

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:47

android Programming Glossary: tryboth

Can someone explain how TrafficStats works its magic in the Android OS?


private static final String LOGGING_TAG TrafficStatsFile.class.getSimpleName public long getMobileRxBytes return tryBoth mobileRxFile_1 mobileRxFile_2 public long getMobileTxBytes return tryBoth mobileTxFile_1 mobileTxFile_2 Return the number.. public long getMobileRxBytes return tryBoth mobileRxFile_1 mobileRxFile_2 public long getMobileTxBytes return tryBoth mobileTxFile_1 mobileTxFile_2 Return the number from the first file which exists and contains data private static long tryBoth.. mobileTxFile_1 mobileTxFile_2 Return the number from the first file which exists and contains data private static long tryBoth String a String b long num readNumber a return num 0 num readNumber b Returns an ASCII decimal number read from the specified..