

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:01

android Programming Glossary: standpoint

intent extras are duplicated when using FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT in PendingIntent when creating android notifications


of your Intents . This will make them different from the standpoint of filterEquals and give them separate PendingIntents . However..

Best way to accomplish inter-activity communication in an Android TabHost application


that I'm not entirely thrilled with but from a performance standpoint it's much better than it was. I appreciate the answers that..

Anyone Have MediaRecorder Working with ParcelFileDescriptor and createPipe()?


Here is my createPipe variation of this project . From the standpoint of general MediaRecorder configuration e.g. setOutputFormat..

Google Maps v2 - set both my location and zoom in


in and go to my location in one google map From a coding standpoint you would do them sequentially CameraUpdate center CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng..

Android: SQLite one-to-many design


having a foreign key back to the one side. Now from an OO standpoint this isn't ideal. You are welcome to create ORM style wrapper..

Tablet(iPad/Android)-Server Communication Protocol


protocol . Technically the answer is yes from a practical standpoint the framework you are looking for is called socket but regarding..

Encryption with AES-256 and the Initialization Vector


why the difference and which is better from a security standpoint I am kinda confused to the derivation and use of IVs as well..

intent extras are duplicated when using FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT in PendingIntent when creating android notifications


extra Option #1 Put a different action string in each of your Intents . This will make them different from the standpoint of filterEquals and give them separate PendingIntents . However since you are specifying the component in the Intent MainApplication.class..

Best way to accomplish inter-activity communication in an Android TabHost application


.getNearbyMatches This adds an element of strong coupling that I'm not entirely thrilled with but from a performance standpoint it's much better than it was. I appreciate the answers that have already been given and will do a bit of research on the..

Anyone Have MediaRecorder Working with ParcelFileDescriptor and createPipe()?


the Android device the recorded it or VLC on my Linux box. Here is my createPipe variation of this project . From the standpoint of general MediaRecorder configuration e.g. setOutputFormat it is the same as the first so that code is presumably correct...

Google Maps v2 - set both my location and zoom in


this question You cannot animate two things like zoom in and go to my location in one google map From a coding standpoint you would do them sequentially CameraUpdate center CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng new LatLng 40.76793169992044 73.98180484771729..

Android: SQLite one-to-many design


inserts updates deletes on a table for the many side each having a foreign key back to the one side. Now from an OO standpoint this isn't ideal. You are welcome to create ORM style wrapper objects think Hibernate that allow you to manipulate a collection..

Tablet(iPad/Android)-Server Communication Protocol


The answer depends by what you define by server client and protocol . Technically the answer is yes from a practical standpoint the framework you are looking for is called socket but regarding the protocol things may get complicated. A protocol is..

Encryption with AES-256 and the Initialization Vector


2 uses the second 16 bytes of the hash as the IV. Quite simply why the difference and which is better from a security standpoint I am kinda confused to the derivation and use of IVs as well I understand what they are used for just not the subtler differences..