android Programming Glossary: table_name
Foreign key constraints in Android using SQLite? on Delete cascade void onCreate SQLiteDatabase db db.execSQL CREATE TABLE TABLE_NAME _ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT LONGITUDE INTEGER LATITUDE..
Populate Android Database From CSV file? like the following...but no luck db.execSQL CREATE TABLE TABLE_NAME id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY name TEXT db.execSQL .mode csv db.execSQL.. db.execSQL .mode csv db.execSQL .import res raw MyFile.csv TABLE_NAME Is this possible Should I be trying a different approach to..
Android SQLite database: slow insertion calls similar to the following getWritableDatabase .insert TABLE_NAME _id values . All of this together takes about 80 seconds for..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database RatedCallsContentObserver handler db.insert CallDataHelper.TABLE_NAME null values Toast.makeText getBaseContext Inserted Toast.LENGTH_LONG.. final int DATABASE_VERSION 1 protected static final String TABLE_NAME contact_data private Context context private SQLiteDatabase.. String date String currTime this.db.execSQL insert into TABLE_NAME contact_id contact_name number_type contact_number duration..
sqlite example program in android [closed] Constants extends BaseColumns public static final String TABLE_NAME user_deal public static final String AUTHORITY com.mypackage.quaddeals.. static final Uri CONTENT_URI Uri.parse content AUTHORITY TABLE_NAME public static final String TITLE title public static final String.. import static com.mypackage.quaddeals.Constants.TABLE_NAME import android.content.Context import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase..
SQLite exception: Database is locked issue DATABASE_NAME db.db private static final String TABLE_NAME table_name public void delete Context mContext synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase.. DATABASE_NAME db.db private static final String TABLE_NAME table_name public void delete Context mContext synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase..
Delete first N rows in android sqlite database first N rows. Find the first N rows SELECT id_column FROM table_name ORDER BY id_column LIMIT 3 The result is a list of ids that.. from the table that matches the list of ids DELETE FROM table_name WHERE id_column IN Result of step 1 If the result from step.. unique the whole statement can be changed to DELETE FROM table_name WHERE unique_column IN SELECT unique_column FROM table_name..
Foreign key constraints in Android using SQLite? on Delete cascade are supported in Android. To create the waypoints table public void onCreate SQLiteDatabase db db.execSQL CREATE TABLE TABLE_NAME _ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT LONGITUDE INTEGER LATITUDE INTEGER TIME INTEGER TRACK_ID_FK INTEGER ... java android..
Populate Android Database From CSV file? my Android application. My first thought was to try something like the following...but no luck db.execSQL CREATE TABLE TABLE_NAME id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY name TEXT db.execSQL .mode csv db.execSQL .import res raw MyFile.csv TABLE_NAME Is this possible.. CREATE TABLE TABLE_NAME id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY name TEXT db.execSQL .mode csv db.execSQL .import res raw MyFile.csv TABLE_NAME Is this possible Should I be trying a different approach to populate my database UPDATE I'm marking Josef's response as..
Android SQLite database: slow insertion parsing I also insert the data in an SQLite database using calls similar to the following getWritableDatabase .insert TABLE_NAME _id values . All of this together takes about 80 seconds for the 152KB test file which comes down to inserting roughly 200..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI new RatedCallsContentObserver handler db.insert CallDataHelper.TABLE_NAME null values Toast.makeText getBaseContext Inserted Toast.LENGTH_LONG callList.add Contact Number contactNumber nContact.. static final String DATABASE_NAME calls.db private static final int DATABASE_VERSION 1 protected static final String TABLE_NAME contact_data private Context context private SQLiteDatabase db public CallDataHelper Context context this.context context.. cId String cName String numType String cNum String dur String date String currTime this.db.execSQL insert into TABLE_NAME contact_id contact_name number_type contact_number duration date current_time cont values cId cName numType cNum dur..
sqlite example program in android [closed] import android.provider.BaseColumns public interface Constants extends BaseColumns public static final String TABLE_NAME user_deal public static final String AUTHORITY com.mypackage.quaddeals public static final Uri CONTENT_URI Uri.parse content.. static final String AUTHORITY com.mypackage.quaddeals public static final Uri CONTENT_URI Uri.parse content AUTHORITY TABLE_NAME public static final String TITLE title public static final String CITYID cityid 2.BruPress data class... package com.mypackage.quaddeals.. import static com.mypackage.quaddeals.Constants.TITLE import static com.mypackage.quaddeals.Constants.TABLE_NAME import android.content.Context import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper..
SQLite exception: Database is locked issue static String Lock dblock private static final String DATABASE_NAME db.db private static final String TABLE_NAME table_name public void delete Context mContext synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase db getWritableDatabase db.delete TABLE_NAME null.. static String Lock dblock private static final String DATABASE_NAME db.db private static final String TABLE_NAME table_name public void delete Context mContext synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase db mContext.openOrCreateDatabase DATABASE_NAME Context.MODE_PRIVATE..
Delete first N rows in android sqlite database frommytablewhere This approach uses two steps to delete the first N rows. Find the first N rows SELECT id_column FROM table_name ORDER BY id_column LIMIT 3 The result is a list of ids that represent the first N here 3 rows. The ORDER BY part is important.. BY the statement could delete 3 random rows. Delete any row from the table that matches the list of ids DELETE FROM table_name WHERE id_column IN Result of step 1 If the result from step 1 is empty nothing will happen if there are less than N rows.. deleted. In case the column that is used for ordering is not unique the whole statement can be changed to DELETE FROM table_name WHERE unique_column IN SELECT unique_column FROM table_name ORDER BY sort_column LIMIT 3 . Hint SQLite's ROWID is a good..
How to convert data base records into csv file in android? empnameet empsalet Button insetbt viewbt SQLiteDatabase myDatabase null String DataBase_Name employeedata String Table_Name employeedetails Cursor c1 c2 @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState.. MODE_PRIVATE null System.out.println databse has been creates..... myDatabase.execSQL create table if not exists Table_Name empid integer 10 empname varchar 50 empsal integer 10 System.out.println table has been created..... c1 myDatabase.rawQuery.. empname varchar 50 empsal integer 10 System.out.println table has been created..... c1 myDatabase.rawQuery select from Table_Name null c1.moveToFirst int count1 c1.getCount System.out.println columns count1 if count1 0 myDatabase.execSQL insert into..