android Programming Glossary: tv.setbackgroundcolor
How does Google achieve animated posts in their G+ app? list for int i 0 i 20 i TextView tv new TextView this tv.setText Test tv.setTextSize 72 tv.setTextColor Color.WHITE tv.setBackgroundColor Color.GRAY list.addView tv setContentView scrollView Scrolling down the list should trigger alpha animation once new TextView..
Converting a TextView->Bitmap->ImageView, and nothing's showing up new LinearLayout.LayoutParams 80 100 tv.setLayoutParams layoutParams tv.setText testing 1 2 3 tv.setTextColor 0xFFFFFF tv.setBackgroundColor 0x555555 Bitmap testB testB loadBitmapFromView tv ImageView iv new ImageView this iv.setLayoutParams layoutParams iv.setBackgroundColor.. LinearLayout.LayoutParams 80 100 tv.setLayoutParams layoutParams tv.setText testing 1 2 3 tv.setTextColor Color.BLACK tv.setBackgroundColor Color.TRANSPARENT Bitmap testB testB Bitmap.createBitmap 80 100 Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Canvas c new Canvas testB tv.layout..
focusable row inside table android ... ... tv TextView tr.findViewById tv.setText ... table.addView tr Draw separator tv new TextView this tv.setBackgroundColor Color.parseColor #80808080 tv.setHeight height of separaor line. 2dip will be enough table.addView tv If you use context..
Different look/style for specific menu item on ActionBar TextView tv new TextView getActivity tv.setText R.string.Create tv.setTextColor getResources .getColor tv.setBackgroundColor getResources .getColor R.color.lightBlue tv.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick..
Hiding Title in a Fullscreen mode? savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main TextView tv TextView this.findViewById tv.setBackgroundColor 0xFF848284 tv.setTextColor 0xFFFFFFFF Button toggleTitleButton Button this.findViewById toggleTitleButton.setOnClickListener..