android Programming Glossary: you'll
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue app dashboard. For Android if you check your logcat you'll see that after pressing Okay there should be an error message.. the source and did not add your hash key to the dashboard you'll see this error in logcat after pressing Okay in the native SSO..
Draw text in OpenGL ES (Android) them integrated and running. But at least once you do that you'll have all the flexibility and maturity they provide. share improve..
Android: crashes with getApplicationContext milliseconds IIRC 300 400 seemed to work for me but you'll need to tinker that opens your ProgressDialog and starts anything..
Retrieve incoming call's phone number in Android onCallStateChanged handler one of the supplied arguments you'll get is a String containing the incoming phone number. share..
Using ZXing to create an android barcode scanning app ZXing isn't installed . Once a barcode has been recognised you'll receive the result in your Activity here in the contents variable...
How to send email from my Android application?
Clicking URLs opens default browser share improve this question If you're using a WebView you'll have to intercept the clicks yourself if you don't want the..
How to implement my very own URI scheme on Android an intent filter with the data element filled out and you'll be able to create your own scheme. More on intent filters and..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? connection but it really doesn't. Call the read only and you'll get the write database connection regardless. So one helper..
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app? activity android share improve this question I think you'll want to look at the intent filter element of your Mainfest file... the documentation for the data sub element. Basically what you'll need to do is define your own scheme. Something along the lines..
Android - Camera preview is sideways I had assumed it would have been clockwise . In the code you'll see I didn't need to do any display rotation when the phone..
Android Lock Screen Widget something temporary like while music is playing or similar you'll probably mostly be okay. If you're trying to create a custom..
FFMPEG on Android out there on how to work with the NDK. Basically you'll need to write some C C code to export the functionality you..
Install apps silently, with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission finish else if v mCancel Cancel and finish finish Then you'll notice that actual installer is located in InstallAppProgress.. located in InstallAppProgress class. Inspecting that class you'll find that initView is the core installer function and the final..
How to Consume WCF Service with Android little picky when inter operating with non WCF clients so you'll have to mess with the POST headers a little to get it to work...
Separate Back Stack for each tab in Android using Fragments a lot of subtle tweaks of behavior depending on context so you'll definitely need to do your own back stack management rather..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? change so the ViewPager's fragments do. The code you'll find below says that every time activity is created I try to..
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget For simplicity I've used only images for mdpi density. You'll have to create 9 patches for multiple screen densities if you..
How to test the performance of an Android application? the emulator you'll need to add an SD card to your AVD . You'll need to give you app permission to write the SD card by adding..
How to programmatically get the devices IMEI/ESN in Android uniquely identifies the device IMEI on GSM MEID for CDMA . You'll need the uses permission android name android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE..
How to get Latitude and Longitude of the mobiledevice in android? LocationManager.GPS 2000 10 locationListener You'll need to give your application the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission..
How to load an ImageView by URL in Android? android bitmap imageview share improve this question You'll have to download the image firstly public static Bitmap loadBitmap..
How do I prevent an Android device from going to sleep programmatically? programmatically android share improve this question You'll probably want to use a wakelock . Example from the docs PowerManager..
Allow user to select camera or gallery for image for any help. android share improve this question You'll have to create your own chooser dialog merging both intent resolution..
Activity restart on rotation Android you're initializing using getters and setters. NOTE You'll need to specify the name of your new Application class in the..
FFMPEG on Android . Simply place the sources under external and make away. You'll need to extract bionic libc and zlib libz from the Android build..
How to convert a image into Base64 string? Base64.encodeToString byteArrayImage Base64.DEFAULT You'll have to convert your image into a byte array though. Here's..
Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database? backupped data in place deleting the empty or old data . You'll have to somehow join it in which for any non trivial database..
Install apps silently, with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission step is to inspect PackageManager which is abstract class. You'll find installPackage ... function there. The bad news is that.. implemented take a look at PackageManagerService . Summary You'll need to get package manager object via Context 's getPackageManager..
How to set a reminder in Android? 1 values.put minutes 10 cr.insert REMINDERS_URI values You'll also need to add these permissions to your manifest for this..
How to Consume WCF Service with Android WcfTestClient.exe and for exposing the service meta data . You'll have to modify your Java code to POST a SOAP message to the..
