android Programming Glossary: yesterday
Android app: After successfully sending apprequests, friends did not get Notifications improve this question I had the same issue solved it yesterday Log in to your edit app page on Facebook https
Android eclipse editor: Unable to edit properties it in ADT 21 and if you download Preview 4 released yesterday you can see the new behavior. Here's the fix https android
How can i update my ADT in eclipse? Currently i have till 2.2 android sdk in my eclipse yesterday i have updated my eclipse like this I eclipse window android..
This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. (via Bazaar) at the moment. The comment is from Zhelyazko Atanasov yesterday at 23 18 I don't know how to link directly to it Also you don't..
How to display count of notifications in app launcher icon over application launcher icon on android Nevertheless yesterday I updated the facebook app and it started to show a counter..
Android 4.3 Bluetooth Low Energy unstable that TI released an android app for the SensorTag yesterday. However this app has the same problem. I tested this on two..
How to link to Android Market app share improve this question I was looking into this yesterday and what a coincidence the new Android Market was just released..
Android custom layout custom layout I spent sometime yesterday struggling with android layouts ... or better custom layouts..
Silent installation on Android devices found here in the FAQ . The fast web install worked for me yesterday but it doesn't work anymore today. What's wrong The permission..
Android Linkify both web and @mentions all in the same TextView and @mentions all in the same TextView Ok so I asked this yesterday AutoLink @mentions in a twitter client I got my @mentions linking..
Detect the beginning of a sound or voice in Android think so though because I actually read all about this yesterday the phone doesn't actually do the recognizing it just opens..
Android - R cannot be resolved to a variable [duplicate] the cause. My project and code is fine as it was running yesterday. I have open Eclipse today and the whole project looks like..
Enable and disable a Broadcast Receiver I also called the method from inside an Activity yesterday. I thought it worked but today nothing works anymore. Could.. that I misinterpreted yesterday as disabling the receiver Is the approach with the PackageManager..
Help with passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity and parcelable Activity So I've been googling most of yesterday and last nite and just can't seem to wrap my head around how..
Eclipse Indigo - Cannot install Android ADT Plugin
How to create map tiles from OpenStreetMap offline, display it on Android? have a chance to actually run the code that I wrote up yesterday so I didn't catch a few of the errors. I just created a new..
Eclipse: won't let me use Android SDK, wrongly claims my ADT is out of date for Android with Eclipse and all was working well until yesterday. I used Ninite to update all my stuff including JREs and everything..
Android SDK installation issue - Peer not authenticated and I had installed the SDK comfortably on the same setup yesterday. android eclipse share improve this question As a workaround..
how to not allow user select past date in datepicker? select the past date in datepicker it should not accept yesterday date. My application will prompt message to inform user cant..
SecurityException: Unable to find field for dex.jar android Unable to find field for dex.jar android Yesterday evening I upgrade to ADT 21 and restarted eclipse. Then eclipse..
Google Play Services update Play Services update Yesterday API 19 came out so I upgraded SDK and other including Google..
Why can't HTC Droid running OTA 2.1 communicate with RFCOMM? can't HTC Droid running OTA 2.1 communicate with RFCOMM Yesterday we received OTA Android 2.1 on my wife's HTC Droid HOORAY I..
Failed to install *.apk on device 'emulator-5554': EOF I also tried this slow android emulator to get it fixed. Yesterday it was working pretty well. Now it is so slugguish. any suggestion..
Error Message: emulator-arm.exe has stopped working I have been having issues running my first android app. Yesterday i came close to running it but my happiness was dashed when..
What is the benefit of using Fragments in Android, rather than Views? compatibility package v4 to add support for Fragments . Yesterday I did this and successfully implemented Fragments to visualize..
Can't receive mail from gmail in stackowerflow and tried all answers but it didnt work. Yesterday I found this website http a
Android app: After successfully sending apprequests, friends did not get Notifications @Override public void onCancel android facebook share improve this question I had the same issue solved it yesterday Log in to your edit app page on Facebook https apps Fill the fields for Canvas URL and Secure Canvas..
Android eclipse editor: Unable to edit properties in the new property sheet introduced in ADT 20. We've improved it in ADT 21 and if you download Preview 4 released yesterday you can see the new behavior. Here's the fix https android # c 42238 Here's ADT 21 preview http..
How can i update my ADT in eclipse? can i update my ADT in eclipse I have tryed to update my eclipse. Currently i have till 2.2 android sdk in my eclipse yesterday i have updated my eclipse like this I eclipse window android Sdk Manager i have check two check boxes from list. Tools Android..
This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. (via Bazaar) on Google running the new Map API on emulator is not possible at the moment. The comment is from Zhelyazko Atanasov yesterday at 23 18 I don't know how to link directly to it Also you don't see the via Bazaar part when running from an actual device..
