android Programming Glossary: ypos
Add text to image in android programmatically 2 is the distance from the baseline to the center. int yPos int canvas.getHeight 2 paint.descent paint.ascent 2 canvas.drawText.. 2 paint.descent paint.ascent 2 canvas.drawText text xPos yPos paint return new BitmapDrawable getResources bm public static..
Quick dialog using onclick search view in android anchor view. public void show View anchor preShow int xPos yPos arrowPos mDidAction false int location new int 2 anchor.getLocationOnScreen.. dyTop dyBottom true false if onTop if rootHeight dyTop yPos 15 LayoutParams l mScroller.getLayoutParams l.height dyTop.. l.height dyTop anchor.getHeight else yPos rootHeight else yPos anchorRect.bottom if rootHeight..
Android custom view Bitmap memory leak MyMapView extends View private int xPos 0 private int yPos 0 private int space 0 private Bitmap resizedBitmap private Bitmap.. canvas.drawBitmap resizedBitmap space 0 null if xPos 0 yPos 0 canvas.translate xPos space position.getWidth 2 yPos position.getHeight.. 0 yPos 0 canvas.translate xPos space position.getWidth 2 yPos position.getHeight 2 canvas.drawBitmap position new Matrix new..
How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android? boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event xPos event.getX yPos event.getY oOffset this.getThumbOffset oProgress this.getProgress.. this.getBottom this.getTop this.setProgress int 29 yPos this.getBottom return true I've managed to implement one VerticalSeekBar..
Modifying the Android seekbar widget to operate vertically 29 private int oProgress 1 oOffset 1 private float xPos 1 yPos 1 private int top 1 bottom 1 left 1 right 1 public SlideBar.. boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event xPos event.getX yPos event.getY float progress yPos this.getTop this.getBottom this.getTop.. event xPos event.getX yPos event.getY float progress yPos this.getTop this.getBottom this.getTop oOffset this.getThumbOffset..
Android custom view Bitmap memory leak Matrix new Paint public void updatePosition int xpos int ypos xPos xpos yPos ypos invalidate I call the setMapBitmap and init.. void updatePosition int xpos int ypos xPos xpos yPos ypos invalidate I call the setMapBitmap and init on onCreate of the..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android int line_height 0 int xpos getPaddingLeft int ypos getPaddingTop for int i 0 i count i final View child getChildAt.. lp.height if xpos childw width xpos getPaddingLeft ypos line_height xpos childw lp.width this.line_height line_height.. heightMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED height ypos line_height else if MeasureSpec.getMode heightMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.AT_MOST..
Add text to image in android programmatically for regulating the x position offset paint.descent paint.ascent 2 is the distance from the baseline to the center. int yPos int canvas.getHeight 2 paint.descent paint.ascent 2 canvas.drawText text xPos yPos paint return new BitmapDrawable getResources.. the baseline to the center. int yPos int canvas.getHeight 2 paint.descent paint.ascent 2 canvas.drawText text xPos yPos paint return new BitmapDrawable getResources bm public static int convertToPixels Context context int nDP final float conversionScale..
Quick dialog using onclick search view in android Popup is automatically positioned on top or bottom of anchor view. public void show View anchor preShow int xPos yPos arrowPos mDidAction false int location new int 2 anchor.getLocationOnScreen location Rect anchorRect new Rect location 0.. int dyBottom screenHeight anchorRect.bottom boolean onTop dyTop dyBottom true false if onTop if rootHeight dyTop yPos 15 LayoutParams l mScroller.getLayoutParams l.height dyTop anchor.getHeight else yPos rootHeight else yPos.. if onTop if rootHeight dyTop yPos 15 LayoutParams l mScroller.getLayoutParams l.height dyTop anchor.getHeight else yPos rootHeight else yPos anchorRect.bottom if rootHeight dyBottom LayoutParams l mScroller.getLayoutParams..
Android custom view Bitmap memory leak appears later but still there. Here is the code public class MyMapView extends View private int xPos 0 private int yPos 0 private int space 0 private Bitmap resizedBitmap private Bitmap position private Bitmap mapBitmap public void setMapBitmap.. protected void onDraw Canvas canvas if mapBitmap null canvas.drawBitmap resizedBitmap space 0 null if xPos 0 yPos 0 canvas.translate xPos space position.getWidth 2 yPos position.getHeight 2 canvas.drawBitmap position new Matrix new Paint.. null canvas.drawBitmap resizedBitmap space 0 null if xPos 0 yPos 0 canvas.translate xPos space position.getWidth 2 yPos position.getHeight 2 canvas.drawBitmap position new Matrix new Paint public void updatePosition int xpos int ypos xPos..
How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android? is my slightly adapted onTouchEvent from that example public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event xPos event.getX yPos event.getY oOffset this.getThumbOffset oProgress this.getProgress Code from example Not working this.setThumbOffset progress.. Code from example Not working this.setThumbOffset progress this.getBottom this.getTop this.setProgress int 29 yPos this.getBottom return true I've managed to implement one VerticalSeekBar in which the progress updates as expected and..
Modifying the Android seekbar widget to operate vertically SlideBar extends SeekBar private int oHeight 320 oWidth 29 private int oProgress 1 oOffset 1 private float xPos 1 yPos 1 private int top 1 bottom 1 left 1 right 1 public SlideBar Context context super context public SlideBar Context context.. c c.rotate 90 c.translate 0 29 super.onDraw c public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event xPos event.getX yPos event.getY float progress yPos this.getTop this.getBottom this.getTop oOffset this.getThumbOffset oProgress this.getProgress.. 0 29 super.onDraw c public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event xPos event.getX yPos event.getY float progress yPos this.getTop this.getBottom this.getTop oOffset this.getThumbOffset oProgress this.getProgress Log.d offset System.nanoTime..
Android custom view Bitmap memory leak 2 yPos position.getHeight 2 canvas.drawBitmap position new Matrix new Paint public void updatePosition int xpos int ypos xPos xpos yPos ypos invalidate I call the setMapBitmap and init on onCreate of the activity that contains the view. In there.. 2 canvas.drawBitmap position new Matrix new Paint public void updatePosition int xpos int ypos xPos xpos yPos ypos invalidate I call the setMapBitmap and init on onCreate of the activity that contains the view. In there I know what bitmap..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android getPaddingTop getPaddingBottom final int count getChildCount int line_height 0 int xpos getPaddingLeft int ypos getPaddingTop for int i 0 i count i final View child getChildAt i if child.getVisibility GONE final LayoutParams lp LayoutParams.. line_height Math.max line_height child.getMeasuredHeight lp.height if xpos childw width xpos getPaddingLeft ypos line_height xpos childw lp.width this.line_height line_height if MeasureSpec.getMode heightMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED.. childw lp.width this.line_height line_height if MeasureSpec.getMode heightMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED height ypos line_height else if MeasureSpec.getMode heightMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.AT_MOST if ypos line_height height height ypos line_height..