

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:47

android Programming Glossary: truly

Google Maps v2 - set both my location and zoom in


Sorry this answer is flawed. See Rob's answer for a way to truly do this in one shot by creating a CameraPosition and then creating..

HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() returns -1 on second invocation


problem elsewhere but so far no solutions. If they're truly the same problem then the problem probably isn't with signpost..

Does anyone have benchmarks (code & results) comparing performance of Android apps written in Xamarin C# and Java?


Java Dalvik with the C# implementation of Android well and truly trouncing the Java based Dalvik. share improve this answer..

Gradle + Annotations + Flavors = won't run annotations processor


code fails. The curious thing about this is I found truly by accident that if I remove the packageName com.MyCompany.MyApp.Pro..

Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache


will keep retrying in an infinite loop. I rewrote it to be truly recursive and added a numDays parameter so you can control how..

Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed]


use LinearLayout but you will find that RelativeLayout is truly useful. Many layouts like the GridLayout aren't used much at..

Android HttpClient - hostname in certificate didn't match <example.com> != <*.example.com>


How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate]


my own HorizontalListView from scratch. The only way to truly override the Gallery's center locking feature is to override..

Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible?


application errors caused by parallel execution. If you truly want parallel execution you can use the executeOnExecutor Executor..

Android: How to reset FirstRun SharedPreferences when my app is updated?


is a private SharedPreferences object. This works if it's truly the first run and for upgrades. At the end of the first run..

android animation is not finished in onAnimationEnd


onAnimationEnd It seems that an android animation is not truly finished when the onAnimationEnd event is fired although animation.hasEnded..

Trouble writing internal memory android


MediaStore to obtain generated image file name. Create a truly internal file onto whatever path relative to private application.. Toast.LENGTH_LONG toast.show Voila Now we have a truly application private picture file which name has been generated..

Playing an pre-recorded audio file to somebody over a call


heard seen on the internet. My Question is this if this is truly the way it is how is prankdial accomplishing this Many similar.. improve this question My Question is this if this is truly the way it is how is prankdial accomplishing this It is impossible...

Unable to write files on sdcard android


from getExternalStorageDirectory however this is not truly the path to the sdcard On at least one Motorola device and on..

HTTPS connection with client certificate in an android app


me believe this may be my problem as in here but I am truly not certain. If this is indeed my problem what would I ask for..

How to hide action bar before activity is created, and then show it again?


this question Setting android windowActionBar false truly disables the ActionBar but then as you say getActionBar returns..

Creating an Android trial application that expires after a fixed time period


third technique is the only way that I have heard about to truly be able to accomplish what you want to do. You will have to..

Google Maps v2 - set both my location and zoom in


is the sample project from which I pulled the above code. Sorry this answer is flawed. See Rob's answer for a way to truly do this in one shot by creating a CameraPosition and then creating a CameraUpdate from that CameraPosition . share improve..

HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() returns -1 on second invocation


200 I've found references to what seems to be a similar problem elsewhere but so far no solutions. If they're truly the same problem then the problem probably isn't with signpost since the other references make no reference to it. Any ideas..

Does anyone have benchmarks (code & results) comparing performance of Android apps written in Xamarin C# and Java?


Gradle + Annotations + Flavors = won't run annotations processor


processor doesn't run so the references to the generated code fails. The curious thing about this is I found truly by accident that if I remove the packageName com.MyCompany.MyApp.Pro from the script....the annotations processor runs and..

Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache


delete because one of its files cannot be deleted the code will keep retrying in an infinite loop. I rewrote it to be truly recursive and added a numDays parameter so you can control how old the files must be that are pruned helper method for clearCache..

Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed]


Just work with it. Love RelativeLayout Most of the tutorials use LinearLayout but you will find that RelativeLayout is truly useful. Many layouts like the GridLayout aren't used much at all. Play around with RelativeLayout. See an example from this..

Android HttpClient - hostname in certificate didn't match <example.com> != <*.example.com>


How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate]


this question I have overridden AdapterView and implemented my own HorizontalListView from scratch. The only way to truly override the Gallery's center locking feature is to override the private scrollIntoSlots method which I believe would require..

Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible?


planned to change this back to a single thread to avoid common application errors caused by parallel execution. If you truly want parallel execution you can use the executeOnExecutor Executor Params... version of this method with THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR..

Android: How to reset FirstRun SharedPreferences when my app is updated?


went wrong if you got here... e.printStackTrace prefs is a private SharedPreferences object. This works if it's truly the first run and for upgrades. At the end of the first run code the editor.putLong updates your shared preferences with..

android animation is not finished in onAnimationEnd


animation is not finished in onAnimationEnd It seems that an android animation is not truly finished when the onAnimationEnd event is fired although animation.hasEnded is set to true. I want my view to change it's..

Trouble writing internal memory android


to my app insert capture to the MediaStore. Query the MediaStore to obtain generated image file name. Create a truly internal file onto whatever path relative to private application data folder using Context.getDir . Use an OutputStream.. Toast toast Toast.makeText this Picture capture has been cancelled. Toast.LENGTH_LONG toast.show Voila Now we have a truly application private picture file which name has been generated by the Droid device. And nothing is kept in the public storage..

Playing an pre-recorded audio file to somebody over a call


a pre recorded audio file or atleast that is what i have heard seen on the internet. My Question is this if this is truly the way it is how is prankdial accomplishing this Many similar questions have been asked but they all seem really old so.. any more insight about this. android media player share improve this question My Question is this if this is truly the way it is how is prankdial accomplishing this It is impossible. Android applications do not have access to the in call..

Unable to write files on sdcard android


fault. I've seen several devices that return mnt sdcard from getExternalStorageDirectory however this is not truly the path to the sdcard On at least one Motorola device and on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 for example mnt sdcard is returned..

HTTPS connection with client certificate in an android app


am I looking for I have seen some reference to this that makes me believe this may be my problem as in here but I am truly not certain. If this is indeed my problem what would I ask for from the person who maintains the internal CA and then how..

How to hide action bar before activity is created, and then show it again?


it again. android android 3.0 android actionbar share improve this question Setting android windowActionBar false truly disables the ActionBar but then as you say getActionBar returns null. This is solved by public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..

Creating an Android trial application that expires after a fixed time period


users won't go through the trouble to do such a thing. The third technique is the only way that I have heard about to truly be able to accomplish what you want to do. You will have to set up a server and then whenever your application is started..