType DataControlRowType.DataRow DataRowView drv e.Row.DataItem as DataRowView Object ob drv ItemValue if.. DataRowView drv e.Row.DataItem as DataRowView Object ob drv ItemValue if Convert.IsDBNull ob double dVal..
Convert and use DataTable in WPF DataGrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6984686/convert-and-use-datatable-in-wpf-datagrid DataView dv DataTable dt dv.Table.Clone foreach DataRowView drv in dv dt.ImportRow drv.Row return dt DataView view DataView..