android Programming Glossary: tabsadapter
SwipeyTabs - how to create Swipey Tabs using ActionBarSherlock Library? improve this question You need to use ActionBar Tabs a TabsAdapter and a ViewPager scrolly bit . Here's a full tutorial I made.. FragmentActivity private ViewPager mViewPager private TabsAdapter mTabsAdapter private final static String TAG 21st Polling public.. private ViewPager mViewPager private TabsAdapter mTabsAdapter private final static String TAG 21st Polling public void onCreate..
Programmatically switch tabs in Android using ActionBarSherlock bar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS mTabsAdapter new TabsAdapter this mViewPager mTabsAdapter.addTab bar.newTab.. ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS mTabsAdapter new TabsAdapter this mViewPager mTabsAdapter.addTab bar.newTab .setText Fragment.. mTabsAdapter new TabsAdapter this mViewPager mTabsAdapter.addTab bar.newTab .setText Fragment 1 MyFragment1.class null..
Android getting fragment that is in FragmentPagerAdapter 1 My code of the pager FragmentPagerAdapter public class TabsAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter implements ActionBar.TabListener.. Class _class Bundle _args clss _class args _args public TabsAdapter SherlockFragmentActivity activity ViewPager pager super activity.getSupportFragmentManager..
Delay initialization when using Fragment in Android delay the initialization. Here is some code public class TabsAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter implements TabHost.OnTabChangeListener.. _class Bundle _args mClss _class mArgs _args public TabsAdapter FragmentActivity activity TabHost tabHost ViewPager pager super.. these code is to put fragments into TabHost mTabsAdapter.addTab mTabHost.newTabSpec XXX A.class null android android..
EditText causing memory leak it simple . Now the code that's used to add the fragment mTabsAdapter.addTab tabName ProblematicFragment.class mTabsAdapter is an.. mTabsAdapter.addTab tabName ProblematicFragment.class mTabsAdapter is an instance of TabsAdapter a class that extends FragmentPagerAdapter.. ProblematicFragment.class mTabsAdapter is an instance of TabsAdapter a class that extends FragmentPagerAdapter of the support library...
(ActionBar) Tabs + Pager + detail Fragments inside ViewPager container mDualPane deatil null deatil.getVisibility View.VISIBLE mTabsAdapter new TabsAdapter this getSupportActionBar mViewPager if savedInstanceState.. null deatil.getVisibility View.VISIBLE mTabsAdapter new TabsAdapter this getSupportActionBar mViewPager if savedInstanceState null.. .getSelectedNavigationIndex private void setUpTabView mTabsAdapter.addTab artistTab ArtistFragment.class null mTabsAdapter.addTab..
create custom tab in FragmentActivity NOT NULL mViewPager ViewPager findViewById mTabsAdapter new TabsAdapter this mTabHost mViewPager mTabsAdapter.addTab.. ViewPager findViewById mTabsAdapter new TabsAdapter this mTabHost mViewPager mTabsAdapter.addTab mTabHost.newTabSpec.. mTabsAdapter new TabsAdapter this mTabHost mViewPager mTabsAdapter.addTab mTabHost.newTabSpec simple .setIndicator Contacts ContactSummaryFragment.class..
SwipeyTabs - how to create Swipey Tabs using ActionBarSherlock Library? fading effect like it. android actionbarsherlock share improve this question You need to use ActionBar Tabs a TabsAdapter and a ViewPager scrolly bit . Here's a full tutorial I made http p 34 just use the ABS imports not standard.. public class Polling extends FragmentActivity private ViewPager mViewPager private TabsAdapter mTabsAdapter private final static String TAG 21st Polling public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. public class Polling extends FragmentActivity private ViewPager mViewPager private TabsAdapter mTabsAdapter private final static String TAG 21st Polling public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState..
