android Programming Glossary: uritext
Why does Intent.createChooser() need a BroadcastReceiver and how to implement? email address subject and body pre filled. I'm using this as a simple way to let the user give me feedback. String uriText mailto emailAddress subject subject body body Intent emailIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_SENDTO Uri.parse uriText startActivity.. uriText mailto emailAddress subject subject body body Intent emailIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_SENDTO Uri.parse uriText startActivity Intent.createChooser emailIntent Pick an email app When the mail app opens on my Nexus S with Android 4.0.4..
ACTION_SENDTO for sending an email subject and text. This example works for me ACTION_SENDTO filters for email apps discard bluetooth and others String uriText mailto subject URLEncoder.encode some subject text here body URLEncoder.encode some text here Uri uri.. subject URLEncoder.encode some subject text here body URLEncoder.encode some text here Uri uri Uri.parse uriText Intent sendIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_SENDTO sendIntent.setData uri startActivity Intent.createChooser sendIntent Send..
Send email via gmail to the intent. Use Uri to add the subject and body text. Example Intent send new Intent Intent.ACTION_SENDTO String uriText mailto Uri.encode subject Uri.encode the subject body Uri.encode the body of the message Uri uri Uri.parse..