android Programming Glossary: url
How to load an ImageView by URL in Android? the image firstly public static Bitmap loadBitmap String url Bitmap bitmap null InputStream in null BufferedOutputStream.. out null try in new BufferedInputStream new URL url .openStream IO_BUFFER_SIZE final ByteArrayOutputStream dataStream.. catch IOException e Log.e TAG Could not load Bitmap from url finally closeStream in closeStream out return bitmap Then use..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog DownloadTask YourActivity.this downloadTask.execute the url to the file you want to download mProgressDialog.setOnCancelListener.. output null HttpURLConnection connection null try URL url new URL sUrl 0 connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection.. try URL url new URL sUrl 0 connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.connect expect HTTP 200 OK so we..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? String startCoords String targetCoords int mode String urlPedestrianMode http maps saddr startCoords daddr.. dirflg w hl en ie UTF8 z 14 output kml Log.d myapp.APP urlPedestrianMode urlPedestrianMode String urlCarMode http ie UTF8 z 14 output kml Log.d myapp.APP urlPedestrianMode urlPedestrianMode String urlCarMode http maps saddr..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView The number of images is not fixed. android image url android listview share improve this question Here's what.. String Drawable public Drawable fetchDrawable String urlString if drawableMap.containsKey urlString return drawableMap.get.. fetchDrawable String urlString if drawableMap.containsKey urlString return drawableMap.get urlString Log.d this.getClass..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] using KML data since few days. The Error seems that the URL I'm requesting doesn't retreieve KML data anymore it returns.. protected static final String MARKER marker protected URL feedUrl protected XMLParser final String feedUrl try this.feedUrl.. XMLParser final String feedUrl try this.feedUrl new URL feedUrl catch MalformedURLException e Log.e e.getMessage XML..
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations getConnection String url InputStream is null try URLConnection conn new URL url .openConnection is conn.getInputStream.. String url InputStream is null try URLConnection conn new URL url .openConnection is conn.getInputStream catch MalformedURLException.. url .openConnection is conn.getInputStream catch MalformedURLException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace..
How can I open a URL in Android's web browser from my application? can I open a URL in Android's web browser from my application How to open an.. Android's web browser from my application How to open an URL from code in the built in web browser rather than within my..
How to load an ImageView by URL in Android? to load an ImageView by URL in Android How do you use an image referenced by URL in an.. by URL in Android How do you use an image referenced by URL in an ImageView android bitmap imageview share improve this.. out null try in new BufferedInputStream new URL url .openStream IO_BUFFER_SIZE final ByteArrayOutputStream dataStream..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog try InputStream input null OutputStream output null HttpURLConnection connection null try URL url new URL sUrl 0 connection.. output null HttpURLConnection connection null try URL url new URL sUrl 0 connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection.. null HttpURLConnection connection null try URL url new URL sUrl 0 connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.connect..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? import import import import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.. import import import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory.. navSet Retrieve navigation data set from either remote URL or String @param url @return navigation set public static NavigationDataSet..
Make an HTTP request with android HttpResponse response httpclient.execute new HttpGet URL StatusLine statusLine response.getStatusLine if statusLine.getStatusCode..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android I was following sample code that used to live at this URL but the link is now dead. services java com android server
Android: install .apk programmatically [duplicate] is my code for it public void Update String apkurl try URL url new URL apkurl HttpURLConnection c HttpURLConnection url.openConnection.. for it public void Update String apkurl try URL url new URL apkurl HttpURLConnection c HttpURLConnection url.openConnection.. void Update String apkurl try URL url new URL apkurl HttpURLConnection c HttpURLConnection url.openConnection c.setRequestMethod..
How to work with an image using url in android? to work with an image using url in android Given a Url for an image I want to downoload it and paste it onto my canvas..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? Photo albums from facebook. i tried like this with this Url https me albums access_token xxxx i am using.. JSONObject response null try response Util.parseJson Album_Url JSONArray array obj.optJSONArray data for int i 0 i array.length.. String response null try response Util.openUrl Album_Url GET parameters catch MalformedURLException e e.printStackTrace..
