android Programming Glossary: take
How do I get the current GPS location programmatically in Android? just ask Android for your current position since GPS may take quite some time to get a fix. Instead you need to request location..
How to make a nice looking ListView filter on Android [closed] above. In order to make that box do something we need to take the input from it and make that input filter the list. While.. step is to get the input from the EditText . This actually takes a bit of thought. You could add an OnKeyListener to your EditText..
Android ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent We are trying to use the native camera app to let the user take a new picture. It works just fine if we leave out the EXTRA_OUTPUT.. to do to get ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE to write the picture taken to a file Edit This is done via the MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE..
Accepting a certificate for HTTPs on Android apache but for version in Android SDK is normal. And so we take ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER and set it in the method factory..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? to how core applications work. Hehe for every step I take in the Android world I run into some sort of problem Apparently.. to check updates when exiting the application That is a mistake on any operating system. For all you know the reason your application..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android on Android and it is even less clear. Thus if you were to take all of the physical RAM actually mapped in to each process and.. RAM. The Pss number is a metric the kernel computes that takes into account memory sharing basically each page of RAM in a.. more accurate one... but really this just leave the point take any memory info you get with a grain of salt often a very large..
How to programatically take a screenshot on Android? to programatically take a screenshot on Android How can I take screenshot of selected.. to programatically take a screenshot on Android How can I take screenshot of selected area of phone screen not by any program..
Focusable EditText inside ListView the row that has a focusable child I want that child to take focus instead of indicating the position with the selector... focus tree for items that contain focusable children. Any takers android share improve this question Sorry answered my.. so the default behavior needs to be that the ListView takes focus first and draws selectors. Then in the OnItemSelectedListener..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog @Override protected String doInBackground String... sUrl take CPU lock to prevent CPU from going off if the user presses the.. connection.connect expect HTTP 200 OK so we don't mistakenly save error report instead of the file if connection.getResponseCode..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? thing with android google map it doesn't do that. It just takes me to some locations and that's it. I was thinking of changing.. pairs 1 .split if first pair is not transferred completely take seconds pair TODO try GeoPoint startGP new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble..
How to ship an Android application with a database? the database should go and how to access it. 2 It may take a really long time to create and populate the database on the..
Save bitmap to location the SD card in a certain folder. Is there an easy way to take a bitmap and just save it to the SD card in a folder of my choice..
Android - basic gesture detection can be found here Romain Guys's Grid Layout . That file is take from Romain Guy's Photostream application and has only been..
How to send parameters from a notification-click to an activity? bundle notifications share improve this question Take a look at this guide creating a notification and to samples..
How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list? your button and different for the whole view your row . Take a look at the example private class MyAdapter extends ArrayAdapter..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? I describe in the blog post. That should be out very soon. Take a look. In the meantime there is a follow up blog post Single..
Using the LIMIT statement in a SQLite query SELECT column FROM table ORDER BY somethingelse LIMIT 10 Take a look here at the SQLite select syntax http
Android Preferences: How to load the default values when the user hasn't used the preferences-screen? will guarantee that user preferences won't be overwritten. Take a look into PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues in Android API..
Android List View Drag and Drop sort
Html List tag not working in android textview. what can i do? in a soft textured weave of stripes that resembles twill. Take a closer look at this one. ul li Trim tailored fit for a bespoke.. in a soft textured weave of stripes that resembles twill. Take a closer look at this one. ul li Trim tailored fit for a bespoke..
Android: retrieving all Drawable resources from Resources object to do this you're probably misusing the resource system. Take a look at assets and AssetManager if you want to iterate over..
Finish parent and current activity in Android the first app with A B after it starts the second. P.S. Take Falmarri's comment into consideration as you move forward Good..
How to crop an image in android? [duplicate] the rectangle from which the new bitmap will be created. Take 10 pixels off the bottom of a Bitmap Bitmap croppedBmp Bitmap.createBitmap..
SpeechRecognizer causes ANR… I need help with Android speech API then wait for the result to come back in onActivityResult. Take a look at the example code here http resources..
Call method when home button pressed on android [closed] override its behavior the same way you do the BACK button. Take a look at this discussion. You will notice that the home button..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser the disadvantage which should be pretty obvious by now. Take a look at the else if statement in the startElement method...
