android Programming Glossary: tappoint
How to display popup on tapping overlay in android? PantryLocation getHitMapLocation MapView mapView GeoPoint tapPoint Track which MapLocation was hit...if any PantryLocation hitMapLocation.. clicked by the user mapView.getProjection .toPixels tapPoint screenCoords hitMapLocation testLocation if hitTestRecr.contains.. clear the newMouseSelection as it has now been processed tapPoint null if hitMapLocation null selectedMapLocation null return..
Custom tap window on Google Map boolean moreArrowTappedEvent MapView mapView GeoPoint tapPoint boolean result false RectF hitTestRecr new RectF Point screenCoords.. clicked by the user mapView.getProjection .toPixels tapPoint screenCoords if hitTestRecr.contains screenCoords.x screenCoords.y.. MapLocation getHitMapLocation MapView mapView GeoPoint tapPoint Track which MapLocation was hit...if any MapLocation hitMapLocation..
How to display popup on tapping overlay in android? should be displayed or a prior balloon hidden. private PantryLocation getHitMapLocation MapView mapView GeoPoint tapPoint Track which MapLocation was hit...if any PantryLocation hitMapLocation null RectF hitTestRecr new RectF Point screenCoords.. test for a match between our 'hit' Rectangle and the location clicked by the user mapView.getProjection .toPixels tapPoint screenCoords hitMapLocation testLocation if hitTestRecr.contains screenCoords.x screenCoords.y hitMapLocation testLocation.. testX int screenCoords.x testY int screenCoords.y Lastly clear the newMouseSelection as it has now been processed tapPoint null if hitMapLocation null selectedMapLocation null return selectedMapLocation return hitMapLocation private void drawMapLocations..
Custom tap window on Google Map balloon should be displayed or a prior balloon hidden. private boolean moreArrowTappedEvent MapView mapView GeoPoint tapPoint boolean result false RectF hitTestRecr new RectF Point screenCoords new Point Create a 'hit' testing Rectangle w size and.. test for a match between our 'hit' Rectangle and the location clicked by the user mapView.getProjection .toPixels tapPoint screenCoords if hitTestRecr.contains screenCoords.x screenCoords.y result true return result private MapLocation getHitMapLocation.. screenCoords.x screenCoords.y result true return result private MapLocation getHitMapLocation MapView mapView GeoPoint tapPoint Track which MapLocation was hit...if any MapLocation hitMapLocation null RectF hitTestRecr new RectF Point screenCoords..