android Programming Glossary: turning
decompiling DEX into Java sourcecode into Java sourcecode Are there any tools or recipes for turning Android DEX VM bytecode files into corresponding Java sourcecode..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) you do not have it on the message can hang a lot even when turning on Mobile Data and might require a reboot of the device. And..
Android: Specify two different images for togglebutton using XML true android state_pressed true currently pressed turning the toggle on item android state_pressed true currently pressed.. on item android state_pressed true currently pressed turning the toggle off item android state_checked true not pressed default..
LogCat message: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included but the last one Google Location Services was not. After turning that on the regular Google Maps could find my location and my..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off over at my project page but here's the relevant part about turning the screen off that worked for me on a droid. public void setBright.. you think it is to ask the android team to add support for turning the screen off or defining whether the screen should wake via..
Open another application from your own (intent) I got this info from DDMS but I havn't been succesful in turning this to an Intent I can use. This is taken from when opening..
Android - Camera preview is sideways phone as you would have expected portrait 90 degrees was turning the phone 90 degrees COUNTER CLOCKWISE I had assumed it would..
Implement page curl on android? I was surfing the net looking for a nice effect for turning pages on Android and there just doesn't seem to be one. Since..
Page curl/turn effect in Android [duplicate] I was surfing the net looking for a nice effect for turning pages on Android and there just doesn't seem to be one. Since..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker like Tasker I know that the question about turning on off GPS programatically on android has been discussed many..
Android Sleep/Standby Mode Actually that's not sleep mode per se. That is the screen turning off. The device will go into sleep mode shortly thereafter if..
Insertion of thousands of contact entries using applyBatch is slow it goes in... ad infinitium. Since most of the work of turning URIs into tables involves lots of string comparisons it's obviously..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? content pm PackageManager.html for more information. For turning on off flashlight I googled out and got this about android.permission.FLASHLIGHT... http p search light Update 3 Widget for turning on off camera led If you want to develop a widget that turns.. your camera led then you must refer my answer Widget for turning on off camera flashlight in android .. Update 4 If you want..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android if I can get the location almost instant and without turning on the GPS. Secondly if you request updates for location changes.. gps is better than network if gpsIsOld Log.d TAG Returning current GPS Location return gpslocation gps is old we can't.. if networkIsOld Log.d TAG GPS is old Network is current returning network return networkLocation both are old return the newer..
decompiling DEX into Java sourcecode DEX into Java sourcecode Are there any tools or recipes for turning Android DEX VM bytecode files into corresponding Java sourcecode java android reverse engineering decompiler dex share..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) as your internet on your device. It is a real pain as if you do not have it on the message can hang a lot even when turning on Mobile Data and might require a reboot of the device. And GO Through this code http downloadfiles..
Android: Specify two different images for togglebutton using XML http apk res android item android state_checked true android state_pressed true currently pressed turning the toggle on item android state_pressed true currently pressed turning the toggle off item android state_checked true not.. android state_pressed true currently pressed turning the toggle on item android state_pressed true currently pressed turning the toggle off item android state_checked true not pressed default checked state item default non pressed non checked selector..
LogCat message: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included checked VZW Location Services and Standalone GPS Services but the last one Google Location Services was not. After turning that on the regular Google Maps could find my location and my app could find my location and the problem went away. The..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off this custom lockscreen activity. You can view all my source over at my project page but here's the relevant part about turning the screen off that worked for me on a droid. public void setBright float value Window mywindow getWindow WindowManager.LayoutParams.. p mylockforandroid source checkout How hard do you think it is to ask the android team to add support for turning the screen off or defining whether the screen should wake via Lock mediator replacement similarly to how you could program..
Open another application from your own (intent) application that I don't know what intents they listen to. I got this info from DDMS but I havn't been succesful in turning this to an Intent I can use. This is taken from when opening MyTracks manually. Thanks for your help 05 06 11 22 24.945..
Android - Camera preview is sideways while I rotated the device. For the HTC Desire 0 was the phone as you would have expected portrait 90 degrees was turning the phone 90 degrees COUNTER CLOCKWISE I had assumed it would have been clockwise . In the code you'll see I didn't need..
Implement page curl on android? page curl on android I was surfing the net looking for a nice effect for turning pages on Android and there just doesn't seem to be one. Since I'm learning the platform it seemed like a nice thing to be..
Page curl/turn effect in Android [duplicate] curl turn effect in Android duplicate I was surfing the net looking for a nice effect for turning pages on Android and there just doesn't seem to be one. Since I'm learning the platform it seemed like a nice thing to be..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker GPS programatically like Tasker I know that the question about turning on off GPS programatically on android has been discussed many times and the answer is always the same You can't for security..
Android Sleep/Standby Mode when you press the power button and the screen goes black. Actually that's not sleep mode per se. That is the screen turning off. The device will go into sleep mode shortly thereafter if nothing is keeping it awake with a WakeLock . However there..
Insertion of thousands of contact entries using applyBatch is slow insert a single row... Oh a new operation I wonder what table it goes in... ad infinitium. Since most of the work of turning URIs into tables involves lots of string comparisons it's obviously very slow. By contrast bulkInsert applies a whole pile..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? if not. See http reference android content pm PackageManager.html for more information. For turning on off flashlight I googled out and got this about android.permission.FLASHLIGHT. Android manifests' permission looks promising.. Another Open Source Code http p covedesigndev http p search light Update 3 Widget for turning on off camera led If you want to develop a widget that turns on off your camera led then you must refer my answer Widget.. camera led If you want to develop a widget that turns on off your camera led then you must refer my answer Widget for turning on off camera flashlight in android .. Update 4 If you want to set intensity of light emerging from camera LED you can refer..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android accuracy ratio. I'm willing to sacrifice a few meters in accuracy if I can get the location almost instant and without turning on the GPS. Secondly if you request updates for location changes nothing is sent if the current location is stable. Google.. networkLocation.getTime old gps is current and available gps is better than network if gpsIsOld Log.d TAG Returning current GPS Location return gpslocation gps is old we can't trust it. use network location if networkIsOld Log.d TAG GPS.. gps is old we can't trust it. use network location if networkIsOld Log.d TAG GPS is old Network is current returning network return networkLocation both are old return the newer of those two if gpslocation.getTime networkLocation.getTime..