Listview click to show image in ImageView public void run for int i 0 i iMages.length i Log.d i i Url iMages i Bitmap bit getBitmapFromURL iMages i bitmap_array.add..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) URL mRequestToken.getAuthenticationURL System.out.println Url mRequestToken.getAuthenticationURL startActivityForResult i.. twitter.showUser i .getName friendListObj.setTwitterUrl twitter.showUser i .getScreenName twitterFriends.add friendListObj.. new Thread @Override public void run String authUrl int what 1 try authUrl mHttpOauthprovider.retrieveRequestToken..
ProgressBar in asynctask is not showing on upload list new ArrayList NameValuePair private final String url Url of php script ProgressDialog pDialog String responseMessage.. params.add new BasicNameValuePair klub id slikeUrl JSONAdapter.getSlike params gv.setAdapter new SlikeAdapter.. params gv.setAdapter new SlikeAdapter slikeUrl KlubSlikeActivity.this return null After completing background..
What's LazyList? Images can be cached to local sd card or phone memory. Url is considered the key. If the key is present in sd card display..
Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException Log.d TAG getStation return station public String getUrl Log.d TAG getUrl return audiourl public boolean playing .. return station public String getUrl Log.d TAG getUrl return audiourl public boolean playing Log.d TAG playing.. available. public void startStreaming final String mediaUrl throws IOException try url new URL mediaUrl urlConn HttpURLConnection..
Caching images and displaying TAG_IIMG TAG_MDNAME TAG_UTCOST new int setListAdapter adapter selecting single.. JSON string from URL JSONObject json jParser.getJSONFromUrl s try posts json.getJSONArray TAG_POSTS catch JSONException.. TAG_UTCOST String iimg c.getString TAG_IIMG Forming the Url of the image to be shown in the list view String imageUrl My_App_URL..
OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget :- Android [duplicate] an image to a Bitmap object i am downloading images from Url and displaying them. At download time it is giving out of memory..
Url encoding in Android encoding in Android How do you encode an url in Android I thought..
BitmapFactory.decodeStream always returns null and skia decoder shows decode returned false no working solution. I'm using the following snippet code Url imageUrl new Url http tn_4134189_bf54fe8e270ce41240d534b5133884ee.gif.. solution. I'm using the following snippet code Url imageUrl new Url http tn_4134189_bf54fe8e270ce41240d534b5133884ee.gif.. I'm using the following snippet code Url imageUrl new Url http tn_4134189_bf54fe8e270ce41240d534b5133884ee.gif.. Not trusted server certificate certificate I m trying read xml using xml parser from Url https ....etc . But error is coming.. this is my log. 04 08..
How to Play Youtube Video on VideoView? convert your URL into rtsp format. public static String getUrlVideoRTSP String urlYoutube try String gdy http cursor return cursor catch Exception ex Log.e Get Url Video RTSP Exception ex.toString return urlYoutube private..
Android Linkify text - Spannable Text in Single Text View - As like Twitter tweet below class MyCustomSpannable extends ClickableSpan String Url public MyCustomSpannable String Url this.Url Url @Override public.. ClickableSpan String Url public MyCustomSpannable String Url this.Url Url @Override public void updateDrawState TextPaint.. String Url public MyCustomSpannable String Url this.Url Url @Override public void updateDrawState TextPaint ds Customize..
Target host must not be null, or set in parameters internet permission set and I have put 'http ' before my Url. It still gives the same error. My URL does not have a 'www.'..
Download and Extract Zip File in Android file save under some URL in remote server URL finalUrl new URL passurl Url string where the zipped file is stored..... URL in remote server URL finalUrl new URL passurl Url string where the zipped file is stored... urlConnection finalUrl.openConnection.. where the zipped file is stored... urlConnection finalUrl.openConnection Get the size of the zipped file's inputstream..
