android Programming Glossary: url.openstream
KXmlParser throws “Unexpected token” exception at the start of RSS pasing Type text xml charset utf 8 is new InputStreamReader url.openStream What comes back is as far as I can say and I verified it too..
How to get XML using AsyncTask and Timer? http.proxyPort 80 xr.parse new InputSource url.openStream myData myHandler.getParsedData return myData catch Exception..
Android: BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray gives pixelated bitmap app by Romain Guy InputStream in new BufferedInputStream url.openStream IO_BUFFER_SIZE final ByteArrayOutputStream dataStream new ByteArrayOutputStream.. new BufferedOutputStream fos in new BufferedInputStream url.openStream IO_BUFFER_SIZE final ByteArrayOutputStream dataStream new ByteArrayOutputStream..
Reading Text File From Server on Android BufferedReader in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader url.openStream String str while str in.readLine null str is one line of text..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog the file InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream OutputStream output new FileOutputStream sdcard BarcodeScanner..
How do I transfer an image from its URL to the SD card? url new URL file some path anImage.png InputStream input url.openStream try The sdcard directory e.g. ' sdcard' can be used directly..
how to resume an interrupted download InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream OutputStream output new FileOutputStream strUrl 1 byte data..
how to resume an interrupted download - part 2 Setup streams and buffers. input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream 8192 outFile new RandomAccessFile strUrl 1 rw if downloaded..
Android Host is unresolved URL url new URL xmlPath InputSource input new InputSource url.openStream all the time resulting in an UnknownHostException even when..
Problem with downloading multiple files using AsyncTask lenghtOfFile InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream OutputStream output new FileOutputStream root.getAbsolutePath..
Android: How to record mp3 radio (audio) stream URL url new URL http myradio com stream.mp3 inputStream url.openStream Log.d LOG_TAG url.openStream fileOutputStream new FileOutputStream.. com stream.mp3 inputStream url.openStream Log.d LOG_TAG url.openStream fileOutputStream new FileOutputStream outputSource Log.d LOG_TAG..
Android: Sax parsing returns null values and retrieve values in tags of same name Parse the xml data from our URL. xr.parse new InputSource url.openStream Parsing has finished. Our ExampleHandler now provides the..
Maintaining session in android ( application stay authenticated on the server side) httppost xr.parse new InputSource url.openStream SAX parsing Now for all further connections I used the same..
Android: How to get values in under specific xml tags Parse the xml data from our URL. xr.parse new InputSource url.openStream Parsing has finished. Our ExampleHandler now provides the..
Resume http file download in java InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream byte data new byte 1024 long total 0 while count
SOAP - Very large XML response - OutOfMemoryError URL InputStream in new BufferedInputStream url.openStream byte buffer new byte 1024 int chunk 0 while chunk buffer..
Android: Adding ListView Sub Item Text our data via the url class InputSource is new InputSource url.openStream perform the synchronous parse xmlreader.parse is get the results..
how to show progress bar status by percentage lenghtOfFile InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream OutputStream output new FileOutputStream sdcard some_photo_from_gdansk_poland.jpg..
KXmlParser throws “Unexpected token” exception at the start of RSS pasing 10000 this.conn.setUseCaches true conn.addRequestProperty Content Type text xml charset utf 8 is new InputStreamReader url.openStream What comes back is as far as I can say and I verified it too a legit RSS Cache Control private Connection Keep Alive Content..
How to get XML using AsyncTask and Timer? http.proxyHost www System.setProperty http.proxyPort 80 xr.parse new InputSource url.openStream myData myHandler.getParsedData return myData catch Exception e Log.e Error getting myData e.getMessage e return myData..
Android: BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray gives pixelated bitmap Flickr as follows this is based on code from the Photostream app by Romain Guy InputStream in new BufferedInputStream url.openStream IO_BUFFER_SIZE final ByteArrayOutputStream dataStream new ByteArrayOutputStream out new BufferedOutputStream dataStream.. sdcard photo tmp.jpg BufferedOutputStream bfs new BufferedOutputStream fos in new BufferedInputStream url.openStream IO_BUFFER_SIZE final ByteArrayOutputStream dataStream new ByteArrayOutputStream out new BufferedOutputStream dataStream..
