

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:27:03

android Programming Glossary: upy

Android list view Right / Left swipes like call logs


distance for vertical swipe private float downX downY upX upY Coordinates private Action mSwipeDetected Action.None Last action.. processed case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE upX event.getX upY event.getY float deltaX downX upX float deltaY downY upY .. upY event.getY float deltaX downX upX float deltaY downY upY horizontal swipe detection if Math.abs deltaX HORIZONTAL_MIN_DISTANCE..

Android Swipe on List


final int MIN_DISTANCE 100 private float downX downY upX upY private Action mSwipeDetected Action.None public boolean swipeDetected.. to be processed case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP upX event.getX upY event.getY float deltaX downX upX float deltaY downY upY horizontal.. upY event.getY float deltaX downX upX float deltaY downY upY horizontal swipe detection if Math.abs deltaX MIN_DISTANCE..

Android OpenGL 3D picking


gl eyeX eyeY eyeZ centerX centerY centerZ upX upY upZ if pickPointTrigger pickPoint gl gl.glPushMatrix gl.glTranslatef..

Android list view Right / Left swipes like call logs


static final int VERTICAL_MIN_DISTANCE 80 The minimum distance for vertical swipe private float downX downY upX upY Coordinates private Action mSwipeDetected Action.None Last action public boolean swipeDetected return mSwipeDetected Action.None.. return false allow other events like Click to be processed case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE upX event.getX upY event.getY float deltaX downX upX float deltaY downY upY horizontal swipe detection if Math.abs deltaX HORIZONTAL_MIN_DISTANCE.. processed case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE upX event.getX upY event.getY float deltaX downX upX float deltaY downY upY horizontal swipe detection if Math.abs deltaX HORIZONTAL_MIN_DISTANCE left or right if deltaX 0 mSwipeDetected Action.LR..

Android Swipe on List


static final String logTag SwipeDetector private static final int MIN_DISTANCE 100 private float downX downY upX upY private Action mSwipeDetected Action.None public boolean swipeDetected return mSwipeDetected Action.None public Action getAction.. Action.None return false allow other events like Click to be processed case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP upX event.getX upY event.getY float deltaX downX upX float deltaY downY upY horizontal swipe detection if Math.abs deltaX MIN_DISTANCE left.. to be processed case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP upX event.getX upY event.getY float deltaX downX upX float deltaY downY upY horizontal swipe detection if Math.abs deltaX MIN_DISTANCE left or right if deltaX 0 Log.i logTag Swipe Left to Right..

Android OpenGL 3D picking


gl.glMatrixMode GL10.GL_MODELVIEW gl.glLoadIdentity GLU.gluLookAt gl eyeX eyeY eyeZ centerX centerY centerZ upX upY upZ if pickPointTrigger pickPoint gl gl.glPushMatrix gl.glTranslatef _xTranslate _yTranslate _zTranslate gl.glTranslatef..