android Programming Glossary: tv
How to call a .NET Webservice from Android using KSOAP2? URL http TestWeb WebService.asmx TextView tv @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main tv TextView findViewById try SoapObject request new.. Object envelope.getResponse String results String result tv.setText results 0 catch Exception e tv.setText e.getMessage..
Caching images and displaying to the URL and Store it in imageUrl . The other two textviews are getting properly parsed and displayed. If any one can.. vh.pb ProgressBar vi.findViewById TextView vi.findViewById vh.tv1 TextView vi.findViewById.. TextView vi.findViewById vh.tv1 TextView vi.findViewById Image..
Making TextView Scrollable in Android Scrollable in Android I am displaying text in a textview that appears to be too long to fit into one screen. I need.. How can i do that Here is the code final TextView tv new TextView this tv.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.splash.. that Here is the code final TextView tv new TextView this tv.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.splash tv.setTypeface face..
How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list? can I make this work android android widget android listview share improve this question I hope I can help here. I.. this set the text... not important TextView tv TextView convertView.findViewById tv.setText text.. TextView tv TextView convertView.findViewById tv.setText text and this is the most important part you are settin..
Change the background color of the options menu against possible future change in implementation TextView tv TextView v tv.setTextColor Color.WHITE catch ClassCastException.. future change in implementation TextView tv TextView v tv.setTextColor Color.WHITE catch ClassCastException e hack..
Android and MJPEG String mac String extras.get MAC Log.i Other mac TextView tv TextView findViewById tv.setText mac String URL.. Other mac TextView tv TextView findViewById tv.setText mac String URL myurl requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE..
What is Context in Android? New objects Creating new views adapters listeners TextView tv new TextView getContext ListAdapter adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero zero I have a view made up of tablelayout tablrows and textviews to look like a grid. I need to get the height and width.. Test 2 used a simple dynamically generated view TextView tv new TextView this tv.setHeight 20 tv.setWidth 20 vh tv.getHeight.. dynamically generated view TextView tv new TextView this tv.setHeight 20 tv.setWidth 20 vh tv.getHeight getHeight returned..
Android: Want to set custom fonts for whole application not runtime getBaseContext .getAssets fonts BPreplay.otf TextView tv1 TextView findViewById tv1.setTypeface tf TextView.. fonts BPreplay.otf TextView tv1 TextView findViewById tv1.setTypeface tf TextView tv2 TextView findViewById BPreplay.otf TextView tv1 TextView findViewById tv1.setTypeface tf TextView tv2 TextView findViewById
Connecting 2 Emulator instances In Android private ServerSocket serverSocket null private TextView tv public static final int SERVERPORT 4444 @Override public void.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main tv TextView findViewById try Connect catch IOException.. catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block tv.setText Not connected e.printStackTrace public void Connect..
How to add new contacts in android added Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show catch Exception e TextView tv new TextView this tv.setText e.toString setContentView tv .. .show catch Exception e TextView tv new TextView this tv.setText e.toString setContentView tv android share improve.. tv new TextView this tv.setText e.toString setContentView tv android share improve this question Here I am posting..
How to support Arabic text in Android? t array values are Arabic text from server. string t Textview tv Textview findviewByid tv.setText t 0 android.. values are Arabic text from server. string t Textview tv Textview findviewByid tv.setText t 0 android internationalization.. are Arabic text from server. string t Textview tv Textview findviewByid tv.setText t 0 android internationalization..
ANDROID::Rotate image in imageview by an angle ImageView iv ImageView findViewById imageviewid TextView tv TextView findViewById txtViewsid Matrix mat new Matrix Bitmap..
Fragment design: Adapting to multiple screen layouts by showing/hiding fragments within a single Activity? split horizontally in landscape. For simplicity lets keep TV screens out of the discussion. Now translating this to design..
about android image size and assets sizes tvdpi unless you're developing specifically for Google TV or the original Nexus 7 but even Google recommends simply using..
android device id confusion without telephony modules for example many tablets and TV devices do not have an IMEI . As Schlangi commented some devices..
Compile and link against libusb for android power outlets via USB for android. On my android HDMI TV stick this would be very useful. There is an open project for..
Set color of TextView span in Android need to set the text of the TextView twice TextView TV TextView findViewById Spannable wordtoSpan..
Why is Android Geocoder throwing a “Service not Available” exception? aware apps work out of the box on devices like Google TV. android google geocoder share improve this question I..
How to move/rename file from internal app storage to external storage on Android?
