android Programming Glossary: youractivity
Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button? which have button should be look like this public class YourActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener String issueProductId.. super.onDestroy private static final String TAG YourActivity private static final String DB_INITIALIZED db_initialized private..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? in client classes to a minimum. Full usage example class YourActivity extends SherlockFragmentActivity implements OnDateSetListener..
Return value from AsyncTask class onPostExecute method void onTaskCompleted values Your Activity public YourActivity implements OnTaskCompleted your Activity YourTask task new YourTask..
wait for a function to run and then start activity LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER 0 0 YourActivity.this 2 your activity should implement LocationListener public.. activity should implement LocationListener public class YourActivity extends Activity implements LocationListener 3 override methods..
How do I pass data from a BroadcastReceiver through to an Activity being started? code in onReceive Intent intent2open new Intent context YourActivity.class intent2open.addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK intent2open.addFlags.. already open. This means that the old intent that opened YourActivity in the first place is re used and it will NOT contain the extra.. have to catch them in another method called onNewIntent in YourActivity. public class YourActivity extends Activity private String memberFieldString..
ListView in ScrollView potential workaround import android.widget.LinearLayout public class YourActivity extends ListActivity @Override protected void onCreate Bundle..
What's the “dot” for when registering an Activity of the app. So if your app package is then .YourActivity means that your class is inside . YourActivity.. means that your class is inside . YourActivity means that your class is inside same as above.. class is inside same as above . .activities.YourActivity means that your class is inside ...
Populating a ListView using ArrayList? view you want. So your code should look like public class YourActivity extends Activity private ListView lv public void onCreate Bundle..
Retrieve Picasa Image for Upload from Gallery file. Here is the code to start the intent public class YourActivity extends Activity File mTempFile int REQUEST_CODE_CHOOSE_PICTURE..
Android - How to dynamically change menu item text outside of onOptionsItemsSelected or onCreateOptionsMenu do something along the lines of the following public class YourActivity extends Activity private Menu menu private String inBedMenuTitle..
Setting up async task for loading Json into a listview thread so below code should just fine for you public class YourActivity extends Activiy public void getJson String selection String.. protected void onPreExecute dialog YourActivity.this title message protected ArrayList HashMap String String.. String String mylist ListAdapter adapter new JsonAdapter YourActivity.this mylist R.layout.list new String name text ts new int
android asynctask sending callbacks to ui OnTaskCompleted void onTaskCompleted Your Activity public YourActivity implements OnTaskCompleted your Activity And your AsyncTask..
Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button? your public key here 5 and finally your activity which have button should be look like this public class YourActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener String issueProductId Your Product ID @Override protected void onCreate Bundle.. super.onStop @Override protected void onDestroy close_unbind super.onDestroy private static final String TAG YourActivity private static final String DB_INITIALIZED db_initialized private static final String Dir_Check Dir_Check private DungeonsPurchaseObserver..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? for my needs because I wanted to reduce boilerplate code in client classes to a minimum. Full usage example class YourActivity extends SherlockFragmentActivity implements OnDateSetListener ... Bundle b new Bundle b.putInt DatePickerDialogFragment.YEAR..
Return value from AsyncTask class onPostExecute method For example Your interface public interface OnTaskCompleted void onTaskCompleted values Your Activity public YourActivity implements OnTaskCompleted your Activity YourTask task new YourTask this here is the initalization code for your asyncTask..
wait for a function to run and then start activity OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v lManager.requestLocationUpdates LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER 0 0 YourActivity.this 2 your activity should implement LocationListener public class YourActivity extends Activity implements LocationListener.. LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER 0 0 YourActivity.this 2 your activity should implement LocationListener public class YourActivity extends Activity implements LocationListener 3 override methods of LocationListener @Override public void onLocationChanged..
How do I pass data from a BroadcastReceiver through to an Activity being started? class that extends BroadcastReceiver. Put in the following code in onReceive Intent intent2open new Intent context YourActivity.class intent2open.addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK intent2open.addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP String name.. makes sure the apps doesn't re open if already open. This means that the old intent that opened YourActivity in the first place is re used and it will NOT contain the extra values. You have to catch them in another method called.. is re used and it will NOT contain the extra values. You have to catch them in another method called onNewIntent in YourActivity. public class YourActivity extends Activity private String memberFieldString @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
ListView in ScrollView potential workaround import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.widget.ArrayAdapter import android.widget.LinearLayout public class YourActivity extends ListActivity @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState LayoutInflater..
What's the “dot” for when registering an Activity means the activity class lives in the same package of the app. So if your app package is then .YourActivity means that your class is inside . YourActivity means that your class is inside same as above.. the app. So if your app package is then .YourActivity means that your class is inside . YourActivity means that your class is inside same as above . .activities.YourActivity means that your class is inside.. is inside . YourActivity means that your class is inside same as above . .activities.YourActivity means that your class is inside . You can even do something like
Populating a ListView using ArrayList? override getView int View ViewGroup to return the type of view you want. So your code should look like public class YourActivity extends Activity private ListView lv public void onCreate Bundle saveInstanceState setContentView R.layout.your_layout lv..
Retrieve Picasa Image for Upload from Gallery a MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT extra with an uri to a temporary file. Here is the code to start the intent public class YourActivity extends Activity File mTempFile int REQUEST_CODE_CHOOSE_PICTURE 1 ... public showImagePicker mTempFile getFileStreamPath..
Android - How to dynamically change menu item text outside of onOptionsItemsSelected or onCreateOptionsMenu the change as and when you need it. For example you could do something along the lines of the following public class YourActivity extends Activity private Menu menu private String inBedMenuTitle Set to 'In bed' private String outOfBedMenuTitle Set to..
Setting up async task for loading Json into a listview run in the UI thread the doInBackground will run in another thread so below code should just fine for you public class YourActivity extends Activiy public void getJson String selection String url new LoadJsonTask .execute selection url private class LoadJsonTask.. Void ArrayList HashMap String String ProgressDialog dialog protected void onPreExecute dialog YourActivity.this title message protected ArrayList HashMap String String doInBackground String... params return doGetJson params 0.. 0 params 1 protected void onPostExecute ArrayList HashMap String String mylist ListAdapter adapter new JsonAdapter YourActivity.this mylist R.layout.list new String name text ts new int setListAdapter..
android asynctask sending callbacks to ui in onPostExecute For example Your interface public interface OnTaskCompleted void onTaskCompleted Your Activity public YourActivity implements OnTaskCompleted your Activity And your AsyncTask public YourTask extends AsyncTask Object Object Object change..