Example: Android bi-directional network socket using AsyncTask This is a way to gracefully exit the background thread. Take a look at how thread synchronization is done http
Stopping & Starting music on incoming calls which will give you information about the call. Take a look at the documentation here . Please note that you'll need..
How to interpret Logcat The error is coming from inside this method at line 290. Take a look at line 290 in your code. Whatever you are trying to..
Difference between onCreate() and onStart()? [duplicate] activity oncreate onstart share improve this question Take a look on life cycle of Activity Where onCreate Called when..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) in playing around with card emulation mode by yourselves. Take into consideration that this is only for experimental purposes...
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails height public void takeContext Context ocontext Debug.out Take context context ocontext void bindCameraTexture byte data int..
How do I get the current GPS location programmatically in Android? is covered in his book as well . Unfortunately you cannot just ask Android for your current position since GPS may take quite some time to get a fix. Instead you need to request location updates and use the first update you get or similar patterns...
How to make a nice looking ListView filter on Android [closed] app now should show your previous ListView with a nice box above. In order to make that box do something we need to take the input from it and make that input filter the list. While a lot of people have tried to do this manually most ListView.. String from earlier into a variable called 'adapter'. Next step is to get the input from the EditText . This actually takes a bit of thought. You could add an OnKeyListener to your EditText . However this listener only receives some key events..
Android ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent We are trying to use the native camera app to let the user take a new picture. It works just fine if we leave out the EXTRA_OUTPUT extra and returns the small Bitmap image. However if.. of it but the file never gets written. What exactly do we have to do to get ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE to write the picture taken to a file Edit This is done via the MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE intent just to be clear android camera return value..
Accepting a certificate for HTTPs on Android the method setHostnameVerifier is obsolete for new library apache but for version in Android SDK is normal. And so we take ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER and set it in the method factory SSLSocketFactory.setHostnameVerifier . Next You need set our..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? useless with Android's application model. This is also contrary to how core applications work. Hehe for every step I take in the Android world I run into some sort of problem Apparently you cannot quit an application in Android but Android can.. users to log in every time manually. For example we want to check updates when exiting the application That is a mistake on any operating system. For all you know the reason your application is being exited is because the OS is shutting down..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android of that paging out to disk let alone swap which we don't use on Android and it is even less clear. Thus if you were to take all of the physical RAM actually mapped in to each process and add up all of the processes you would probably end up with.. end up with a number much greater than the actual total RAM. The Pss number is a metric the kernel computes that takes into account memory sharing basically each page of RAM in a process is scaled by a ratio of the number of other processes.. Honestly I haven't a clue. I believe procrank may be the more accurate one... but really this just leave the point take any memory info you get with a grain of salt often a very large grain. Finally there is the command adb shell cat proc meminfo..
How to programatically take a screenshot on Android? to programatically take a screenshot on Android How can I take screenshot of selected area of phone screen not by any program but from code. android.. to programatically take a screenshot on Android How can I take screenshot of selected area of phone screen not by any program but from code. android screenshot share improve this question..
Focusable EditText inside ListView get to a particular row even if I have to explicitly identify the row that has a focusable child I want that child to take focus instead of indicating the position with the selector. I've tried many possibilities and have so far had no luck. layout.. the entire row for non focusable items and traversing the focus tree for items that contain focusable children. Any takers android share improve this question Sorry answered my own question. It may not be the most correct or most elegant.. only be drawn when the ListView itself not a child has focus so the default behavior needs to be that the ListView takes focus first and draws selectors. Then in the OnItemSelectedListener since I know which header view I want to override the..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog public DownloadTask Context context this.context context @Override protected String doInBackground String... sUrl take CPU lock to prevent CPU from going off if the user presses the power button during download PowerManager pm PowerManager.. new URL sUrl 0 connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.connect expect HTTP 200 OK so we don't mistakenly save error report instead of the file if connection.getResponseCode HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK return Server returned..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? map it displays it nicely but when I'm trying the same thing with android google map it doesn't do that. It just takes me to some locations and that's it. I was thinking of changing listener class. Currently it looks like that private class.. lngLat length lngLat.length if lngLat.length 3 lngLat pairs 1 .split if first pair is not transferred completely take seconds pair TODO try GeoPoint startGP new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lngLat 1 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lngLat 0..