Using AsyncTask to load Images in ListView this means that the image will be downloaded in any case. You'll just not set the wrong image on the view. EDIT First pass the..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view my answer so the common information is located at the top. You'll find the actual answer to this question at the bottom... Here's..
phonegap - splash screen for Android app represent low medium high and extra large dots per inch. You'll need to resize you slash.png for each directory or Android will..
How to force use of overflow menu on devices with menu button actions popup... is displayed at the bottom of the screen. You'll note in the screenshots phones with a physical menu button don't..
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue there is an issue with your app configuration in your Facebook app dashboard. For Android if you check your logcat you'll see that after pressing Okay there should be an error message that will display a more technical description of what is.. our Hackbook example and did not supply your own APP_ID in the source and did not add your hash key to the dashboard you'll see this error in logcat after pressing Okay in the native SSO dialog if Util.ENABLE_LOG is set to true . D Facebook authorize..
Draw text in OpenGL ES (Android)
Android: crashes with getApplicationContext going to be a hack but try launching a new Thread in a few hundred milliseconds IIRC 300 400 seemed to work for me but you'll need to tinker that opens your ProgressDialog and starts anything else you needed eg. network IO . Something like this @Override..
Retrieve incoming call's phone number in Android
Using ZXing to create an android barcode scanning app directly into the ZXing barcode scanner screen or crash if ZXing isn't installed . Once a barcode has been recognised you'll receive the result in your Activity here in the contents variable. To avoid the crashing and simplify things for you ZXing..
How to send email from my Android application?
Clicking URLs opens default browser something android url android webview android websettings share improve this question If you're using a WebView you'll have to intercept the clicks yourself if you don't want the default Android behaviour. You can monitor events in a WebView..
How to implement my very own URI scheme on Android in your AndroidManifest.xml using the data element. You setup an intent filter with the data element filled out and you'll be able to create your own scheme. More on intent filters and intent resolution here . Here's a short example activity android..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? database connection. It appears to offer you a read and write connection but it really doesn't. Call the read only and you'll get the write database connection regardless. So one helper instance one db connection. Even if you use it from multiple..
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app? android name android.intent.category.DEFAULT intent filter activity android share improve this question I think you'll want to look at the intent filter element of your Mainfest file. Specifically take a look at the documentation for the data.. element of your Mainfest file. Specifically take a look at the documentation for the data sub element. Basically what you'll need to do is define your own scheme. Something along the lines of intent filter data android scheme anton action android..
Android - Camera preview is sideways 90 degrees was turning the phone 90 degrees COUNTER CLOCKWISE I had assumed it would have been clockwise . In the code you'll see I didn't need to do any display rotation when the phone was at 90 or 180 degrees the device seemed to handle this itself...
Android Lock Screen Widget non FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED window . If you're just doing something temporary like while music is playing or similar you'll probably mostly be okay. If you're trying to create a custom lock screen then there's a lot of unusual interactions on all..
FFMPEG on Android functionality using the Android NDK . There's a lot of documentation out there on how to work with the NDK. Basically you'll need to write some C C code to export the functionality you need out of ffmpeg into a library java can interact with through..
Install apps silently, with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission this InstallAppProgress.class ... startActivity newIntent finish else if v mCancel Cancel and finish finish Then you'll notice that actual installer is located in InstallAppProgress class. Inspecting that class you'll find that initView is.. finish finish Then you'll notice that actual installer is located in InstallAppProgress class. Inspecting that class you'll find that initView is the core installer function and the final thing it does is call to PackageManager 's installPackage..
How to Consume WCF Service with Android code to POST a SOAP message to the service. WCF can be a little picky when inter operating with non WCF clients so you'll have to mess with the POST headers a little to get it to work. Once you get this running you can then start to investigate..
Separate Back Stack for each tab in Android using Fragments to get a UX that is natural to the user is going to involve a lot of subtle tweaks of behavior depending on context so you'll definitely need to do your own back stack management rather than rely on some default implementation in the framework. For..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? but .. Problem When activity goes recreated e.g. on orientation change so the ViewPager's fragments do. The code you'll find below says that every time activity is created I try to create a new ViewPager fragments adapter the same as fragments..
