android Programming Glossary: yuvimage
BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray() is returning NULL JPG Size previewSize camera.getParameters .getPreviewSize YuvImage yuvimage new YuvImage data ImageFormat.NV21 previewSize.width.. camera.getParameters .getPreviewSize YuvImage yuvimage new YuvImage data ImageFormat.NV21 previewSize.width previewSize.height null..
Android - Problem whith converting preview frame to bitmap to bitmap no need for that YUV decoding code thanks to YuvImage class. import @Override public void.. code thanks to YuvImage class. import @Override public void onPreviewFrame byte data Camera camera.. camera.getParameters Size size parameters.getPreviewSize YuvImage image new YuvImage data parameters.getPreviewFormat size.width..
Android byte[] to image in Camera.onPreviewFrame This has been hard to find But since API 8 there is a YuvImage class in It's not an Image descendent so all.. Image if that's what you need. import @Override public void onPreviewFrame byte data Camera camera.. camera.getParameters Size size parameters.getPreviewSize YuvImage image new YuvImage data parameters.getPreviewFormat size.width..
How Can I Access an SSL Connection Through Android?
Android: how to display camera preview with callback? is about 6fps. baos new ByteOutputStream yuvimage new YuvImage cameraFrame ImageFormat.NV21 prevX prevY null yuvimage.compressToJpeg..
Apply custom filters to camera output mCamera.startPreview private ByteOutputStream baos private YuvImage yuvimage private byte jdata private Bitmap bmp private Paint.. Canvas canvas baos new ByteOutputStream yuvimage new YuvImage cameraFrame ImageFormat.NV21 prevX prevY null yuvimage.compressToJpeg..
Displaying YUV Image in Android and it may take less time on Yuv Format data because YuvImage class is provided with Android SDK. You can try this ByteArrayOutputStream.. this ByteArrayOutputStream out new ByteArrayOutputStream YuvImage yuvImage new YuvImage data PictureFormat.NV21 width height null.. out new ByteArrayOutputStream YuvImage yuvImage new YuvImage data PictureFormat.NV21 width height null yuvImage.compressToJpeg..
BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray() is returning NULL Android 2.1 Thanks to off3nsiv3 from this page . Convert to JPG Size previewSize camera.getParameters .getPreviewSize YuvImage yuvimage new YuvImage data ImageFormat.NV21 previewSize.width previewSize.height null ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream.. off3nsiv3 from this page . Convert to JPG Size previewSize camera.getParameters .getPreviewSize YuvImage yuvimage new YuvImage data ImageFormat.NV21 previewSize.width previewSize.height null ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream yuvimage.compressToJpeg..
Android - Problem whith converting preview frame to bitmap Simply saving to a jpeg is an easier task than converting to bitmap no need for that YUV decoding code thanks to YuvImage class. import @Override public void onPreviewFrame byte data Camera camera try Camera.Parameters.. task than converting to bitmap no need for that YUV decoding code thanks to YuvImage class. import @Override public void onPreviewFrame byte data Camera camera try Camera.Parameters parameters camera.getParameters Size.. byte data Camera camera try Camera.Parameters parameters camera.getParameters Size size parameters.getPreviewSize YuvImage image new YuvImage data parameters.getPreviewFormat size.width size.height null File file new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..
Android byte[] to image in Camera.onPreviewFrame android image byte decoding share improve this question This has been hard to find But since API 8 there is a YuvImage class in It's not an Image descendent so all you can do with it is save it to Jpeg but you could save.. you could save it to memory stream and then load into Bitmap Image if that's what you need. import @Override public void onPreviewFrame byte data Camera camera try Camera.Parameters parameters camera.getParameters Size.. byte data Camera camera try Camera.Parameters parameters camera.getParameters Size size parameters.getPreviewSize YuvImage image new YuvImage data parameters.getPreviewFormat size.width size.height null File file new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..
How Can I Access an SSL Connection Through Android?
Android: how to display camera preview with callback? on a SurfaceView as a Bitmap. It works but the performance is about 6fps. baos new ByteOutputStream yuvimage new YuvImage cameraFrame ImageFormat.NV21 prevX prevY null yuvimage.compressToJpeg new Rect 0 0 prevX prevY 80 baos jdata baos.toByteArray..
Apply custom filters to camera output buffer has to be called once sowhere before you call mCamera.startPreview private ByteOutputStream baos private YuvImage yuvimage private byte jdata private Bitmap bmp private Paint paint @Override from SurfaceView public void onDraw Canvas.. private Paint paint @Override from SurfaceView public void onDraw Canvas canvas baos new ByteOutputStream yuvimage new YuvImage cameraFrame ImageFormat.NV21 prevX prevY null yuvimage.compressToJpeg new Rect 0 0 width height 80 baos width and height..
Displaying YUV Image in Android share improve this question Following code solve your problem and it may take less time on Yuv Format data because YuvImage class is provided with Android SDK. You can try this ByteArrayOutputStream out new ByteArrayOutputStream YuvImage yuvImage.. YuvImage class is provided with Android SDK. You can try this ByteArrayOutputStream out new ByteArrayOutputStream YuvImage yuvImage new YuvImage data PictureFormat.NV21 width height null yuvImage.compressToJpeg new Rect 0 0 width height 50 out.. provided with Android SDK. You can try this ByteArrayOutputStream out new ByteArrayOutputStream YuvImage yuvImage new YuvImage data PictureFormat.NV21 width height null yuvImage.compressToJpeg new Rect 0 0 width height 50 out byte imageBytes out.toByteArray..