android Programming Glossary: url.contains
Twitter API returns invalid callback - Cannot authorize up using my own custom WebViewClient with the code if url.contains MY CALLBACK final int start url.indexOf ' ' 1 final String..
Android : Html Anchor Link works only once in webview public void onPageFinished WebView view String url if url.contains # flag false myWebView.loadUrl url flag true else flag false..
Facebook friends dialog returns “Unknown method” error and insert something similar to onPageFinished if url.contains friends mTitle.setHeight 0 mTitle.setVisibility View.INVISIBLE..
How to get RTSP URL? if param1 0 .equals v id param1 1 else if url.contains embed id url.substring url.lastIndexOf 1 catch Exception..
webview shouldinterceptrequest example shouldInterceptRequest final WebView view String url if url.contains .css return getCssWebResourceResponseFromAsset else return..
Android unable to implement facebook comment in a webview due to default browser WebViewClient and on method shouldOverrideUrlLoading if url.contains https connect window_comm.php webView.clearHistory.. implemented following technique but it doesn't work if url.contains https connect window_comm.php String cookieString..
Twitter API returns invalid callback - Cannot authorize this way after following the guides I've seen online. I ended up using my own custom WebViewClient with the code if url.contains MY CALLBACK final int start url.indexOf ' ' 1 final String params url.substring start final String verifierToken oauth_verifier..
Android : Html Anchor Link works only once in webview myWebView myWebView.setWebViewClient new WebViewClient public void onPageFinished WebView view String url if url.contains # flag false myWebView.loadUrl url flag true else flag false To Open Another HTML File's Anchor Tag from One file..
Facebook friends dialog returns “Unknown method” error
How to get RTSP URL? param query.split for String row param String param1 row.split if param1 0 .equals v id param1 1 else if url.contains embed id url.substring url.lastIndexOf 1 catch Exception ex Log.e Exception ex.toString return id share improve..
webview shouldinterceptrequest example new WebViewClient @Override public WebResourceResponse shouldInterceptRequest final WebView view String url if url.contains .css return getCssWebResourceResponseFromAsset else return super.shouldInterceptRequest view url Return WebResourceResponse..
Android unable to implement facebook comment in a webview due to default browser and Yahoo login. For facebook login just create a custom WebViewClient and on method shouldOverrideUrlLoading if url.contains https connect window_comm.php webView.clearHistory webView.loadUrl remoteUrl return false To allow multiple.. remoteUrl return false To allow multiple login I have implemented following technique but it doesn't work if url.contains https connect window_comm.php String cookieString cookieManager.getCookie if cookieString..