android Programming Glossary: tabwidgetstyle
how to change the color of the tabs indicator text in android? how android tabs tabwidget share improve this question Style it in your custom theme change item name android tabWidgetStyle @android style Widget.TabWidget item and style name Widget.TabWidget item name android textAppearance @style TextAppearance.Widget.TabWidget..
Remove the bottom line border in tab bar? (And change selected color) android theme @style tabTheme In values styles.xml style name tabTheme parent android style Theme item name android tabWidgetStyle @style Widget.TabWidget item style style name Widget.TabWidget parent android Theme item name android tabStripEnabled false..
android:orientation=“vertical” does not work for TabWidget wrap_content android layout_alignParentBottom true android layout_centerHorizontal true style android attr tabWidgetStyle RelativeLayout Again this is identical to the original Android XML except for the ids. For a landscape friendly version.. wrap_content android layout_alignParentBottom true android layout_centerHorizontal true style android attr tabWidgetStyle RelativeLayout I changed marginLeft and marginRight to marginTop and marginBottom but am not that sure that it is helpful..
How to change the font size of tabhost in android for your Activity in your res styles.xml style name CustomTheme parent @android style Theme item name android tabWidgetStyle @style CustomTabWidget item style style name CustomTabWidget parent @android style Widget.TabWidget item name android textAppearance..
Android remove space between tabs in tabwidget xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources style name CustomTheme parent @android style Theme item name android tabWidgetStyle @style CustomTabWidget item style style name CustomTabWidget parent @android style Widget.TabWidget item name android textAppearance..