c# Programming Glossary: datasize
Is it possible to transfer authentication from Webbrowser to WebRequest http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3382498/is-it-possible-to-transfer-authentication-from-webbrowser-to-webrequest cookies null Determine the size of the cookie int datasize 8192 16 StringBuilder cookieData new StringBuilder datasize.. 8192 16 StringBuilder cookieData new StringBuilder datasize if InternetGetCookieEx uri.ToString null cookieData ref datasize.. if InternetGetCookieEx uri.ToString null cookieData ref datasize InternetCookieHttponly IntPtr.Zero if datasize 0 return null..
Sending and receiving an image over sockets with C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/749964/sending-and-receiving-an-image-over-sockets-with-c-sharp byte ReceiveVarData Socket s int total 0 int recv byte datasize new byte 4 recv s.Receive datasize 0 4 0 int size BitConverter.ToInt32.. total 0 int recv byte datasize new byte 4 recv s.Receive datasize 0 4 0 int size BitConverter.ToInt32 datasize 0 int dataleft.. s.Receive datasize 0 4 0 int size BitConverter.ToInt32 datasize 0 int dataleft size byte data new byte size while total size..
How do you retrieve a list of logged-in/connected users in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/132620/how-do-you-retrieve-a-list-of-logged-in-connected-users-in-net serverHandle 0 1 ref SessionInfoPtr ref sessionCount Int32 dataSize Marshal.SizeOf typeof WTS_SESSION_INFO Int32 currentSession.. currentSession typeof WTS_SESSION_INFO currentSession dataSize WTSQuerySessionInformation serverHandle si.SessionID WTS_INFO_CLASS.WTSUserName..
Start a windows service and launch cmd http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4147821/start-a-windows-service-and-launch-cmd IntPtr.Zero 0 1 ref ppSessionInfo ref count Int32 dataSize Marshal.SizeOf typeof WTS_SESSION_INFO Int64 current int ppSessionInfo.. System.IntPtr current typeof WTS_SESSION_INFO current dataSize ret.Add si WTSFreeMemory ppSessionInfo catch Exception..
Logoff interactive users in Windows from a service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5207506/logoff-interactive-users-in-windows-from-a-service WTSEnumerateSessions server 0 1 ref buffer ref count int dataSize Marshal.SizeOf typeof WTS_SESSION_INFO Int64 current int buffer.. IntPtr current typeof WTS_SESSION_INFO current dataSize sessionIds.Add si.SessionID WTSFreeMemory buffer return sessionIds..
C# convert RGB value to CMYK using an ICC profile? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5237104/c-sharp-convert-rgb-value-to-cmyk-using-an-icc-profile UnmanagedType.LPTStr public string profileData public uint dataSize public ProfileFilename string filename type ProfileFilenameType.. filename type ProfileFilenameType profileData filename dataSize uint filename.Length 2 2 public const uint ProfileFilenameType..