Modifying SimpleCursorAdapter's data SimpleCursorAdapter's data I'm working on a TV Guide app which uses a ListActivity showing the TV shows for.. on a TV Guide app which uses a ListActivity showing the TV shows for one channel one day at a time. I'm using a RelativeLayout..
Getting telephone country code with Android TG 228 TG TK 690 TK TO 676 TO TN 216 TN TR 90 TR TM 993 TM TV 688 TV AE 971 AE UG 256 UG GB 44 GB UA 380 UA UY 598 UY US 1.. TG TK 690 TK TO 676 TO TN 216 TN TR 90 TR TM 993 TM TV 688 TV AE 971 AE UG 256 UG GB 44 GB UA 380 UA UY 598 UY US 1 US UZ..
Controlling Tab colour-state / size in a TabActivity? something really obvious. These are the tabs for a 7 day TV Guide not normally with the red arrow obviously ... What I need..
Android ListView with Checkbox and all clickable [duplicate] use a ListView with the items having following layout CB TV TV CB is a checkbox and TV is a Textview. Now i've read somewhere.. a ListView with the items having following layout CB TV TV CB is a checkbox and TV is a Textview. Now i've read somewhere.. having following layout CB TV TV CB is a checkbox and TV is a Textview. Now i've read somewhere that you can't have clickable..
How to create a custom ListView with “extends Activity”? SR SJ SZ SE CH SY TW TJ TZ TH TL TG TK TO TT TN TR TM TC TV UG UA AE GB US UM UY UZ VU VE VN VG VI WF EH YE ZM ZW As you..
Android - multi-line linear layout LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT my old code TV new TextView mContext TV.setText textArray i TV.setTextSize.. my old code TV new TextView mContext TV.setText textArray i TV.setTextSize size SET TEXT SIZE TV.measure.. old code TV new TextView mContext TV.setText textArray i TV.setTextSize size SET TEXT SIZE TV.measure 0 0 views i .measure..
Android app is published, but not visible anywhere in Google Play app on the Android emulators phones tablets and Google TV. Its works. When I published it Google Play the app is not visible...
How to call a .NET Webservice from Android using KSOAP2? String NAMESPACE http private static final String URL http TestWeb WebService.asmx TextView tv @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main.. public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main tv TextView findViewById try SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty prop1.. SOAP_ACTION envelope Object result Object envelope.getResponse String results String result tv.setText results 0 catch Exception e tv.setText e.getMessage android ksoap2 ksoap share improve this question It's..
Caching images and displaying Json only returns the name of the jpg so i append that to the URL and Store it in imageUrl . The other two textviews are getting properly parsed and displayed. If any one can help me out in displaying the images in the image view too.. R.layout.row null vh.iv ImageView vi.findViewById vh.pb ProgressBar vi.findViewById TextView vi.findViewById vh.tv1 TextView vi.findViewById Image in postion vh.tv1.setText.. vi.findViewById vh.pb ProgressBar vi.findViewById TextView vi.findViewById vh.tv1 TextView vi.findViewById Image in postion vh.tv1.setText position display vh.iv data position..
Making TextView Scrollable in Android TextView Scrollable in Android I am displaying text in a textview that appears to be too long to fit into one screen. I need to make my TextView scrollable. How can i do that Here is.. long to fit into one screen. I need to make my TextView scrollable. How can i do that Here is the code final TextView tv new TextView this tv.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.splash tv.setTypeface face tv.setTextSize 18 tv.setTextColor R.color.BROWN.. screen. I need to make my TextView scrollable. How can i do that Here is the code final TextView tv new TextView this tv.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.splash tv.setTypeface face tv.setTextSize 18 tv.setTextColor R.color.BROWN tv.setGravity..
How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list? button is pressed I want onListItemClick to be triggered. How can I make this work android android widget android listview share improve this question I hope I can help here. I assume that you have custom layout for listView items and this.. btn Button convertView.findViewById btn.setOnClickListener this set the text... not important TextView tv TextView convertView.findViewById tv.setText text and this is the most important part you are settin listener.. btn.setOnClickListener this set the text... not important TextView tv TextView convertView.findViewById tv.setText text and this is the most important part you are settin listener for the whole row convertView.setOnClickListener..
Change the background color of the options menu 3.2 IconMenuItemView implemented with TextView guard against possible future change in implementation TextView tv TextView v tv.setTextColor Color.WHITE catch ClassCastException e hack failed do not set TextView attributes return.. implemented with TextView guard against possible future change in implementation TextView tv TextView v tv.setTextColor Color.WHITE catch ClassCastException e hack failed do not set TextView attributes return view Thanks..
