android Programming Glossary: troubleshooting
How should I get started with Android Development? [closed] Linux Eclipse or both. There also doesn't seem to be much troubleshooting help. android linux eclipse share improve this question ..
Twitter update_with_media Via Scribe OAuth On Android someone It's very easy to implement but took a few days of troubleshooting to get it working correctly BUILD OAUTH SERVICE OAuthService..
Eclipse 64-bit - Android Virtual Device Manager Failed to create SD card and content of your avd machines Now do the basic troubleshooting steps check if the avd directory exists and if it contains a..
How do you stop Proguard from removing type parameters? through all of the ProGuard usage documents examples and troubleshooting but have been unable to find any documentation on how to deal..
Android SDK Setup under Windows 7 Pro 64 bit directly related since it is Linux centric but there are troubleshooting steps if trying to run the SDK Eclipse under Linux 64bit where..
Android SDK on a 64-bit linux machine to install the ia32 libraries. Check out the Ubuntu Linux troubleshooting section . apt get install ia32 libs apt get install sun java6..
Memory leak in WebView a very interesting post. Recently I had a very hard time troubleshooting a memory leak on my Android app. In the end it turned out that..
Debugging on my phone (Eclipse, Android) this question Android Simplicity has some tips for troubleshooting the installation of the Windows USB driver. If that doesn't..
Android Eclipse - Could not find *.apk [closed] appreciated as I have lost loads of development time troubleshooting this already. Update My locale is English I have tried removing..
Disable orange outline highlight on focus of which have any effect. Update I have done some more troubleshooting with this and to date have found The outline property works..
In App BIlling trouble with Pending Intents and switching activities looking for someone to do my work for me as I have been troubleshooting and fixed every single error message in the LogCat. I am developing..
capturing and sending logcat output by email or to server app which has some complex logic and I am having issues troubleshooting the app that has been installed by beta testers. Does anyone..
LoaderCallbacks.onLoadFinished not called if orientation change happens during AsyncTaskLoader run onLoadFinished to be called but it never is. As a means of troubleshooting in the Manifest if I set android configChanges orientation onLoadFinished..
How should I get started with Android Development? [closed] at Google but everything I read assumes a prior knowledge of Linux Eclipse or both. There also doesn't seem to be much troubleshooting help. android linux eclipse share improve this question You might find this book Hello Android helpful. It includes..
Twitter update_with_media Via Scribe OAuth On Android include them in your build path I really hope this helps someone It's very easy to implement but took a few days of troubleshooting to get it working correctly BUILD OAUTH SERVICE OAuthService oAuth new ServiceBuilder .provider TwitterApi.class .apiKey..
Eclipse 64-bit - Android Virtual Device Manager Failed to create SD card you will find all files and directories with the definition and content of your avd machines Now do the basic troubleshooting steps check if the avd directory exists and if it contains a file with the name sdcard.img . if the file exists try to rename..
How do you stop Proguard from removing type parameters? Eliminating the obfuscation removes these issues. I have read through all of the ProGuard usage documents examples and troubleshooting but have been unable to find any documentation on how to deal with type parameters or which aspect of ProGuard strips the..
Android SDK Setup under Windows 7 Pro 64 bit to get this done that people may know about. UPDATE 2 Not directly related since it is Linux centric but there are troubleshooting steps if trying to run the SDK Eclipse under Linux 64bit where they reference the need to be able to run 32 bit but nothing..
Android SDK on a 64-bit linux machine
Memory leak in WebView 2008 12 18 avoid memory leaks on android Indeed a very interesting post. Recently I had a very hard time troubleshooting a memory leak on my Android app. In the end it turned out that my xml layout included a WebView component that even if not..
Debugging on my phone (Eclipse, Android) on my phone Thanks in advance android debugging share improve this question Android Simplicity has some tips for troubleshooting the installation of the Windows USB driver. If that doesn't help try following the steps laid out here which are specific..
Android Eclipse - Could not find *.apk [closed] jdk1.6.0_21 via Eclipse 3.6. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I have lost loads of development time troubleshooting this already. Update My locale is English I have tried removing the debug.keystore United States as related to issue 834..
Disable orange outline highlight on focus android imeOptions actionGo flagNoEnterAction None of which have any effect. Update I have done some more troubleshooting with this and to date have found The outline property works only on Chrome not on the Android browser. The webkit tap highlight..
In App BIlling trouble with Pending Intents and switching activities have been trying to fix this for days and I'm not coming here looking for someone to do my work for me as I have been troubleshooting and fixed every single error message in the LogCat. I am developing an Android game using Andengine this might be part of..
capturing and sending logcat output by email or to server logcat output by email or to server I'm developing an Android app which has some complex logic and I am having issues troubleshooting the app that has been installed by beta testers. Does anyone know if there's an easy way to capture logcat output and either..
LoaderCallbacks.onLoadFinished not called if orientation change happens during AsyncTaskLoader run background requests. The responses complete and I expect onLoadFinished to be called but it never is. As a means of troubleshooting in the Manifest if I set android configChanges orientation onLoadFinished gets called as expected. My Activity implements..