android Programming Glossary: yeah
stringByEvaluatingJavascriptFromString (iOS method, what is Android equivalent?) etc. java php android ios share improve this question Yeah I miss this method greatly in Android To execute JavaScript..
Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3 b bos.toByteArray if b null Toast.makeText this Success Yeah b Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show While as all the three 1 uriLargeImage.. message Toast.makeText this SavedYeah B1 Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show BitmapFactory.Options opts new BitmapFactory.Options..
Does anyone have benchmarks (code & results) comparing performance of Android apps written in Xamarin C# and Java? java android xamarin dot42 share improve this question Yeah Xamarin's Mono virtual machine is more impressive than Google's..
Android ListView Selection Problem long post. Thanks android share improve this question Yeah From an iOS developer's perspective I find that it is extremely..
Android file uploader with server-side php php android file upload share improve this question Yeah so I found the java side of things. This works so... yeah. public..
Are there any huge differences between objective-c and Java, or iPhone and Android? environments add rather than reduce complexity long term. Yeah it sounds neat but usually you get 90 what you want easily and..
Add a new activity to the AndroidManifest? application uses sdk android minSdkVersion 4 Yeah so where do i put it in eclipse android share improve this..
Android Toast started from Service only displays once retartConnection android share improve this question Yeah you could go with the runOnUiThread that's a legit way. Also..
android.util.Log when publishing - what can I do / not do performance so not running this would be an added bonus. Yeah so basically I'm looking for a way to toggle my debug on and..
Localization and drawables rightly. Pretty sure it's one of the Android Tutorials. Yeah here it is http resources tutorials localization..
unsigned APK can not be installed of non Market application on my phone Any ideas Yeah I found the problem see my answer below I did not know that..
Android: “Path for project must have only one segment”
Using Phonegap for Native Application development [closed] out that developing native apps for iOS is better etc.. Yeah if you have the time and knowledge to learn that of course native..
How to invoke the ActionBar's ContextMenu-like behavior? android android 3.0 share improve this question Yeah I couldn't find it either I had to ask at Google I O. Use startActionMode..
Preventing/catching “IllegalArgumentException: parameter must be a descendant of this view” error with some focusable components inside mostly EditText s . Yeah I know this isn't exactly recommended but in general almost..
android performance jquery phonegap issue performance phonegap share improve this question Yeah Android's web view is not exactly optimized for some of the..
BadParcelableException: ClassNotFoundException when unmarshalling a key to store map under a Bundle to put into a Parcel oh yeah private static final String MAP_KEY MAP Indicates this event..
What is the difference between the states selected, checked and activated in Android? the views in the current selection set are activated. Um yeah we are deeply sorry about the terminology here. The activated..
Referencing an XML string in an XML Array (Android) do I do that android share improve this question oh yeah that is what I meant. This is how I did it. string array name..
Android file uploader with server-side php Yeah so I found the java side of things. This works so... yeah. public class Uploader extends Activity private String Tag UPLOADER..
Android: high quality image resizing / scaling scaleWidth newWidth float scaleHeight scaleWidth aspect yeah create a matrix for the manipulation Matrix matrix new Matrix..
How to check if Flash is installed? Flash android flash share improve this question Uhm yeah. My code posted above does Intent checking which isn't working..
Grid of images inside ScrollView scrollview share improve this question Oh boy yeah you're gonna have trouble with this one. It drives me nuts that..
MoPub for Android support at the time and had them active within 24 hours So yeah I'd say go for it ... and if you have doubts just email them..
Android - implementing startForeground for a service? new Notification startForeground 1 notification So yeah I'm a bit lost and unsure of how to implement this. android..
keytool with Android Facebook SDK me a code in the form of 'ga0RGNYHvTR5d3SVDEfpQQAPGJ1 ' So yeah was just looking for a confirmation that I'm doing the right..
Can't see a file in Windows written by an android app on sd-card unless I “Force Close” the app new BufferedWriter new FileWriter file writer.write str n yeah str has a value there writer.close The program does its job..
Android : Samsung Galaxy Tabs and Android 2.2 Devices Showing GPS date 1 Day Advance from 1st jan 2012 problem lies with the devices using Broadcomm yeah Use the above code. it seems to work for me will have to check..
stringByEvaluatingJavascriptFromString (iOS method, what is Android equivalent?) when the user clicks the link or posts it to facebook etc. java php android ios share improve this question Yeah I miss this method greatly in Android To execute JavaScript and get response you can do as follows Define JavaScript callback..
Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3 photo.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 100 bos b bos.toByteArray if b null Toast.makeText this Success Yeah b Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show While as all the three 1 uriLargeImage 2 largeImagePath 3 uriThumbnailImage return me the path.. if savedInstanceState null Bitmap Zatang String B1 savedInstanceState.getString message Toast.makeText this SavedYeah B1 Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show BitmapFactory.Options opts new BitmapFactory.Options opts.inSampleSize OG Zatang BitmapFactory.decodeFile..
Does anyone have benchmarks (code & results) comparing performance of Android apps written in Xamarin C# and Java? the current dot42 code and very well with Xamarin. Greg c# java android xamarin dot42 share improve this question Yeah Xamarin's Mono virtual machine is more impressive than Google's Dalvik used in Android. I have tested it with HTC Flyer..
Android ListView Selection Problem with the ListView left the screen. Sorry again for the long post. Thanks android share improve this question Yeah From an iOS developer's perspective I find that it is extremely hard to apply features like set default selection when starting..
