android Programming Glossary: trivial
GridLayout (not GridView) how to stretch all children evenly configure a GridLayout to distribute excess space in non trivial proportions between multiple rows or columns ... For complete..
How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size configure a GridLayout to distribute excess space in non trivial proportions between multiple rows or columns. Some common use..
Android SurfaceView scrolling you need to implement scrolling yourself as well. It's not trivial to do but neither is it too difficult. One way to do it is the..
ASP.NET Web API Authentication write a client application consuming this API. Here's a trivial console application example make sure you have installed the..
Parsing query strings in Java but reading the spec and understanding the nuances is non trivial. It is far better to let some platform library coder do the..
How to call SOAP web service in Android just conjecture. XML based web services are a slightly non trivial task on Android at this time. Not knowing NetBeans I can't speak..
How to release application plugin using Android Market? 0 There are more ways to do this but this is quite trivial and straight forward. The last step is to access the levels..
Best practices for unit testing Android apps [closed] found that test driven development in Android is far from trivial at the moment. Any tips tricks war stories for building light..
Android ADT error, dx.jar was not loaded from the SDK folder
How do I set up IntelliJ IDEA for Android applications? been in hundreds of sites and tutorials but they all skip trivial steps. So here's the full guide Download and install Java JDK..
Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database? data . You'll have to somehow join it in which for any non trivial database is impossible due to the id's. How to refresh the app..
Android: parse XML from string problems my parsed XML data I realize this question is probably trivial but I've been searching for literally hours and have found no..
Custom Translucent Android ActionBar etc. for the answer to what I thought would be a fairly trivial question. How do you achieve a translucent action bar like the..
switching activities without animation in AndroidManifest file I supose my problem is trivial but I can't find good example or solution to it. intent filter..
What is the most appropriate way to store user settings in Android application some sort of cryptographic store though that's non trivial. At the very least make sure you're encrypting the password..
How do I build the Android SDK with hidden and internal APIs available? such that nothing is detected as hidden. This is quite trivial and I have tried this however the stubs that is then generated..
How do I change the background color of the ActionBar of an ActionBarActivity using XML? the styles but to no avail. I'm probably missing something trivial. How do I change the background color of the ActionBar of an..
How can I read SMS messages from the inbox programmatically in Android? android sms inbox share improve this question It is a trivial process. You can see a good example in the source code SMSPopup..
GridLayout (not GridView) how to stretch all children evenly defined in weight. In general it is not therefore possible to configure a GridLayout to distribute excess space in non trivial proportions between multiple rows or columns ... For complete control over excess space distribution in a row or column..
How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size defined in weight. In general it is not therefore possible to configure a GridLayout to distribute excess space in non trivial proportions between multiple rows or columns. Some common use cases may nevertheless be accommodated as follows. To place..
Android SurfaceView scrolling how you want. You do everything yourself and that means you need to implement scrolling yourself as well. It's not trivial to do but neither is it too difficult. One way to do it is the following Extend SurfaceView and implement SurfaceHolder.Callback..
ASP.NET Web API Authentication material that only authorized users can see Now we could write a client application consuming this API. Here's a trivial console application example make sure you have installed the Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client and Microsoft.Net.Http NuGet..
Parsing query strings in Java use them . Parsing query strings is a well defined problem but reading the spec and understanding the nuances is non trivial. It is far better to let some platform library coder do the hard work and do the fixing for you rant java android parsing..
How to call SOAP web service in Android format. Or using XMPP for messaging. But that is just conjecture. XML based web services are a slightly non trivial task on Android at this time. Not knowing NetBeans I can't speak to the tools available there but I agree that a better..
How to release application plugin using Android Market? levelPacks packageManager.queryIntentActivities levelsIntent 0 There are more ways to do this but this is quite trivial and straight forward. The last step is to access the levels from the installed level packs. You can do this by calling PackageManager.getResourcesForActivity..
Best practices for unit testing Android apps [closed] closed I'd like to unit test my Android application but I found that test driven development in Android is far from trivial at the moment. Any tips tricks war stories for building light weight and preferably fast running tests android unit testing..
Android ADT error, dx.jar was not loaded from the SDK folder
How do I set up IntelliJ IDEA for Android applications? I've spent a day on trying to put all the pieces together been in hundreds of sites and tutorials but they all skip trivial steps. So here's the full guide Download and install Java JDK Choose the Java platform Download and install Android SDK..
Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database? the backupped data in place deleting the empty or old data . You'll have to somehow join it in which for any non trivial database is impossible due to the id's. How to refresh the app after the restore is done without getting the user stuck..
Android: parse XML from string problems returns nothing because it is a void method. How do I access my parsed XML data I realize this question is probably trivial but I've been searching for literally hours and have found no solution. Please help. String result fetchData doesntmatter..
Custom Translucent Android ActionBar scouring the interwebs e.g. Andoird documentation answers here etc. for the answer to what I thought would be a fairly trivial question. How do you achieve a translucent action bar like the ones in Google Music and YouTube links are image examples..
switching activities without animation How can I use properly the Intent flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION in AndroidManifest file I supose my problem is trivial but I can't find good example or solution to it. intent filter data android name android.content.Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION..
What is the most appropriate way to store user settings in Android application
How do I build the Android SDK with hidden and internal APIs available? the relevant source is in build tools droiddoc src such that nothing is detected as hidden. This is quite trivial and I have tried this however the stubs that is then generated does not compile at all. My conclusion by now is that this..
How do I change the background color of the ActionBar of an ActionBarActivity using XML? so they grey icons are more visible. I've tried modifying the styles but to no avail. I'm probably missing something trivial. How do I change the background color of the ActionBar of an ActionBarActivity using XML android android actionbar android..
How can I read SMS messages from the inbox programmatically in Android? to retrieve the SMS messages from the inbox and display them android sms inbox share improve this question It is a trivial process. You can see a good example in the source code SMSPopup Examine the following methods public static SmsMmsMessage..