android Programming Glossary: uri.getscheme
Android OAuth: Exception on retrieveAccessToken() onResume method I load the provider and consumer data and do the following Uri uri this.getIntent .getData if uri null uri.getScheme .equals myapp uri.getHost .equals twitterOauth verifier uri.getQueryParameter oauth.signpost.OAuth.OAUTH_VERIFIER if verifier.equals..
Android Dev - Callback URL not working… (0_o) OAuthCommunicationException e e.printStackTrace uri getIntent .getData if uri null CALLBACK_URI.getScheme .equals uri.getScheme String token settings.getString HomeScreen.REQUEST_TOKEN null String secret settings.getString HomeScreen.REQUEST_SECRET..
Sending pause to dialer in Android uses the following code to extract the number you pass in to the dialer using an Intent if tel .equals uri.getScheme Put the requested number into the input area String data uri.getSchemeSpecificPart setFormattedDigits data null return true.. in to the dialer using an Intent if tel .equals uri.getScheme Put the requested number into the input area String data uri.getSchemeSpecificPart setFormattedDigits data null return true Within the setFormattedDigits method the number gets transformed thusly..
Posting LinkedIn message from Android application Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse uri startActivity i .execute void finishAuthenticate final Uri uri if uri null uri.getScheme .equals OAUTH_CALLBACK_SCHEME final String problem uri.getQueryParameter OAUTH_QUERY_PROBLEM if problem null new AsyncTask..
Android file chooser [closed] is public static String getPath Context context Uri uri throws URISyntaxException if content .equalsIgnoreCase uri.getScheme String projection _data Cursor cursor null try cursor context.getContentResolver .query uri projection null null null int..