Android file uploader with server-side php loss. Thanks NS PS. I have no experience in PHP coding. java php android file upload share improve this question Yeah so I found the java side of things. This works so... yeah. public class Uploader extends Activity private String Tag UPLOADER..
Are there any huge differences between objective-c and Java, or iPhone and Android? very tightly with the hardware. Cross platform development environments add rather than reduce complexity long term. Yeah it sounds neat but usually you get 90 what you want easily and then you hit a roadblock that destroys all the savings you..
Add a new activity to the AndroidManifest? how do I add these 3 activities do the AndroidManifest my manifest application uses sdk android minSdkVersion 4 Yeah so where do i put it in eclipse android share improve this question You put it inside your your application tags. Like..
Android Toast started from Service only displays once this.toString Exception e.toString e.printStackTrace end retartConnection android share improve this question Yeah you could go with the runOnUiThread that's a legit way. Also you could try the Handler alternative. Either way it should..
android.util.Log when publishing - what can I do / not do stripped out at runtime but it is still ran losing a little performance so not running this would be an added bonus. Yeah so basically I'm looking for a way to toggle my debug on and off programatically this can also allow me later on to make..
Localization and drawables
unsigned APK can not be installed not installed . I have already checked the Allow installation of non Market application on my phone Any ideas Yeah I found the problem see my answer below I did not know that even with the Allow Installation of non Marked application I..
Android: “Path for project must have only one segment”
Using Phonegap for Native Application development [closed] what you want to do and what you know how to do. Matt pointed out that developing native apps for iOS is better etc.. Yeah if you have the time and knowledge to learn that of course native will be better. But PhoneGap is made for web developers..
How to invoke the ActionBar's ContextMenu-like behavior? items of course I just couldn't find this in the docs. Thanks android android 3.0 share improve this question Yeah I couldn't find it either I had to ask at Google I O. Use startActionMode . Here is one of their samples that demonstrates..
Preventing/catching “IllegalArgumentException: parameter must be a descendant of this view” error be a descendant of this view&rdquo error I have a ListView with some focusable components inside mostly EditText s . Yeah I know this isn't exactly recommended but in general almost everything is working fine and the focus goes where it has to..
android performance jquery phonegap issue do we optimize the dom loading in Android jquery android performance phonegap share improve this question Yeah Android's web view is not exactly optimized for some of the fancy things that jQuery does. My advice is to try the latest..
BadParcelableException: ClassNotFoundException when unmarshalling events public static final int MSG_WHAT 0xDEFECABE Defines a key to store map under a Bundle to put into a Parcel oh yeah private static final String MAP_KEY MAP Indicates this event ID. This ID should be the same in the event answer if any private..
What is the difference between the states selected, checked and activated in Android? in a list view with single or multiple selection enabled the views in the current selection set are activated. Um yeah we are deeply sorry about the terminology here. The activated state is propagated down to children of the view it is set..
Referencing an XML string in an XML Array (Android) the string in the array My item 1 from strings.xml. How do I do that android share improve this question oh yeah that is what I meant. This is how I did it. string array name my_items item @string item1 item item @string item2 item item..
Android file uploader with server-side php java php android file upload share improve this question Yeah so I found the java side of things. This works so... yeah. public class Uploader extends Activity private String Tag UPLOADER private String urlString YOUR_ONLINE_PHP HttpURLConnection..
Android: high quality image resizing / scaling int height bm.getHeight float aspect float width height float scaleWidth newWidth float scaleHeight scaleWidth aspect yeah create a matrix for the manipulation Matrix matrix new Matrix resize the bit map matrix.postScale scaleWidth width scaleHeight..
How to check if Flash is installed? false. Is there a better more reliable method to check for Flash android flash share improve this question Uhm yeah. My code posted above does Intent checking which isn't working for the flashplayer no public intents i guess . The more..
Grid of images inside ScrollView disabled in the GridView. android user interface gridview imageview scrollview share improve this question Oh boy yeah you're gonna have trouble with this one. It drives me nuts that ListViews and GridViews can't be expanded to wrap their..
MoPub for Android with an ad network I was desperate to use that they didn't support at the time and had them active within 24 hours So yeah I'd say go for it ... and if you have doubts just email them I'm sure they'll be happy to talk to you. I also find this..
Android - implementing startForeground for a service? onCreate I try the startForeground ... Notification notification new Notification startForeground 1 notification So yeah I'm a bit lost and unsure of how to implement this. android service share improve this question I'd start by completely..
keytool with Android Facebook SDK but if I enter an incorrect password it still returns me a code in the form of 'ga0RGNYHvTR5d3SVDEfpQQAPGJ1 ' So yeah was just looking for a confirmation that I'm doing the right thing and this is the output expected java android facebook..
Can't see a file in Windows written by an android app on sd-card unless I “Force Close” the app .getAbsolutePath Files hello.txt BufferedWriter writer new BufferedWriter new FileWriter file writer.write str n yeah str has a value there writer.close The program does its job and it gets finished. Now I hit the back button on Android to..
Android : Samsung Galaxy Tabs and Android 2.2 Devices Showing GPS date 1 Day Advance from 1st jan 2012 for a while so not sure about the SGT They have said the problem lies with the devices using Broadcomm yeah Use the above code. it seems to work for me will have to check it on a few other devices but yeah share improve this answer..