android Programming Glossary: your_package_name
GCM SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE on Android 2.2 in your manifest. This will enable to receive the registration_id at your GCMBroadcastReceiver. receiver android name YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME.GCMBroadcastReceiver android permission intent filter action android name action android name category android name YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME intent filter receiver After that your GCMBroadcastReceiver is able to receive the registration_id public void onReceive..
Embed a database in the .apk of a distributed application [Android] assets directory and copy it into place the first time you start your app..... final String DB_DESTINATION data data YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME databases MyDatabaseFile.db Check if the database exists before copying boolean initialiseDatabase new File DB_DESTINATION..
Where are shared preferences stored? share improve this question SharedPreferences are stored in an xml file in the app data folder i.e. data data YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME shared_prefs YOUR_PREFS_NAME.xml or the default preferences at data data YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME shared_prefs YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME_preferences.xml.. data folder i.e. data data YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME shared_prefs YOUR_PREFS_NAME.xml or the default preferences at data data YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME shared_prefs YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME_preferences.xml SharedPreferences added during runtime are not stored in the Eclipse project... shared_prefs YOUR_PREFS_NAME.xml or the default preferences at data data YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME shared_prefs YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME_preferences.xml SharedPreferences added during runtime are not stored in the Eclipse project. share improve this answer..
Detect if app was downloaded from Android Market signature of your app try PackageManager manager context.getPackageManager PackageInfo appInfo manager.getPackageInfo YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES Now test if the first signature equals your debug key. boolean shouldUseTestServer appInfo.signatures.. .equals YOUR_DEBUG_KEY catch NameNotFoundException e Expected exception that occurs if the package is not present. YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME must be something like 'com.wsl.CardioTrainer'. It must be the package name you used in your AndroidManifest.xml. Good Luck..