android Programming Glossary: yaffs2
how to change permission of DDMS / File Explorer / sdcard? question commands.. adb shell su mount o rw remount t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock3 system Try this and let me know what happen....
Push .apk to /system/app/ in HTC HERO write host adb shell hero su hero# mount o remount rw t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock3 system hero# cat sdcard myApp.adk system.. myApp.adk system app myApp.adk hero# mount o remount ro t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock3 system Alternatively after doing the remount..
What is Android's file system?? depends on what filesystem for example system and data are yaffs2 while sdcard is vfat. This is the output of mount rootfs rootfs.. dev cpuctl cgroup rw cpu 0 0 dev block mtdblock0 system yaffs2 ro 0 0 dev block mtdblock1 data yaffs2 rw nosuid nodev 0 0 dev.. mtdblock0 system yaffs2 ro 0 0 dev block mtdblock1 data yaffs2 rw nosuid nodev 0 0 dev block mtdblock2 cache yaffs2 rw nosuid..
How does Android emulator performance compare to real device performance? to flash. And the combination of Android flash and the yaffs2 filesystem apparently causes a device to get progressively slower..
How can I install sqlite3 on rooted NexusOne runs Gingerbread shell I did in 1 shell adb shell su # mount o remount rw t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock3 system and in another shell I did cd ~ NexusOne.. push sqlite3 sdcard adb shell su # mount o remount rw t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock3 system # dd if sdcard sqlite3 of system..
Android INJECT_EVENTS permission app directory from the SDCARD su mount o remount rw t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock3 system cp sdcard APP.apk system app If you..
A terminal command for a rooted Android to remount /System as read/write the command that's used most offen mount o remount rw t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock3 system But I know that mtdblock3 could be.. on some devices and for that matter i guess so could yaffs2 . So my question is Is there a universal command that will work.. dev cpuctl cgroup rw cpu 0 0 dev block mtdblock3 system yaffs2 rw 0 0 dev block mtdblock5 data yaffs2 rw nosuid nodev 0 0 dev..
Obtain root access via su on the Android emulator showthread.php t 821742 adb shell mount o rw remount t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock03 system adb push su system xbin su adb shell..
How to change the hosts file on android [closed] system to be read write adb shell su mount o rw remount t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock3 system Go here for more information Mount..
sqlite3: not found for step 2 are adb shell su mount o rw remount t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock3 system Replace dev block mtdblock3 system..
How to install android market on emulator for all api's tools mout system files . adb shell mount o rw remount t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock03 system put script for su in system . adb..
how to change permission of DDMS / File Explorer / sdcard?
Push .apk to /system/app/ in HTC HERO access to the device you can remount the partition as read write host adb shell hero su hero# mount o remount rw t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock3 system hero# cat sdcard myApp.adk system app myApp.adk hero# mount o remount ro t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock3.. rw t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock3 system hero# cat sdcard myApp.adk system app myApp.adk hero# mount o remount ro t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock3 system Alternatively after doing the remount you can use adb push from the host as normal. share improve..
What is Android's file system?? android filesystems share improve this question It depends on what filesystem for example system and data are yaffs2 while sdcard is vfat. This is the output of mount rootfs rootfs ro 0 0 tmpfs dev tmpfs rw mode 755 0 0 devpts dev pts devpts.. rw 0 0 tmpfs sqlite_stmt_journals tmpfs rw size 4096k 0 0 none dev cpuctl cgroup rw cpu 0 0 dev block mtdblock0 system yaffs2 ro 0 0 dev block mtdblock1 data yaffs2 rw nosuid nodev 0 0 dev block mtdblock2 cache yaffs2 rw nosuid nodev 0 0 dev block.. rw size 4096k 0 0 none dev cpuctl cgroup rw cpu 0 0 dev block mtdblock0 system yaffs2 ro 0 0 dev block mtdblock1 data yaffs2 rw nosuid nodev 0 0 dev block mtdblock2 cache yaffs2 rw nosuid nodev 0 0 dev block vold 179 0 sdcard vfat rw dirsync nosuid..
How does Android emulator performance compare to real device performance? conference cited spikes of up to 200ms to write a single byte to flash. And the combination of Android flash and the yaffs2 filesystem apparently causes a device to get progressively slower at flash I O as the flash fills up. Hence his recommendation..
How can I install sqlite3 on rooted NexusOne runs Gingerbread Nexus One when I try to open a database using the adb shell I did in 1 shell adb shell su # mount o remount rw t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock3 system and in another shell I did cd ~ NexusOne SuperOneClickv1.7 ShortFuse adb push sqlite3 system.. unlock your device to see dialog for granting access adb push sqlite3 sdcard adb shell su # mount o remount rw t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock3 system # dd if sdcard sqlite3 of system bin sqlite3 # chmod 4755 system bin sqlite3 # mount o remount..
Android INJECT_EVENTS permission as read write and to install the application into the system app directory from the SDCARD su mount o remount rw t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock3 system cp sdcard APP.apk system app If you prefer to use adb from your computer execute these commands..
A terminal command for a rooted Android to remount /System as read/write depending on where the system is actually mounted. Here's the command that's used most offen mount o remount rw t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock3 system But I know that mtdblock3 could be different on some devices and for that matter i guess so could.. mtdblock3 system But I know that mtdblock3 could be different on some devices and for that matter i guess so could yaffs2 . So my question is Is there a universal command that will work on all phones Or is there a way to find out at runtime what.. rw 0 0 tmpfs sqlite_stmt_journals tmpfs rw size 4096k 0 0 none dev cpuctl cgroup rw cpu 0 0 dev block mtdblock3 system yaffs2 rw 0 0 dev block mtdblock5 data yaffs2 rw nosuid nodev 0 0 dev block mtdblock4 cache yaffs2 rw nosuid nodev 0 0 dev block..
Obtain root access via su on the Android emulator working for me extract from http forum.xda showthread.php t 821742 adb shell mount o rw remount t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock03 system adb push su system xbin su adb shell chmod 06755 system adb shell chmod 06755 system xbin su..
How to change the hosts file on android [closed]
sqlite3: not found from linked page in the case link becomes invalid . The instructions for step 2 are adb shell su mount o rw remount t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock3 system Replace dev block mtdblock3 system with appropriate device path and mount point as obtained from..
How to install android market on emulator for all api's to this path cd home username .eclipse android sdk platform tools mout system files . adb shell mount o rw remount t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock03 system put script for su in system . adb push home username Emulator files su system xbin su make system..