c# Programming Glossary: datagridviewcomboboxcolumn
How do I set up a DataGridView ComboBoxColumn with a different DataSource in each cell? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1089889/how-do-i-set-up-a-datagridview-comboboxcolumn-with-a-different-datasource-in-eac a different DataSource in each cell I am setting up a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn like this var newColumn new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn Name.. a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn like this var newColumn new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn Name abc newColumn.DataSource new string a b c dgv.Columns.Add.. share improve this question The following works for me DataGridViewComboBoxColumn newColumn new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn newColumn.Name abc..
DataGridViewComboBoxColumn name/value how? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1390462/datagridviewcomboboxcolumn-name-value-how name value how I thought this was simple like in Access. User.. your question as such. How are you binding the data to the DataGridViewComboBoxColumn You'll need to set the DisplayMember and ValueMember properties.. to set the DisplayMember and ValueMember properties on the DataGridViewComboBoxColumn while setting its DataSource. The MSDN link to DisplayMember..
Create drop down list options from enum in a DataGridView http://stackoverflow.com/questions/56443/create-drop-down-list-options-from-enum-in-a-datagridview columns too just remember to set the value type. DataGridViewComboBoxColumn col new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn col.Name My Enum Column col.DataSource.. to set the value type. DataGridViewComboBoxColumn col new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn col.Name My Enum Column col.DataSource Enum.GetValues typeof..
How to bound a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn to a object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/631126/how-to-bound-a-datagridviewcomboboxcolumn-to-a-object to bound a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn to a object I'm trying to bound a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn.. to a object I'm trying to bound a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn to an instance of Foo but when i set a value on the grid i got..