Reading Text File From Server on Android thefile.txt Read all the text returned by the server BufferedReader in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader url.openStream String str while str in.readLine null str is one line of text readLine strips the newline character s in.close catch MalformedURLException..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog progress bar int fileLength connection.getContentLength download the file InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream OutputStream output new FileOutputStream sdcard BarcodeScanner debug.apk byte data new byte 1024 long total 0 int count..
How do I transfer an image from its URL to the SD card? download the URL to a file on the sdcard. A simple way is URL url new URL file some path anImage.png InputStream input url.openStream try The sdcard directory e.g. ' sdcard' can be used directly or more safely abstracted with getExternalStorageDirectory..
how to resume an interrupted download cx.connect Setup streams and buffers. int lengthFile cx.getContentLength InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream OutputStream output new FileOutputStream strUrl 1 byte data new byte 1024 Download file. for total 0 count data..
how to resume an interrupted download - part 2 Log.d AsyncDownloadFile header fields map.toString Setup streams and buffers. input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream 8192 outFile new RandomAccessFile strUrl 1 rw if downloaded 0 downloaded byte data new byte 1024 Download..
Android Host is unresolved Host is unresolved This code doesn't work URL url new URL xmlPath InputSource input new InputSource url.openStream all the time resulting in an UnknownHostException even when the host exists has been hit successfully using the same code..
Problem with downloading multiple files using AsyncTask conexion.getContentLength Log.d ANDRO_ASYNC Lenght of file lenghtOfFile InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream OutputStream output new FileOutputStream root.getAbsolutePath videos aurl 1 byte data new byte 10485760 long total 0 while..
Android: How to record mp3 radio (audio) stream byte by byte is the solution. Thank you Here my code snippets URL url new URL http myradio com stream.mp3 inputStream url.openStream Log.d LOG_TAG url.openStream fileOutputStream new FileOutputStream outputSource Log.d LOG_TAG FileOutputStream outputSource.. Thank you Here my code snippets URL url new URL http myradio com stream.mp3 inputStream url.openStream Log.d LOG_TAG url.openStream fileOutputStream new FileOutputStream outputSource Log.d LOG_TAG FileOutputStream outputSource int c while c
Android: Sax parsing returns null values and retrieve values in tags of same name new ExampleHandler xr.setContentHandler myExampleHandler Parse the xml data from our URL. xr.parse new InputSource url.openStream Parsing has finished. Our ExampleHandler now provides the parsed data to us. ParsedExampleDataSet parsedExampleDataSet..
Maintaining session in android ( application stay authenticated on the server side) new HttpPost url.toString HttpResponse response LoginScreen.httpClient.execute httppost xr.parse new InputSource url.openStream SAX parsing Now for all further connections I used the same httpClient For example in the next activity URL url new URL..
Android: How to get values in under specific xml tags new ExampleHandler xr.setContentHandler myExampleHandler Parse the xml data from our URL. xr.parse new InputSource url.openStream Parsing has finished. Our ExampleHandler now provides the parsed data to us. List ParsedExampleDataSet parsedExampleDataSet..
Resume http file download in java connection.connect int lenghtOfFile connection.getContentLength InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream byte data new byte 1024 long total 0 while count data 1 total count output.write data 0 count in this code I..
SOAP - Very large XML response - OutOfMemoryError You can open a connection as a byte stream URL url new URL InputStream in new BufferedInputStream url.openStream byte buffer new byte 1024 int chunk 0 while chunk buffer 1 proccessChunk chunk in.close From this point you should..
Android: Adding ListView Sub Item Text our handler xmlreader.setContentHandler theRssHandler get our data via the url class InputSource is new InputSource url.openStream perform the synchronous parse xmlreader.parse is get the results should be a fully populated RSSFeed instance or null on..
how to show progress bar status by percentage conexion.getContentLength Log.d ANDRO_ASYNC Lenght of file lenghtOfFile InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream OutputStream output new FileOutputStream sdcard some_photo_from_gdansk_poland.jpg byte data new byte 1024 long total 0 while..