android Programming Glossary: year
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? How the parent is notified that the date is set. @param year The initial year of the dialog. @param monthOfYear The initial.. is notified that the date is set. @param year The initial year of the dialog. @param monthOfYear The initial month of the dialog... Context context OnDateSetListener callBack int year int monthOfYear int dayOfMonth this context 0 callBack year..
Current Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android FQL 1st's day of the current month 17 Today's month of the year 01 End date day of the current month 31 Make sure days and months.. Calendar.MONTH 1 public static Date getLastDateOfMonth int year int month Calendar calendar new GregorianCalendar year month.. int year int month Calendar calendar new GregorianCalendar year month Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH calendar.set Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH..
handle textview link click in my android app share improve this question Coming at this almost a year later there's a different manner in which I solved my particular..
Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android? final String MODEL model public static final String YEAR year private static final String DATABASE_TABLE cars private DatabaseHelper.. a 1 to indicate failure. @param name @param model @param year @return rowId or 1 if failed public long createCar String name.. public long createCar String name String model String year ContentValues initialValues new ContentValues initialValues.put..
How do you format date and time in Android? to the device configuration a date and time when having year month day hour and minute android date time formatting format..
What work has been done on cross-platform mobile development? [closed] moment but is likely to improve tremendously in the next year or two. Google for HTML5 apps for information and resources...
how to get current week days in calender TextView currentMonth private Button selectedDayMonthYearButton private ImageView prevMonth private ImageView nextMonth.. Calendar.YEAR Log.d tag Calendar Instance Month month Year year selectedDayMonthYearButton Button this .findViewById Calendar Instance Month month Year year selectedDayMonthYearButton Button this .findViewById selectedDayMonthYearButton.setText..
Android Calendar View for Date Picker place of the DatePicker interface which has Month Day and Year fields each with an up and down button to increment decrement...
how to parse the value in the attribute in xml parsing Tech RandomHero FlooRLayer Scooty OH Mazik Boodang 10 Year Anniversary Promo Mix audio http api audio The_Grimey_Tech.. description The Grimey Tech RandomHero.. Tech RandomHero FlooRLayer Scooty OH Mazik Boodang 10 Year Anniversary Promo Mix createddate 23 01 2011 thumbnail http..
How can I get Date in MM/DD/YY format from Timestamp Log.d Date cal.DAY_OF_MONTH Log.d Month cal.MONTH Log.d Year cal.YEAR But its gives the output like below Date 5 Month 2.. But its gives the output like below Date 5 Month 2 Year 1 The correct date is 24 May 2010 for Timestamp 1306249409 Note..
Parsing JSON string in android that into a string which looks like this. Make Ford Year 1975 Model Mustang I want to be able to send this string to..
Android: How to change the DatePicker view date format from MM/dd/yyyy to dd/MM/yyyy? specific folder. Since the system's layout is Month Day Year people in other places may expect that order. share improve..
Android : Samsung Galaxy Tabs and Android 2.2 Devices Showing GPS date 1 Day Advance from 1st jan 2012 sArrNMEA 9 .substring 2 4 if Month 0 Month Month 1 int Year Integer.parseInt sArrNMEA 9 .substring 4 Year 2000 Year if.. 1 int Year Integer.parseInt sArrNMEA 9 .substring 4 Year 2000 Year if sArrNMEA 1 .equals Calendar cal Calendar.getInstance.. Year Integer.parseInt sArrNMEA 9 .substring 4 Year 2000 Year if sArrNMEA 1 .equals Calendar cal Calendar.getInstance TimeZone..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? context The context the dialog is to run in. @param callBack How the parent is notified that the date is set. @param year The initial year of the dialog. @param monthOfYear The initial month of the dialog. @param dayOfMonth The initial day of.. the dialog is to run in. @param callBack How the parent is notified that the date is set. @param year The initial year of the dialog. @param monthOfYear The initial month of the dialog. @param dayOfMonth The initial day of the dialog. public.. dayOfMonth The initial day of the dialog. public DatePickerDialog Context context OnDateSetListener callBack int year int monthOfYear int dayOfMonth this context 0 callBack year monthOfYear dayOfMonth @param context The context the dialog..
Current Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android values using language you are using and use them in your FQL 1st's day of the current month 17 Today's month of the year 01 End date day of the current month 31 Make sure days and months are formatted using dd and MM respectively padded with.. Calendar cal Calendar.getInstance int currentmonth cal.get Calendar.MONTH 1 public static Date getLastDateOfMonth int year int month Calendar calendar new GregorianCalendar year month Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH calendar.set Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH calendar.getActualMaximum.. Calendar.MONTH 1 public static Date getLastDateOfMonth int year int month Calendar calendar new GregorianCalendar year month Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH calendar.set Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH calendar.getActualMaximum Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH return calendar.getTime..
handle textview link click in my android app href value of the link as an input parameter android textview share improve this question Coming at this almost a year later there's a different manner in which I solved my particular problem. Since I wanted the link to be handled by my own..
Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android? ROW_ID _id public static final String NAME name public static final String MODEL model public static final String YEAR year private static final String DATABASE_TABLE cars private DatabaseHelper mDbHelper private SQLiteDatabase mDb private final.. created return the new rowId for that car otherwise return a 1 to indicate failure. @param name @param model @param year @return rowId or 1 if failed public long createCar String name String model String year ContentValues initialValues new.. name @param model @param year @return rowId or 1 if failed public long createCar String name String model String year ContentValues initialValues new ContentValues initialValues.put NAME name initialValues.put MODEL model initialValues.put..
How do you format date and time in Android? and time in Android How do you format correctly according to the device configuration a date and time when having year month day hour and minute android date time formatting format share improve this question Use the standard Java DateFormat..