How to load an ImageView by URL in Android? share improve this question You'll have to download the image firstly public static Bitmap loadBitmap String url Bitmap bitmap null InputStream in null BufferedOutputStream out null try in new BufferedInputStream new URL url .openStream.. String url Bitmap bitmap null InputStream in null BufferedOutputStream out null try in new BufferedInputStream new URL url .openStream IO_BUFFER_SIZE final ByteArrayOutputStream dataStream new ByteArrayOutputStream out new BufferedOutputStream.. BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray data 0 data.length options catch IOException e Log.e TAG Could not load Bitmap from url finally closeStream in closeStream out return bitmap Then use the Imageview.setImageBitmap to set bitmap into the ImageView..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog downloader must be fired final DownloadTask downloadTask new DownloadTask YourActivity.this downloadTask.execute the url to the file you want to download mProgressDialog.setOnCancelListener new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener @Override public.. .getName wl.acquire try InputStream input null OutputStream output null HttpURLConnection connection null try URL url new URL sUrl 0 connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.connect expect HTTP 200 OK so we don't mistakenly.. OutputStream output null HttpURLConnection connection null try URL url new URL sUrl 0 connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.connect expect HTTP 200 OK so we don't mistakenly save error report instead of the file if..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? targetLng mode public static NavigationDataSet calculateRoute String startCoords String targetCoords int mode String urlPedestrianMode http maps saddr startCoords daddr targetCoords sll startCoords dirflg w hl en ie UTF8 z 14.. maps saddr startCoords daddr targetCoords sll startCoords dirflg w hl en ie UTF8 z 14 output kml Log.d myapp.APP urlPedestrianMode urlPedestrianMode String urlCarMode http maps saddr startCoords daddr targetCoords sll startCoords.. daddr targetCoords sll startCoords dirflg w hl en ie UTF8 z 14 output kml Log.d myapp.APP urlPedestrianMode urlPedestrianMode String urlCarMode http maps saddr startCoords daddr targetCoords sll startCoords hl en ie..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView UI is not locked up and images are displayed as they are downloaded The number of images is not fixed. android image url android listview share improve this question Here's what I created to hold the images that my app is currently displaying... drawableMap public DrawableManager drawableMap new HashMap String Drawable public Drawable fetchDrawable String urlString if drawableMap.containsKey urlString return drawableMap.get urlString Log.d this.getClass .getSimpleName image url.. drawableMap new HashMap String Drawable public Drawable fetchDrawable String urlString if drawableMap.containsKey urlString return drawableMap.get urlString Log.d this.getClass .getSimpleName image url urlString try InputStream is fetch..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] to get Error when I'm trying to retrieve Google Directions using KML data since few days. The Error seems that the URL I'm requesting doesn't retreieve KML data anymore it returns a whole page. I followed this in order to achieve that. What.. of the XML tags protected static final String MARKERS markers protected static final String MARKER marker protected URL feedUrl protected XMLParser final String feedUrl try this.feedUrl new URL feedUrl catch MalformedURLException e Log.e.. final String MARKER marker protected URL feedUrl protected XMLParser final String feedUrl try this.feedUrl new URL feedUrl catch MalformedURLException e Log.e e.getMessage XML parser feedUrl protected InputStream getInputStream try..
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations listOfOverlays.add mapOverlay mapView.invalidate private InputStream getConnection String url InputStream is null try URLConnection conn new URL url .openConnection is conn.getInputStream catch MalformedURLException e e.printStackTrace catch.. mapView.invalidate private InputStream getConnection String url InputStream is null try URLConnection conn new URL url .openConnection is conn.getInputStream catch MalformedURLException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace.. url InputStream is null try URLConnection conn new URL url .openConnection is conn.getInputStream catch MalformedURLException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace return is @Override protected boolean isRouteDisplayed..
How can I open a URL in Android's web browser from my application? can I open a URL in Android's web browser from my application How to open an URL from code in the built in web browser rather than within.. can I open a URL in Android's web browser from my application How to open an URL from code in the built in web browser rather than within my application I tried this try Intent myIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW..
How to load an ImageView by URL in Android? to load an ImageView by URL in Android How do you use an image referenced by URL in an ImageView android bitmap imageview share improve this question.. to load an ImageView by URL in Android How do you use an image referenced by URL in an ImageView android bitmap imageview share improve this question You'll have to download the image firstly public.. String url Bitmap bitmap null InputStream in null BufferedOutputStream out null try in new BufferedInputStream new URL url .openStream IO_BUFFER_SIZE final ByteArrayOutputStream dataStream new ByteArrayOutputStream out new BufferedOutputStream..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK getClass .getName wl.acquire try InputStream input null OutputStream output null HttpURLConnection connection null try URL url new URL sUrl 0 connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.connect.. .getName wl.acquire try InputStream input null OutputStream output null HttpURLConnection connection null try URL url new URL sUrl 0 connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.connect expect HTTP 200 OK so we don't.. wl.acquire try InputStream input null OutputStream output null HttpURLConnection connection null try URL url new URL sUrl 0 connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.connect expect HTTP 200 OK so we don't mistakenly save..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? package import import import import import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory import import import import import import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory import import.. navSet MapService.getNavigationDataSet urlCarMode return navSet Retrieve navigation data set from either remote URL or String @param url @return navigation set public static NavigationDataSet getNavigationDataSet String url urlString http..
