android Programming Glossary: y3
Extract black and white image from android camera's NV21 format byte data int width int height int size width height int offset size int pixels new int size int u v y1 y2 y3 y4 i percorre os Y and the final pixels k percorre os pixles U e V for int i 0 k 0 i size i 2 k 2 y1 data i 0xff y2 data.. os Y and the final pixels k percorre os pixles U e V for int i 0 k 0 i size i 2 k 2 y1 data i 0xff y2 data i 1 0xff y3 data width i 0xff y4 data width i 1 0xff u data offset k 0xff v data offset k 1 0xff u u 128 v v 128 pixels i convertYUVtoRGB.. 0xff u u 128 v v 128 pixels i convertYUVtoRGB y1 u v pixels i 1 convertYUVtoRGB y2 u v pixels width i convertYUVtoRGB y3 u v pixels width i 1 convertYUVtoRGB y4 u v if i 0 i 2 width 0 i width return pixels private static int convertYUVtoRGB..
Bezier curve and canvas simply need to calculate the middle point and pass then your three points to quadTo .. Some code for you x1 y1 and x3 y3 are your starting and ending points respectively. create the paint object only once e.g. in your constructor Paint paint..