Android and MJPEG Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras if extras null String mac String extras.get MAC Log.i Other mac TextView tv TextView findViewById tv.setText mac String URL myurl requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE getWindow.. if extras null String mac String extras.get MAC Log.i Other mac TextView tv TextView findViewById tv.setText mac String URL myurl requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE getWindow .setFlags WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN..
What is Context in Android? in the activity class . Typical uses of context Creating New objects Creating new views adapters listeners TextView tv new TextView getContext ListAdapter adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter getApplicationContext ... Accessing Standard Common..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero dimensions of a view Getheight and Getwidth always return zero I have a view made up of tablelayout tablrows and textviews to look like a grid. I need to get the height and width of this grid. The methods getheight and getwidth always return.. returned 0 Why vw tl.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why Test 2 used a simple dynamically generated view TextView tv new TextView this tv.setHeight 20 tv.setWidth 20 vh tv.getHeight getHeight returned 0 Why vw tv.getWidth getWidth returned.. vw tl.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why Test 2 used a simple dynamically generated view TextView tv new TextView this tv.setHeight 20 tv.setWidth 20 vh tv.getHeight getHeight returned 0 Why vw tv.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why eof method eof..
Android: Want to set custom fonts for whole application not runtime public void setLayoutFont Typeface tf Typeface.createFromAsset getBaseContext .getAssets fonts BPreplay.otf TextView tv1 TextView findViewById tv1.setTypeface tf TextView tv2 TextView findViewById tv2.setTypeface tf TextView.. tf Typeface.createFromAsset getBaseContext .getAssets fonts BPreplay.otf TextView tv1 TextView findViewById tv1.setTypeface tf TextView tv2 TextView findViewById tv2.setTypeface tf TextView tv3 TextView findViewById tf Typeface.createFromAsset getBaseContext .getAssets fonts BPreplay.otf TextView tv1 TextView findViewById tv1.setTypeface tf TextView tv2 TextView findViewById tv2.setTypeface tf TextView tv3 TextView findViewById
Connecting 2 Emulator instances In Android extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. private ServerSocket serverSocket null private TextView tv public static final int SERVERPORT 4444 @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState.. public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main tv TextView findViewById try Connect catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block tv.setText Not connected.. R.layout.main tv TextView findViewById try Connect catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block tv.setText Not connected e.printStackTrace public void Connect throws IOException serverSocket new ServerSocket serverSocket.bind..
How to add new contacts in android cv Toast.makeText this Contact added Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show catch Exception e TextView tv new TextView this tv.setText e.toString setContentView tv android share improve this question Here I am posting a.. cv Toast.makeText this Contact added Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show catch Exception e TextView tv new TextView this tv.setText e.toString setContentView tv android share improve this question Here I am posting a piece of code that i.. added Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show catch Exception e TextView tv new TextView this tv.setText e.toString setContentView tv android share improve this question Here I am posting a piece of code that i use to add a new contact. It works fine..
How to support Arabic text in Android? code but its showing boxes instead of Arabic text. Assume that t array values are Arabic text from server. string t Textview tv Textview findviewByid tv.setText t 0 android internationalization arabic persian farsi share improve.. its showing boxes instead of Arabic text. Assume that t array values are Arabic text from server. string t Textview tv Textview findviewByid tv.setText t 0 android internationalization arabic persian farsi share improve this question.. showing boxes instead of Arabic text. Assume that t array values are Arabic text from server. string t Textview tv Textview findviewByid tv.setText t 0 android internationalization arabic persian farsi share improve this question..
ANDROID::Rotate image in imageview by an angle Is there any simpler and less complex method available. ImageView iv ImageView findViewById imageviewid TextView tv TextView findViewById txtViewsid Matrix mat new Matrix Bitmap bMap BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources imageid mat.postRotate..
Fragment design: Adapting to multiple screen layouts by showing/hiding fragments within a single Activity? can display 2 panes split vertically in Portrait 3 panes split horizontally in landscape. For simplicity lets keep TV screens out of the discussion. Now translating this to design We have three fragments Frag1 Frag2 and Frag3. In the simplest..
about android image size and assets sizes 1 1.33 1.5 2 3 4 Although you don't really need to worry about tvdpi unless you're developing specifically for Google TV or the original Nexus 7 but even Google recommends simply using hdpi assets. You probably don't need to worry about xxhdpi..
android device id confusion even though it is retrieved using the same API. Android devices without telephony modules for example many tablets and TV devices do not have an IMEI . As Schlangi commented some devices that do not have a telephony module fake the IMEI so the..