What work has been done on cross-platform mobile development? [closed] iStore for the iPhone. The support for this is patchy at the moment but is likely to improve tremendously in the next year or two. Google for HTML5 apps for information and resources. A good introduction to HTML5 is the online book Dive Into HTML5..
how to get current week days in calender private static final String tag MyCalendarActivity private TextView currentMonth private Button selectedDayMonthYearButton private ImageView prevMonth private ImageView nextMonth private GridView calendarView private GridCellAdapter adapter.. month _calendar.get Calendar.MONTH 1 year _calendar.get Calendar.YEAR Log.d tag Calendar Instance Month month Year year selectedDayMonthYearButton Button this .findViewById selectedDayMonthYearButton.setText.. Calendar.MONTH 1 year _calendar.get Calendar.YEAR Log.d tag Calendar Instance Month month Year year selectedDayMonthYearButton Button this .findViewById selectedDayMonthYearButton.setText Selected prevMonth ImageView..
Android Calendar View for Date Picker a calendar grid something like this I want to use that in place of the DatePicker interface which has Month Day and Year fields each with an up and down button to increment decrement. Is this type of functionality built into any Android widget..
how to parse the value in the attribute in xml parsing api thumb boodean_logo.png audio title The Grimey Tech RandomHero FlooRLayer Scooty OH Mazik Boodang 10 Year Anniversary Promo Mix audio http api audio The_Grimey_Tech The_Grimey_Tech_RandomHero_FlooRLayer_Scooty_OH_Mazik_Boodang_10_Year_Anniversary_Promo_Mix.mp3.. audio http api audio The_Grimey_Tech The_Grimey_Tech_RandomHero_FlooRLayer_Scooty_OH_Mazik_Boodang_10_Year_Anniversary_Promo_Mix.mp3 description The Grimey Tech RandomHero FlooRLayer Scooty OH Mazik Boodang 10 Year Anniversary.. description The Grimey Tech RandomHero FlooRLayer Scooty OH Mazik Boodang 10 Year Anniversary Promo Mix createddate 23 01 2011 thumbnail http api thumb boodean_logo.png audio title The Grimey..
How can I get Date in MM/DD/YY format from Timestamp cal.setTimeInMillis Long.parseLong 1306249409 Log.d Date cal.DAY_OF_MONTH Log.d Month cal.MONTH Log.d Year cal.YEAR But its gives the output like below Date 5 Month 2 Year 1 The correct date is 24 May 2010 for Timestamp 1306249409.. Date cal.DAY_OF_MONTH Log.d Month cal.MONTH Log.d Year cal.YEAR But its gives the output like below Date 5 Month 2 Year 1 The correct date is 24 May 2010 for Timestamp 1306249409 Note Timestamp is received by a webservice which is used in my..
Parsing JSON string in android I am receiving an HttpEntity from the server. I am then turning that into a string which looks like this. Make Ford Year 1975 Model Mustang I want to be able to send this string to my parseJSON String jString method and it return a key value..
Android: How to change the DatePicker view date format from MM/dd/yyyy to dd/MM/yyyy?
Android : Samsung Galaxy Tabs and Android 2.2 Devices Showing GPS date 1 Day Advance from 1st jan 2012 sArrNMEA 9 .substring 0 2 int Month Integer.parseInt sArrNMEA 9 .substring 2 4 if Month 0 Month Month 1 int Year Integer.parseInt sArrNMEA 9 .substring 4 Year 2000 Year if sArrNMEA 1 .equals Calendar cal Calendar.getInstance TimeZone.. sArrNMEA 9 .substring 2 4 if Month 0 Month Month 1 int Year Integer.parseInt sArrNMEA 9 .substring 4 Year 2000 Year if sArrNMEA 1 .equals Calendar cal Calendar.getInstance TimeZone .getTimeZone UTC cal.set Year Month Day.. sArrNMEA 9 .substring 2 4 if Month 0 Month Month 1 int Year Integer.parseInt sArrNMEA 9 .substring 4 Year 2000 Year if sArrNMEA 1 .equals Calendar cal Calendar.getInstance TimeZone .getTimeZone UTC cal.set Year Month Day Hr Mins Secs..
how to get current week days in calender _calendar Calendar.getInstance Locale.getDefault month _calendar.get Calendar.MONTH 1 year _calendar.get Calendar.YEAR Log.d tag Calendar Instance Month month Year year selectedDayMonthYearButton Button this .findViewById space to Add trailingSpaces Log.d tag No. of Days in Previous Month daysInPrevMonth if cal.isLeapYear cal.get Calendar.YEAR if mm 2 daysInMonth else if mm 3 daysInPrevMonth Trailing Month days for int i 0 i trailingSpaces i Log.d tag PREV.. list.add String.valueOf i 1 GREY getMonthAsString nextMonth nextYear NOTE YOU NEED TO IMPLEMENT THIS PART Given the YEAR MONTH retrieve ALL entries from a SQLite database for that month. Iterate over the List of All entries and get the dateCreated..
Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android? ROW_ID _id public static final String NAME name public static final String MODEL model public static final String YEAR year private static final String DATABASE_TABLE cars private DatabaseHelper mDbHelper private SQLiteDatabase mDb private.. initialValues new ContentValues initialValues.put NAME name initialValues.put MODEL model initialValues.put YEAR year return this.mDb.insert DATABASE_TABLE null initialValues Delete the car with the given rowId @param rowId @return.. Cursor over all cars public Cursor getAllCars return this.mDb.query DATABASE_TABLE new String ROW_ID NAME MODEL YEAR null null null null null Return a Cursor positioned at the car that matches the given rowId @param rowId @return Cursor..