Make an HTTP request with android bundled with Android HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpResponse response httpclient.execute new HttpGet URL StatusLine statusLine response.getStatusLine if statusLine.getStatusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK ByteArrayOutputStream out new..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android here V1.4.0 Sidebar style SWKey Button savior on xda developers I was following sample code that used to live at this URL but the link is now dead. services java com android server on http I have..
Android: install .apk programmatically [duplicate] at once. it is local so it's non market application. here is my code for it public void Update String apkurl try URL url new URL apkurl HttpURLConnection c HttpURLConnection url.openConnection c.setRequestMethod GET c.setDoOutput true.. it is local so it's non market application. here is my code for it public void Update String apkurl try URL url new URL apkurl HttpURLConnection c HttpURLConnection url.openConnection c.setRequestMethod GET c.setDoOutput true c.connect String.. so it's non market application. here is my code for it public void Update String apkurl try URL url new URL apkurl HttpURLConnection c HttpURLConnection url.openConnection c.setRequestMethod GET c.setDoOutput true c.connect String PATH Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..
How to work with an image using url in android? to work with an image using url in android Given a Url for an image I want to downoload it and paste it onto my canvas in android. How do I retrieve the image into my app Please..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? user photo albums using graph api How i can fetch all of user Photo albums from facebook. i tried like this with this Url https me albums access_token xxxx i am using this code i was mention this permissions also user_photos.. parameters.putString TOKEN facebook.getAccessToken JSONObject response null try response Util.parseJson Album_Url JSONArray array obj.optJSONArray data for int i 0 i array.length i JSONObject main_obj array.getJSONObject i String album.. format json parameters.putString TOKEN facebook.getAccessToken String response null try response Util.openUrl Album_Url GET parameters catch MalformedURLException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace JSONObject..
Listview click to show image in ImageView new ListViewAdapter_test MainActivity.this new Thread public void run for int i 0 i iMages.length i Log.d i i Url iMages i Bitmap bit getBitmapFromURL iMages i bitmap_array.add bit progDailog.dismiss handler.sendEmptyMessage 0 .start..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) MMSExampleActivity.this TwitterScreen.class i.putExtra URL mRequestToken.getAuthenticationURL System.out.println Url mRequestToken.getAuthenticationURL startActivityForResult i TWITTER_AUTH 2. in onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode.. friendListObj.setTwitterId i friendListObj.setTwitterUsername twitter.showUser i .getName friendListObj.setTwitterUrl twitter.showUser i .getScreenName twitterFriends.add friendListObj System.out.println follower ID # i System.out.println.. authorize mProgressDlg.setMessage Initializing ... new Thread @Override public void run String authUrl int what 1 try authUrl mHttpOauthprovider.retrieveRequestToken mHttpOauthConsumer OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL what 0 Log.d TAG..
ProgressBar in asynctask is not showing on upload MyLocationListener locationListener List NameValuePair list new ArrayList NameValuePair private final String url Url of php script ProgressDialog pDialog String responseMessage @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. k.getId List NameValuePair params new ArrayList NameValuePair params.add new BasicNameValuePair klub id slikeUrl JSONAdapter.getSlike params gv.setAdapter new SlikeAdapter slikeUrl KlubSlikeActivity.this return null After completing.. params.add new BasicNameValuePair klub id slikeUrl JSONAdapter.getSlike params gv.setAdapter new SlikeAdapter slikeUrl KlubSlikeActivity.this return null After completing background task Dismiss the progress dialog protected void onPostExecute..
What's LazyList? or from server using urls. It is like on demand loading images. Images can be cached to local sd card or phone memory. Url is considered the key. If the key is present in sd card display images from sd card else display image by downloading from..
Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException String TAG IStreamingMediaPlayer.Stub public String getStation Log.d TAG getStation return station public String getUrl Log.d TAG getUrl return audiourl public boolean playing Log.d TAG playing return isPlaying public boolean pause Log.d.. public String getStation Log.d TAG getStation return station public String getUrl Log.d TAG getUrl return audiourl public boolean playing Log.d TAG playing return isPlaying public boolean pause Log.d TAG playing .. location and update the MediaPlayer as new content becomes available. public void startStreaming final String mediaUrl throws IOException try url new URL mediaUrl urlConn HttpURLConnection url.openConnection urlConn.setReadTimeout 1000 20..