Programmatically switch tabs in Android using ActionBarSherlock setContentView mViewPager ActionBar bar getSupportActionBar bar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS mTabsAdapter new TabsAdapter this mViewPager mTabsAdapter.addTab bar.newTab .setText Fragment 1 MyFragment1.class null mTabsAdapter.addTab.. mViewPager ActionBar bar getSupportActionBar bar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS mTabsAdapter new TabsAdapter this mViewPager mTabsAdapter.addTab bar.newTab .setText Fragment 1 MyFragment1.class null mTabsAdapter.addTab bar.newTab.. getSupportActionBar bar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS mTabsAdapter new TabsAdapter this mViewPager mTabsAdapter.addTab bar.newTab .setText Fragment 1 MyFragment1.class null mTabsAdapter.addTab bar.newTab .setText Fragment 2 MyFragment2.class..
Android getting fragment that is in FragmentPagerAdapter companies was companies now android switcher 2130968622 1 My code of the pager FragmentPagerAdapter public class TabsAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter implements ActionBar.TabListener ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener private final FragmentActivity.. private final Class clss private final Bundle args TabInfo Class _class Bundle _args clss _class args _args public TabsAdapter SherlockFragmentActivity activity ViewPager pager super activity.getSupportFragmentManager mContext activity mActionBar..
Delay initialization when using Fragment in Android OR Can I get the content fragment in TabHost OR Other ways to delay the initialization. Here is some code public class TabsAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter implements TabHost.OnTabChangeListener ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener private final Context.. mClss private final Bundle mArgs TabInfo String _tag Class _class Bundle _args mClss _class mArgs _args public TabsAdapter FragmentActivity activity TabHost tabHost ViewPager pager super activity.getSupportFragmentManager mContext activity mTabHost.. imgFrontContact.setImageResource R.drawable.ic_tab_contact_selected these code is to put fragments into TabHost mTabsAdapter.addTab mTabHost.newTabSpec XXX A.class null android android fragments android tabhost android tabs share improve this..
EditText causing memory leak but i narrowed the problem down to just these views to make it simple . Now the code that's used to add the fragment mTabsAdapter.addTab tabName ProblematicFragment.class mTabsAdapter is an instance of TabsAdapter a class that extends FragmentPagerAdapter.. make it simple . Now the code that's used to add the fragment mTabsAdapter.addTab tabName ProblematicFragment.class mTabsAdapter is an instance of TabsAdapter a class that extends FragmentPagerAdapter of the support library. It's rather standard so.. that's used to add the fragment mTabsAdapter.addTab tabName ProblematicFragment.class mTabsAdapter is an instance of TabsAdapter a class that extends FragmentPagerAdapter of the support library. It's rather standard so I'm not including the source to..
(ActionBar) Tabs + Pager + detail Fragments inside ViewPager container deatil FrameLayout findViewById mDualPane deatil null deatil.getVisibility View.VISIBLE mTabsAdapter new TabsAdapter this getSupportActionBar mViewPager if savedInstanceState null flag true index savedInstanceState.getInt.. findViewById mDualPane deatil null deatil.getVisibility View.VISIBLE mTabsAdapter new TabsAdapter this getSupportActionBar mViewPager if savedInstanceState null flag true index savedInstanceState.getInt index setUpTabView.. outState outState.putInt index getSupportActionBar .getSelectedNavigationIndex private void setUpTabView mTabsAdapter.addTab artistTab ArtistFragment.class null mTabsAdapter.addTab albumTab AlbumFragment.class null mTabsAdapter.addTab songTab..
create custom tab in FragmentActivity mTabHost.setup if mTabHost null System.out.println ITS NOT NULL mViewPager ViewPager findViewById mTabsAdapter new TabsAdapter this mTabHost mViewPager mTabsAdapter.addTab mTabHost.newTabSpec simple .setIndicator Contacts ContactSummaryFragment.class.. if mTabHost null System.out.println ITS NOT NULL mViewPager ViewPager findViewById mTabsAdapter new TabsAdapter this mTabHost mViewPager mTabsAdapter.addTab mTabHost.newTabSpec simple .setIndicator Contacts ContactSummaryFragment.class.. ITS NOT NULL mViewPager ViewPager findViewById mTabsAdapter new TabsAdapter this mTabHost mViewPager mTabsAdapter.addTab mTabHost.newTabSpec simple .setIndicator Contacts ContactSummaryFragment.class null mTabsAdapter.addTab mTabHost.newTabSpec..