android Programming Glossary: uri.getpath
Create and Share a File from Internal Storage files myfile.xml Log.d TAG Share URI uri.toString path uri.getPath File f new File uri.getPath Log.d TAG File length f.length.. Share URI uri.toString path uri.getPath File f new File uri.getPath Log.d TAG File length f.length shows a valid file size Intent..
Android Image Viewer from App mode throws FileNotFoundException File file new File uri.getPath ParcelFileDescriptor parcel file ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_READ_ONLY..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically column_index this is our fallback here return uri.getPath Selecting Multiple Pictures Since someone requested that information..
Launching Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent not working on saved image file this hack to fix error ... Uri hacked_uri Uri.parse file uri.getPath intent.setDataAndType hacked_uri image ... share improve this..
Convert file: Uri to File in Android share improve this question What you want is... new File uri.getPath ... and not... new File uri.toString share improve this answer..
Android: How to reference asset images from a remotely loaded html page in webview throws FileNotFoundException Log.d AssetContentProvider uri.getPath try return getContext .getAssets .openFd uri.getPath .substring.. uri.getPath try return getContext .getAssets .openFd uri.getPath .substring 1 .getParcelFileDescriptor catch IOException e Log.d.. IOException e Log.d AssetContentProvider IOException for uri.getPath throw new FileNotFoundException more methods irrelevant for..
How do I save data from Camera to disk using MediaStore on Android? intent.putExtra output uri.getPath startActivityForResult intent 0 @Override protected void..
Android file chooser [closed]
URI from Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT into File Code to send to the webserver File file new File uri.getPath new FileSystemResourceFile file I am currently able to retrieve..
Create and Share a File from Internal Storage myfile.xml uri is file data data files myfile.xml Log.d TAG Share URI uri.toString path uri.getPath File f new File uri.getPath Log.d TAG File length f.length shows a valid file size Intent shareIntent new Intent shareIntent.setAction.. is file data data files myfile.xml Log.d TAG Share URI uri.toString path uri.getPath File f new File uri.getPath Log.d TAG File length f.length shows a valid file size Intent shareIntent new Intent shareIntent.setAction Intent.ACTION_SEND..
Android Image Viewer from App url @Override public ParcelFileDescriptor openFile Uri uri String mode throws FileNotFoundException File file new File uri.getPath ParcelFileDescriptor parcel file ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_READ_ONLY return parcel @Override public..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically cursor.moveToFirst return cursor.getString column_index this is our fallback here return uri.getPath Selecting Multiple Pictures Since someone requested that information in a comment and it's better to have information gathered...
Launching Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent not working on saved image file
Convert file: Uri to File in Android
Android: How to reference asset images from a remotely loaded html page in webview public ParcelFileDescriptor openFile Uri uri String mode throws FileNotFoundException Log.d AssetContentProvider uri.getPath try return getContext .getAssets .openFd uri.getPath .substring 1 .getParcelFileDescriptor catch IOException e Log.d AssetContentProvider.. mode throws FileNotFoundException Log.d AssetContentProvider uri.getPath try return getContext .getAssets .openFd uri.getPath .substring 1 .getParcelFileDescriptor catch IOException e Log.d AssetContentProvider IOException for uri.getPath throw new.. uri.getPath .substring 1 .getParcelFileDescriptor catch IOException e Log.d AssetContentProvider IOException for uri.getPath throw new FileNotFoundException more methods irrelevant for this post When loading the HTML page I can see in the debug..
How do I save data from Camera to disk using MediaStore on Android? Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI values Intent intent new Intent intent.putExtra output uri.getPath startActivityForResult intent 0 @Override protected void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data..
Android file chooser [closed]
URI from Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT into File BROWSE_IMAGE_REQUEST_CODE requestCode Uri uri data.getData Code to send to the webserver File file new File uri.getPath new FileSystemResourceFile file I am currently able to retrieve the PATH from the URI no prob external images media 24 but..