

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:47

android Programming Glossary: troubles

Resources$NotFoundException in Graphical Layout ADT preview (but app actually Works)


in ADT plugin and there is one of them. Layout Editor has troubles with rendering custom views. I had the same issue and the only..

Why is 0dp considered a performance enhancement?


the ListView's height as wrap_content that will lead into troubles. Here is the reason for that and this answer . Further more..

Changes in code aren't reflected when I run Libgdx project on Android


Please star the bug report to make Google aware of the troubles this gives. Easiest way is to clean project in Eclipse or whatever..

How to notify an activity when GlobalVariables are changed


those static variables after listen however I am having troubles notifying the activity. android activity android activity notify..

Android - Bitmap cache takes a lot of memory


I'm trying to cache an image in my app but I'm having troubles with its memory consumption All of the Bitmap Chaching code..

httpclient ssl certificate on android


ssl certificate on android I have some troubles with ssl using httpclient on android i am trying to access self..

What is a Full Android Database Helper class for an existing SQLite database? [closed]


what I came up with hope it helps others that were having troubles. package com.MyPackage import java.io.FileOutputStream import..

unicode support in android ndk


Python based build script. If you run into any other troubles I can probably tell you what the issue is. Good luck share..

How to specify background color in Color State List Resources?


fields depending on the current state however I am having troubles understanding Androids Color State List Resources I found example..

Android: How to rotate a bitmap on a center point


around the bitmaps 0 0 . Here is the code I am having troubles with Matrix mtx new Matrix mtx.reset mtx.preTranslate centerX..

Problems creating a Popup Window in Android Activity


and have a button to close the popup. However I'm having troubles getting the PopupWindow to even work. I've tried two different..

Repackage APK file to contain custom assets - what build tool to use?


for each user or other options This question relates to troubles I am having with rebuilding the APK file once I have unzipped..

What's the difference in GCC between -std=gnu++0x and -std=c++0x and which one should be used?


0x and std c 0x and which one should be used I'm having troubles with stdint.h when using std c 0x in GCC 4.4.3 for Android using..

How to go about creating a race track game?


demo with a movable car controls obstacles. If you have troubles you can always get support from the forums AndEngine has a very..

Compile with Proguard gives SimException UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION


if you do obfuscate this by itself might get you into troubles as well . Note that the second implies the first even though..

Phone isn't recognized by ADB


on the device and set it again Adb seems to often cause troubles not the best piece of software I've seen share improve this..

aapt.exe crashes when I try to export my Android application from Eclipse


two days ago my Android SDK to version API 14 I'm getting troubles using Eclipse Helios on my Windows 7 x64 laptop. When I try..

android: camera onPause/onResume issue


camera onPause onResume issue I have some troubles with the onPause onResume camera live cycle Camera with preview..

Android fade in and fade out with ImageView


fade in and fade out with ImageView I'm with some troubles with and slideshow I'm building. I've created 2 animations in..

Android.mk, include all cpp files


an Android project using the ndk but I have run into some troubles. Here's the Android.mk file that works LOCAL_PATH call my dir..

Resources$NotFoundException in Graphical Layout ADT preview (but app actually Works)


code is alright but unfortunately there are still some bugs in ADT plugin and there is one of them. Layout Editor has troubles with rendering custom views. I had the same issue and the only workout I have found is checking View.isInEditMode and initializing..

Why is 0dp considered a performance enhancement?


wrap_content android layout_weight 1 ListView Never take the ListView's height as wrap_content that will lead into troubles. Here is the reason for that and this answer . Further more I searched around but haven't found anything that really explains..

Changes in code aren't reflected when I run Libgdx project on Android


this question This is a bug in the newer versions of ADT. Please star the bug report to make Google aware of the troubles this gives. Easiest way is to clean project in Eclipse or whatever IDE you are using or to add a space newline in your Android..

How to notify an activity when GlobalVariables are changed


is received. I use a Class for GlobalVariables and change those static variables after listen however I am having troubles notifying the activity. android activity android activity notify share improve this question First of all it is almost..

Android - Bitmap cache takes a lot of memory


subject so there are a lot of things I don't understand. I'm trying to cache an image in my app but I'm having troubles with its memory consumption All of the Bitmap Chaching code is pretty much copy pasted from here http developer.android.com..

httpclient ssl certificate on android


ssl certificate on android I have some troubles with ssl using httpclient on android i am trying to access self signed certificate in details i want my app to trust all..

What is a Full Android Database Helper class for an existing SQLite database? [closed]


sqlite setup share improve this question This is what I came up with hope it helps others that were having troubles. package com.MyPackage import java.io.FileOutputStream import java.io.IOException import java.io.InputStream import java.io.OutputStream..

unicode support in android ndk


How to specify background color in Color State List Resources?


I am trying to change the background color of some of my fields depending on the current state however I am having troubles understanding Androids Color State List Resources I found example sorry URL no longer works and if I try exactly the same..

Android: How to rotate a bitmap on a center point


that the bitmap is not rotated around a fixed point but rather around the bitmaps 0 0 . Here is the code I am having troubles with Matrix mtx new Matrix mtx.reset mtx.preTranslate centerX centerY mtx.setRotate float direction centerX centerY mtx.postTranslate..

Problems creating a Popup Window in Android Activity


time the application starts. I want it to display some text and have a button to close the popup. However I'm having troubles getting the PopupWindow to even work. I've tried two different ways of doing it First I have an XML file which declares..

Repackage APK file to contain custom assets - what build tool to use?


it in this way see Embed login details in APK file different for each user or other options This question relates to troubles I am having with rebuilding the APK file once I have unzipped it and updated the custom asset file. I am quite convinced..

What's the difference in GCC between -std=gnu++0x and -std=c++0x and which one should be used?


the difference in GCC between std gnu 0x and std c 0x and which one should be used I'm having troubles with stdint.h when using std c 0x in GCC 4.4.3 for Android using std c 0x #include stdint.h uint64_t value error 'uint64_t'..

How to go about creating a race track game?


framework . In the examples there is a very simple race track demo with a movable car controls obstacles. If you have troubles you can always get support from the forums AndEngine has a very easy learning curve Have fun creating your racing game Here..

Compile with Proguard gives SimException UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION


LocalVariableTypeTable and equally keepparameternames if you do obfuscate this by itself might get you into troubles as well . Note that the second implies the first even though it may not be clear from its name that it affects attributes...

Phone isn't recognized by ADB


aapt.exe crashes when I try to export my Android application from Eclipse


export my Android application from Eclipse Since I updated two days ago my Android SDK to version API 14 I'm getting troubles using Eclipse Helios on my Windows 7 x64 laptop. When I try to export a project everything is ok until I get to press the..

android: camera onPause/onResume issue


camera onPause onResume issue I have some troubles with the onPause onResume camera live cycle Camera with preview and taking photos works totally fine. With one exceptions..

Android fade in and fade out with ImageView


fade in and fade out with ImageView I'm with some troubles with and slideshow I'm building. I've created 2 animations in xml for fade in and fade out fadein.xml xml version 1.0 encoding..

Android.mk, include all cpp files


include all cpp files I'm trying to build an Android project using the ndk but I have run into some troubles. Here's the Android.mk file that works LOCAL_PATH call my dir include CLEAR_VARS LOCAL_MODULE mylib LOCAL_CFLAGS Werror..