android Programming Glossary: uri.builder
Android - Implementing USSD features. Binding a service to the PhoneUtils without restarting the phone on every update text String s text.toString store s to the Uri uri new Uri.Builder .scheme URI_SCHEME .authority URI_AUTHORITY .path URI_PATH .appendQueryParameter..
Write sent sms to content://sms/sent table 8808 Uri threadIdUri Uri.parse 'content mms sms threadID' Uri.Builder builder threadIdUri.buildUpon String recipients 9808 8808 for..
USSD service not working text String s text.toString store s to the Uri uri new Uri.Builder .scheme URI_SCHEME .authority URI_AUTHORITY .path URI_PATH .appendQueryParameter..
Launching my app using the intent URI apparently this is harder than I thought. I tried using Uri.Builder builder new Uri.Builder builder.scheme my.own.scheme builder.authority.. than I thought. I tried using Uri.Builder builder new Uri.Builder builder.scheme my.own.scheme builder.authority my.authority..
Android Calendar Events range ContentResolver contentResolver getContentResolver Uri.Builder builder Uri.parse getCalendarUriBase instances when .buildUpon..
Initiating Video Call got this where email is the address you want Uri imUri new Uri.Builder .scheme xmpp .authority gtalk .query call type video .appendPath..
Android - Implementing USSD features. Binding a service to the PhoneUtils without restarting the phone on every update Use this in order to cancel the output on the screen. return text String s text.toString store s to the Uri uri new Uri.Builder .scheme URI_SCHEME .authority URI_AUTHORITY .path URI_PATH .appendQueryParameter URI_PAR text.toString .build sendBroadcast..
Write sent sms to content://sms/sent table would look like this. Say the recipients are 9808 and 8808 Uri threadIdUri Uri.parse 'content mms sms threadID' Uri.Builder builder threadIdUri.buildUpon String recipients 9808 8808 for String recipient recipients builder.appendQueryParameter recipient..
USSD service not working Use this in order to cancel the output on the screen. return text String s text.toString store s to the Uri uri new Uri.Builder .scheme URI_SCHEME .authority URI_AUTHORITY .path URI_PATH .appendQueryParameter URI_PAR text.toString .build sendBroadcast..
Launching my app using the intent URI are clickable Seems like there is a bug in GMail. Oh well. But apparently this is harder than I thought. I tried using Uri.Builder builder new Uri.Builder builder.scheme my.own.scheme builder.authority my.authority Uri newUri Intent customIntent.. there is a bug in GMail. Oh well. But apparently this is harder than I thought. I tried using Uri.Builder builder new Uri.Builder builder.scheme my.own.scheme builder.authority my.authority Uri newUri Intent customIntent new Intent CUSTOM_ACTION..
Android Calendar Events all events and particular event is done by specifying range ContentResolver contentResolver getContentResolver Uri.Builder builder Uri.parse getCalendarUriBase instances when .buildUpon long now new Date .getTime ContentUris.appendId builder now..
Initiating Video Call Edit Had to do a bit of hacking around disassembling but I got this where email is the address you want Uri imUri new Uri.Builder .scheme xmpp .authority gtalk .query call type video .appendPath email .build Intent IM new Intent Intent.ACTION_SENDTO..