Compile and link against libusb for android C programm which allows the control of Gembird SilverShield power outlets via USB for android. On my android HDMI TV stick this would be very useful. There is an open project for this . It works under Linux and depends on libusb. The target..
Set color of TextView span in Android this question Another answer would be very similar but wouldn't need to set the text of the TextView twice TextView TV TextView findViewById Spannable wordtoSpan new SpannableString I know just how to whisper And I know just..
Why is Android Geocoder throwing a “Service not Available” exception? OS level default location for non Geocoder devices so location aware apps work out of the box on devices like Google TV. android google geocoder share improve this question I asked Google's Reto Meier to confirm my theory was correct and..
How to move/rename file from internal app storage to external storage on Android?
Modifying SimpleCursorAdapter's data SimpleCursorAdapter's data I'm working on a TV Guide app which uses a ListActivity showing the TV shows for one channel one day at a time. I'm using a RelativeLayout for.. SimpleCursorAdapter's data I'm working on a TV Guide app which uses a ListActivity showing the TV shows for one channel one day at a time. I'm using a RelativeLayout for the ListView items and I want the ListView to look..
Getting telephone country code with Android CH 41 CH SY 963 SY TW 886 TW TJ 992 TJ TZ 255 TZ TH 66 TH TG 228 TG TK 690 TK TO 676 TO TN 216 TN TR 90 TR TM 993 TM TV 688 TV AE 971 AE UG 256 UG GB 44 GB UA 380 UA UY 598 UY US 1 US UZ 998 UZ VU 678 VU VA 39 VA VE 58 VE VN 84 VN WF 681 WF.. CH SY 963 SY TW 886 TW TJ 992 TJ TZ 255 TZ TH 66 TH TG 228 TG TK 690 TK TO 676 TO TN 216 TN TR 90 TR TM 993 TM TV 688 TV AE 971 AE UG 256 UG GB 44 GB UA 380 UA UY 598 UY US 1 US UZ 998 UZ VU 678 VU VA 39 VA VE 58 VE VN 84 VN WF 681 WF YE 967..
Controlling Tab colour-state / size in a TabActivity? and examples I can find and I still seem to be missing something really obvious. These are the tabs for a 7 day TV Guide not normally with the red arrow obviously ... What I need to know is what is the object View or Drawable I assume..
Android ListView with Checkbox and all clickable [duplicate] data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView i want to use a ListView with the items having following layout CB TV TV CB is a checkbox and TV is a Textview. Now i've read somewhere that you can't have clickable items in a ListView. If.. from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView i want to use a ListView with the items having following layout CB TV TV CB is a checkbox and TV is a Textview. Now i've read somewhere that you can't have clickable items in a ListView. If you.. in a ListView i want to use a ListView with the items having following layout CB TV TV CB is a checkbox and TV is a Textview. Now i've read somewhere that you can't have clickable items in a ListView. If you have some then you won't..
How to create a custom ListView with “extends Activity”? PM VC WS SM ST SA SN CS SC SL SG SK SI SB SO ZA GS ES LK SD SR SJ SZ SE CH SY TW TJ TZ TH TL TG TK TO TT TN TR TM TC TV UG UA AE GB US UM UY UZ VU VE VN VG VI WF EH YE ZM ZW As you are customizing the ListView you have create another class..
Android - multi-line linear layout LL.setLayoutParams new ListView.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT my old code TV new TextView mContext TV.setText textArray i TV.setTextSize size SET TEXT SIZE TV.measure 0 0 views i .measure 0 0 params.. new ListView.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT my old code TV new TextView mContext TV.setText textArray i TV.setTextSize size SET TEXT SIZE TV.measure 0 0 views i .measure 0 0 params new LinearLayout.LayoutParams.. LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT my old code TV new TextView mContext TV.setText textArray i TV.setTextSize size SET TEXT SIZE TV.measure 0 0 views i .measure 0 0 params new LinearLayout.LayoutParams views i .getMeasuredWidth..
Android app is published, but not visible anywhere in Google Play but not visible anywhere in Google Play I have tested this app on the Android emulators phones tablets and Google TV. Its works. When I published it Google Play the app is not visible. Below is the manifest. I sincerely appreciate any insight..