How to ship an Android application with a database? mismatches might cause problems and I currently don't know where the database should go and how to access it. 2 It may take a really long time to create and populate the database on the device. Your thoughts Pointers to documentation regarding..
Save bitmap to location screen and if the user wishes to keep the image save it on the SD card in a certain folder. Is there an easy way to take a bitmap and just save it to the SD card in a folder of my choice My issue is that I can download the image display it on..
Android - basic gesture detection is a 'GridLayout' that contains 9 ImageViews. The source can be found here Romain Guys's Grid Layout . That file is take from Romain Guy's Photostream application and has only been slightly adapted. For the simple click situation I need only..
How to send parameters from a notification-click to an activity? to the item_id I recieve. Any ideas android android intent bundle notifications share improve this question Take a look at this guide creating a notification and to samples ApiDemos StatusBarNotifications and NotificationDisplay . For..
How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list? adapter. The trick is to set the different listeners for your button and different for the whole view your row . Take a look at the example private class MyAdapter extends ArrayAdapter String implements OnClickListener public MyAdapter Context..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? and follows the safe creation calling structure I describe in the blog post. That should be out very soon. Take a look. In the meantime there is a follow up blog post Single SQLite connection Also checkout the fork by 2point0 of the..
Using the LIMIT statement in a SQLite query SELECT column FROM table ORDER BY somethingelse LIMIT 5 10 Or SELECT column FROM table ORDER BY somethingelse LIMIT 10 Take a look here at the SQLite select syntax http syntaxdiagrams.html#select stmt This image is rather useful..
Android Preferences: How to load the default values when the user hasn't used the preferences-screen?
Android List View Drag and Drop sort
Html List tag not working in android textview. what can i do? string content String str A dressy take on classic gingham in a soft textured weave of stripes that resembles twill. Take a closer look at this one. ul li Trim tailored fit for a bespoke feel li li Medium spread collar one button mitered barrel.. this String str html body A dressy take on classic gingham in a soft textured weave of stripes that resembles twill. Take a closer look at this one. ul li Trim tailored fit for a bespoke feel li li Medium spread collar one button mitered barrel..
Android: retrieving all Drawable resources from Resources object
Finish parent and current activity in Android
How to crop an image in android? [duplicate] density as the original bitmap. Pass it a bitmap and define the rectangle from which the new bitmap will be created. Take 10 pixels off the bottom of a Bitmap Bitmap croppedBmp Bitmap.createBitmap originalBmp 0 0 originalBmp.getWidth originalBmp.getHeight..
SpeechRecognizer causes ANR… I need help with Android speech API to launch the built in speech recognizer Activity and then wait for the result to come back in onActivityResult. Take a look at the example code here http resources samples ApiDemos src com example android apis app VoiceRecognition.html..
Call method when home button pressed on android [closed] to override and because of that Android will not let you override its behavior the same way you do the BACK button. Take a look at this discussion. You will notice that the home button seems to be implemented as a intent invocation so you'll..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser over the android.sax one. I can however tell you the disadvantage which should be pretty obvious by now. Take a look at the else if statement in the startElement method. Due to the fact that we have the tags title link and description..
Example: Android bi-directional network socket using AsyncTask
Stopping & Starting music on incoming calls . It will contain the extra TelephonyManager.EXTRA_STATE which will give you information about the call. Take a look at the documentation here . Please note that you'll need the android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE permission in both..
How to interpret Logcat that you are calling from onCreate at line 216. The error is coming from inside this method at line 290. Take a look at line 290 in your code. Whatever you are trying to do on that line is causing the exception because something is..
Difference between onCreate() and onStart()? [duplicate] two projects . Can any one explain the difference android activity oncreate onstart share improve this question Take a look on life cycle of Activity Where onCreate Called when the activity is first created. This is where you should do all..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) NFC the Nexus S . You and others might be interested in playing around with card emulation mode by yourselves. Take into consideration that this is only for experimental purposes. They apply to gingerbread versión 2.3.4_r1 of the AOSP sources...
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails GL10 unused int width int height GLES20.glViewport 0 0 width height public void takeContext Context ocontext Debug.out Take context context ocontext void bindCameraTexture byte data int w int h byte pixels new byte 256 256 3 for int x 0 x 256 x..