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget your own. Here's my customized 9 patch for focused state NOTE For simplicity I've used only images for mdpi density. You'll have to create 9 patches for multiple screen densities if you want the best result on any device. Images for Holo SearchView..
How to test the performance of an Android application? the SD Card. As it is written to the SD Card If you're using the emulator you'll need to add an SD card to your AVD . You'll need to give you app permission to write the SD card by adding the following to your Manifest uses permission android name..
How to programmatically get the devices IMEI/ESN in Android . This will return whatever string uniquely identifies the device IMEI on GSM MEID for CDMA . You'll need the uses permission android name android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE permission to do this. That being said be careful..
How to get Latitude and Longitude of the mobiledevice in android? latitude location.getLatitude lm.requestLocationUpdates LocationManager.GPS 2000 10 locationListener You'll need to give your application the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission if you want to use GPS. uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION..
How to load an ImageView by URL in Android? How do you use an image referenced by URL in an ImageView android bitmap imageview share improve this question You'll have to download the image firstly public static Bitmap loadBitmap String url Bitmap bitmap null InputStream in null BufferedOutputStream..
How do I prevent an Android device from going to sleep programmatically? How do I prevent an Android device from going to sleep programmatically android share improve this question You'll probably want to use a wakelock . Example from the docs PowerManager pm PowerManager getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE..
Allow user to select camera or gallery for image Is there a better easier way to do this that I'm missing Thanks for any help. android share improve this question You'll have to create your own chooser dialog merging both intent resolution results. To do this you will need to query the PackageManager..
Activity restart on rotation Android this class as a singleton and exposing the application variables you're initializing using getters and setters. NOTE You'll need to specify the name of your new Application class in the manifest for it to be registered and used. Reacting to Configuration..
FFMPEG on Android ffmpeg android port libffmpeg using the Android Build System . Simply place the sources under external and make away. You'll need to extract bionic libc and zlib libz from the Android build as well as ffmpeg libraries depend on them. Create a dynamic..
How to convert a image into Base64 string? You can use the Base64 Android class String encodedImage Base64.encodeToString byteArrayImage Base64.DEFAULT You'll have to convert your image into a byte array though. Here's an example Bitmap bm BitmapFactory.decodeFile path to image.jpg..
Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database? into the database . So you can't presume to just restore the backupped data in place deleting the empty or old data . You'll have to somehow join it in which for any non trivial database is impossible due to the id's. How to refresh the app after..
Install apps silently, with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission mPackageURI observer installFlags installerPackageName Next step is to inspect PackageManager which is abstract class. You'll find installPackage ... function there. The bad news is that it's marked with @hide. This means it's not directly available.. in how PackageManager 's installPackage function is implemented take a look at PackageManagerService . Summary You'll need to get package manager object via Context 's getPackageManager . Then you will call installPackage function via reflection...
How to set a reminder in Android? Long.parseLong event.getLastPathSegment values.put method 1 values.put minutes 10 cr.insert REMINDERS_URI values You'll also need to add these permissions to your manifest for this method uses permission android name android.permission.READ_CALENDAR..
How to Consume WCF Service with Android is optional for production but is needed for testing with WcfTestClient.exe and for exposing the service meta data . You'll have to modify your Java code to POST a SOAP message to the service. WCF can be a little picky when inter operating with..
Using AsyncTask to load Images in ListView If yes then set the image. If no don't do anything. However this means that the image will be downloaded in any case. You'll just not set the wrong image on the view. EDIT First pass the ImageView to the task constructor new LoadImage imageView..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view listview checkbox share improve this question I edited my answer so the common information is located at the top. You'll find the actual answer to this question at the bottom... Here's the actual idea and process of recycling so you might figure..
phonegap - splash screen for Android app drawable hdpi res drawable xhdpi . Where those directories represent low medium high and extra large dots per inch. You'll need to resize you slash.png for each directory or Android will stretch it for you. The sizes of each image should be xlarge..
How to force use of overflow menu on devices with menu button is available from the menu hardware key. The resulting actions popup... is displayed at the bottom of the screen. You'll note in the screenshots phones with a physical menu button don't have an overflow menu in the ActionBar. This avoids ambiguity..