Caching images and displaying context jsonlist R.layout.activity_toolsitem new String TAG_IIMG TAG_MDNAME TAG_UTCOST new int setListAdapter adapter selecting single ListView item lv getListView protected Boolean doInBackground.. final String... args JSONParser jParser new JSONParser getting JSON string from URL JSONObject json jParser.getJSONFromUrl s try posts json.getJSONArray TAG_POSTS catch JSONException e1 TODO Auto generated catch block e1.printStackTrace try.. mdname c.getString TAG_MDNAME String utcost c.getString TAG_UTCOST String iimg c.getString TAG_IIMG Forming the Url of the image to be shown in the list view String imageUrl My_App_URL iimg try String imageUrl My_App_URL iimg ImageView..
OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget :- Android [duplicate] Duplicate Android Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object i am downloading images from Url and displaying them. At download time it is giving out of memory error bitmap size exceeds VM budget . I am using drawable...
Url encoding in Android encoding in Android How do you encode an url in Android I thought it was like this final String encodedURL URLEncoder.encode..
BitmapFactory.decodeStream always returns null and skia decoder shows decode returned false tried several solutions found on the internet but there is no working solution. I'm using the following snippet code Url imageUrl new Url http tn_4134189_bf54fe8e270ce41240d534b5133884ee.gif Bitmap image BitmapFactory.decodeStream.. solutions found on the internet but there is no working solution. I'm using the following snippet code Url imageUrl new Url http tn_4134189_bf54fe8e270ce41240d534b5133884ee.gif Bitmap image BitmapFactory.decodeStream imageUrl.openStream.. found on the internet but there is no working solution. I'm using the following snippet code Url imageUrl new Url http tn_4134189_bf54fe8e270ce41240d534b5133884ee.gif Bitmap image BitmapFactory.decodeStream imageUrl.openStream.. Not trusted server certificate Not trusted server certificate I m trying read xml using xml parser from Url https ....etc . But error is coming.. this is my log. 04 08 16 34 23.017 WARN System.err 8052
How to Play Youtube Video on VideoView? convert your gdata URL into rtsp format. Following function convert your URL into rtsp format. public static String getUrlVideoRTSP String urlYoutube try String gdy http feeds base videos justinbieber orderby published alt rss.. url cursor maps.get url if f.equals 1 return cursor return cursor catch Exception ex Log.e Get Url Video RTSP Exception ex.toString return urlYoutube private static String extractYoutubeId String url return url And the..
Android Linkify text - Spannable Text in Single Text View - As like Twitter tweet What you can do is create a Custom ClickableSpan as below class MyCustomSpannable extends ClickableSpan String Url public MyCustomSpannable String Url this.Url Url @Override public void updateDrawState TextPaint ds Customize your Text.. Custom ClickableSpan as below class MyCustomSpannable extends ClickableSpan String Url public MyCustomSpannable String Url this.Url Url @Override public void updateDrawState TextPaint ds Customize your Text Look if required ds.setColor Color.YELLOW.. as below class MyCustomSpannable extends ClickableSpan String Url public MyCustomSpannable String Url this.Url Url @Override public void updateDrawState TextPaint ds Customize your Text Look if required ds.setColor Color.YELLOW ds.setFakeBoldText..
Target host must not be null, or set in parameters must not be null or set in parameters . My manifest file has internet permission set and I have put 'http ' before my Url. It still gives the same error. My URL does not have a 'www.' attached to it. Part of my Code HttpPost post new HttpPost..
Download and Extract Zip File in Android urlConnection try IF you are unzipping a zipped file save under some URL in remote server URL finalUrl new URL passurl Url string where the zipped file is stored... urlConnection finalUrl.openConnection Get the size of the.. try IF you are unzipping a zipped file save under some URL in remote server URL finalUrl new URL passurl Url string where the zipped file is stored... urlConnection finalUrl.openConnection Get the size of the zipped file's inputstream.. in remote server URL finalUrl new URL passurl Url string where the zipped file is stored... urlConnection finalUrl.openConnection Get the size of the zipped file's inputstream from server.. int contentLength urlConnection.getContentLength..