android Programming Glossary: uriplaybackpitch
Android : How to change Playback Rate of music using OpenSL ES SLpermille playbackRateStepSize Pitch static SLPitchItf uriPlaybackPitch static SLpermille playbackMinPitch 500 static SLpermille playbackMaxPitch.. uriPlayerObject GetInterface uriPlayerObject SL_IID_PITCH uriPlaybackPitch assert SL_RESULT_SUCCESS result register callback function result.. assert SL_RESULT_SUCCESS result LOGD Success result uriPlaybackPitch GetPitchCapabilities uriPlaybackPitch playbackMinPitch playbackMaxPitch..
Android : How to change Playback Rate of music using OpenSL ES 500 static SLpermille playbackMaxRate 2000 static SLpermille playbackRateStepSize Pitch static SLPitchItf uriPlaybackPitch static SLpermille playbackMinPitch 500 static SLpermille playbackMaxPitch 2000 create the engine and output mix objects.. SL_RESULT_SUCCESS result get playback pitch interface result uriPlayerObject GetInterface uriPlayerObject SL_IID_PITCH uriPlaybackPitch assert SL_RESULT_SUCCESS result register callback function result uriPlayerPlay RegisterCallback uriPlayerPlay playStatusCallback.. LOGD Feature Unsupported if SL_RESULT_SUCCESS result assert SL_RESULT_SUCCESS result LOGD Success result uriPlaybackPitch GetPitchCapabilities uriPlaybackPitch playbackMinPitch playbackMaxPitch assert SL_RESULT_SUCCESS result SLpermille minRate..