android Programming Glossary: trivially
How can I securely (indirectly) query a postgresql database within android? are either known to the user or can be extracted trivially from a .apk so you still have to assume anybody could access..
Portable JDBC vs SQLite on Android shared code will use... on android it will be implemented trivially by android.database.sqlite and on the desktop it will be implemented..
Recycling views in a listview, worth it? listviews I've seen tells you to recycle the view even on trivially simple views like a textview. I guess my question is why did..
Running a Haskell program on the Android OS which comes with a GCC port for ARM architectures. JHC can trivially do this with a very small inf style file which describes the..
The easiest way to play an audio RTMP stream in Android share improve this question It is unfortunately non trivially difficult to do. Right now your best bet is to look at the code..
Use firefox as render engine for Android webview firefox webkit webview share improve this question Non trivially difficult. Depending on how much consistency you need between..
How to register a custom speech recognition service? stop this service. My custom speech recognition service trivially uses the default speech recognizer because my goal is simply..
How can I securely (indirectly) query a postgresql database within android? them. Remember that no matter how you secure things all credentials are either known to the user or can be extracted trivially from a .apk so you still have to assume anybody could access your web service methods not just your app. Write them accordingly...
Portable JDBC vs SQLite on Android interface compatible with android.database.sqlite which the shared code will use... on android it will be implemented trivially by android.database.sqlite and on the desktop it will be implemented by somehow mutilating SQLite through JDBC to match..
Recycling views in a listview, worth it? a view really THAT significant Every tutorial on using listviews I've seen tells you to recycle the view even on trivially simple views like a textview. I guess my question is why did google decide to make this the default behavior of the getView..
Running a Haskell program on the Android OS a Haskell compiler which can target C with the android NDK which comes with a GCC port for ARM architectures. JHC can trivially do this with a very small inf style file which describes the platform word size c compiler etc I've done this with the Wii..
The easiest way to play an audio RTMP stream in Android explanation. Thank you very much. android audio streaming share improve this question It is unfortunately non trivially difficult to do. Right now your best bet is to look at the code in http p android rtmp client specifically..
Use firefox as render engine for Android webview unhappy with the webkit engine on some features. android firefox webkit webview share improve this question Non trivially difficult. Depending on how much consistency you need between your new WebView implementation and the existing implementation..
How to register a custom speech recognition service? and I created an activity to start and stop this service. My custom speech recognition service trivially uses the default speech recognizer because my goal is simply to understand how the RecognitionService and RecognitionService.Callback..