How to display count of notifications in app launcher icon and the reply was not possible How to display balloon counter over application launcher icon on android Nevertheless yesterday I updated the facebook app and it started to show a counter of unread messages private messages. How come facebook app can..
Android 4.3 Bluetooth Low Energy unstable also based on the CC2541 to play around with and discovered that TI released an android app for the SensorTag yesterday. However this app has the same problem. I tested this on two other Nexus 4s with the same result Connection to the SensorTag..
How to link to Android Market app dealt with this issue. android hyperlink itunes google play share improve this question I was looking into this yesterday and what a coincidence the new Android Market was just released today Going to http details id
Android custom layout custom layout I spent sometime yesterday struggling with android layouts ... or better custom layouts . For general purposes forms the out of the box layouts that..
Silent installation on Android devices I think the clue is pretty much in this statement I found here in the FAQ . The fast web install worked for me yesterday but it doesn't work anymore today. What's wrong The permission to install apps directly on your phone needs to be refreshed..
Android Linkify both web and @mentions all in the same TextView Linkify both web and @mentions all in the same TextView Ok so I asked this yesterday AutoLink @mentions in a twitter client I got my @mentions linking correctly. But in order to get it to work I had to take..
Detect the beginning of a sound or voice in Android instead of the mic which might be able to do that. I don't think so though because I actually read all about this yesterday the phone doesn't actually do the recognizing it just opens up a live stream like a phone call to the Google servers and..
Android - R cannot be resolved to a variable [duplicate] having a issue which I have had before and I don't understand the cause. My project and code is fine as it was running yesterday. I have open Eclipse today and the whole project looks like it contains errors. I believe it is some sort of build path..
Enable and disable a Broadcast Receiver Context context Intent intent Log.d TAG in OnNetworkChanged I also called the method from inside an Activity yesterday. I thought it worked but today nothing works anymore. Could it be that there is sometimes a big delay in the intent it be that there is sometimes a big delay in the intent that I misinterpreted yesterday as disabling the receiver Is the approach with the PackageManager the right direction or is there a basic error in the idea..
Help with passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity with passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity So I've been googling most of yesterday and last nite and just can't seem to wrap my head around how to pass an arraylist to a subactivity. There are tons of examples..
Eclipse Indigo - Cannot install Android ADT Plugin
How to create map tiles from OpenStreetMap offline, display it on Android? for me. Hope this will help you get started EDIT I didn't have a chance to actually run the code that I wrote up yesterday so I didn't catch a few of the errors. I just created a new project in Eclipse dumped my code in there fixed a few things..
Eclipse: won't let me use Android SDK, wrongly claims my ADT is out of date SDK wrongly claims my ADT is out of date I'm developing for Android with Eclipse and all was working well until yesterday. I used Ninite to update all my stuff including JREs and everything pro tip do not do that and it restarted my computer..
Android SDK installation issue - Peer not authenticated to do with proxy settings etc. I am running Ubuntu 11.10 and I had installed the SDK comfortably on the same setup yesterday. android eclipse share improve this question As a workaround I enabled the Force https ... sources to be fetched using..
how to not allow user select past date in datepicker? select past date in datepicker I would like to do when user select the past date in datepicker it should not accept yesterday date. My application will prompt message to inform user cant select less than current date.anyone guide me please ...Thank..
SecurityException: Unable to find field for dex.jar android Unable to find field for dex.jar android Yesterday evening I upgrade to ADT 21 and restarted eclipse. Then eclipse said that you need to update android tool to version 21...
Google Play Services update Play Services update Yesterday API 19 came out so I upgraded SDK and other including Google Play Services now this method private boolean isGooglePlayInstalled..
Why can't HTC Droid running OTA 2.1 communicate with RFCOMM? can't HTC Droid running OTA 2.1 communicate with RFCOMM Yesterday we received OTA Android 2.1 on my wife's HTC Droid HOORAY I am finally able to load my carputer app on her phone. Well we..
Failed to install *.apk on device 'emulator-5554': EOF computer and Eclipse several times as well as clean projects. I also tried this slow android emulator to get it fixed. Yesterday it was working pretty well. Now it is so slugguish. any suggestion or help Thank you android failed installation share..
Error Message: emulator-arm.exe has stopped working Message emulator arm.exe has stopped working I have been having issues running my first android app. Yesterday i came close to running it but my happiness was dashed when i encountered this error emulator arm.exe has stopped working..
What is the benefit of using Fragments in Android, rather than Views? your target or minimum sdk to 4 API 1.6 and add the android compatibility package v4 to add support for Fragments . Yesterday I did this and successfully implemented Fragments to visualize data from a custom class. My question is this what is the..
Can't receive mail from gmail gmail account. But I could not do that. I read all questions in stackowerflow and tried all answers but it didnt work. Yesterday I found this website http a forum # category topic gmail reading and receiving..