

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:24:59

android Programming Glossary: sslcontext.getinstance

Android Facebook chat example project


bks config.setSendPresence false try SSLContext sc SSLContext.getInstance TLS sc.init null MemorizingTrustManager.getInstanceList this..

Android NoSuchAlgorithmException: “SSLContext SSL implementation not found”


SSL implementation not found&rdquo SSLContext context SSLContext.getInstance SSL The above line results in the exception java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException..

KSOAP 2 Android with HTTPS


String url throws IOException try SSLContext sc SSLContext.getInstance TLS sc.init null trustAllCerts new java.security.SecureRandom.. proxy String url throws IOException try SSLContext sc SSLContext.getInstance TLS sc.init null trustAllCerts new java.security.SecureRandom..

Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android


the SSL context to use the truststore and keystore ssl_ctx SSLContext.getInstance TLS ssl_ctx.init keyManagerFactory.getKeyManagers trustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers..

Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName)


throws IOException try SSLContext context SSLContext.getInstance TLS context.init null new TrustManager new EasyX509TrustManager..

https Session and posting problem


Install the all trusting trust manager try SSLContext sc SSLContext.getInstance TLS sc.init null trustAllCerts new java.security.SecureRandom..

HTTPS and self-signed certificate issue


extends SSLSocketFactory private SSLContext sslContext SSLContext.getInstance TLS public CustomSSLSocketFactory KeyStore truststore throws..

ignore ssl errors in DefaultHttpClient


extends SSLSocketFactory SSLContext sslContext SSLContext.getInstance TLS public MySSLSocketFactory KeyStore truststore throws NoSuchAlgorithmException..

Android: Making Https Request


getAcceptedIssuers return null SSLContext ctx SSLContext.getInstance TLS ctx.init null new TrustManager tm null SSLSocketFactory.. extends SSLSocketFactory SSLContext sslContext SSLContext.getInstance TLS public MySSLSocketFactory KeyStore truststore throws NoSuchAlgorithmException..

Android HTTPS exception Connection reset by peer


the all trusting trust manager final SSLContext sslContext SSLContext.getInstance TLS sslContext.init null trustAllCerts new java.security.SecureRandom..

SSL not working on Android 2.2 (only in 2.3)


return new X509Certificate 0 SSLContext context SSLContext.getInstance TLS context.init kmf.getKeyManagers tm null HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory..

Https Connection Android


CustomSSLSocketFactory super null try SSLContext context SSLContext.getInstance TLS TrustManager tm new TrustManager new FullX509TrustManager..

Android Facebook chat example project


config.setTruststorePassword changeit config.setTruststoreType bks config.setSendPresence false try SSLContext sc SSLContext.getInstance TLS sc.init null MemorizingTrustManager.getInstanceList this new java.security.SecureRandom config.setCustomSSLContext sc..

Android NoSuchAlgorithmException: “SSLContext SSL implementation not found”


NoSuchAlgorithmException &ldquo SSLContext SSL implementation not found&rdquo SSLContext context SSLContext.getInstance SSL The above line results in the exception java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException SSLContext SSL implementation not found..

KSOAP 2 Android with HTTPS


certificates and not verified hostnames public ServiceConnectionSE String url throws IOException try SSLContext sc SSLContext.getInstance TLS sc.init null trustAllCerts new java.security.SecureRandom HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory sc.getSocketFactory.. Second contructor public ServiceConnectionSE Proxy proxy String url throws IOException try SSLContext sc SSLContext.getInstance TLS sc.init null trustAllCerts new java.security.SecureRandom HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory sc.getSocketFactory..

Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android


Key keyStore.size Log.d SSL Trust trustStore.size Setup the SSL context to use the truststore and keystore ssl_ctx SSLContext.getInstance TLS ssl_ctx.init keyManagerFactory.getKeyManagers trustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers null Log.d SSL keyManagerFactory..

Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName)


SSLContext sslcontext null private static SSLContext createEasySSLContext throws IOException try SSLContext context SSLContext.getInstance TLS context.init null new TrustManager new EasyX509TrustManager null null return context catch Exception e throw new IOException..

https Session and posting problem


chain String authType throws CertificateException Install the all trusting trust manager try SSLContext sc SSLContext.getInstance TLS sc.init null trustAllCerts new java.security.SecureRandom HttpsURLConnection .setDefaultSSLSocketFactory sc.getSocketFactory..

HTTPS and self-signed certificate issue


of SSLSocketFactory public class CustomSSLSocketFactory extends SSLSocketFactory private SSLContext sslContext SSLContext.getInstance TLS public CustomSSLSocketFactory KeyStore truststore throws NoSuchAlgorithmException KeyManagementException KeyStoreException..

ignore ssl errors in DefaultHttpClient


Exception e throw new AssertionError e public class MySSLSocketFactory extends SSLSocketFactory SSLContext sslContext SSLContext.getInstance TLS public MySSLSocketFactory KeyStore truststore throws NoSuchAlgorithmException KeyManagementException KeyStoreException..

Android: Making Https Request


xcs String string throws CertificateException public X509Certificate getAcceptedIssuers return null SSLContext ctx SSLContext.getInstance TLS ctx.init null new TrustManager tm null SSLSocketFactory ssf new MySSLSocketFactory ctx ssf.setHostnameVerifier SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER.. I have extended the class as follows. public class MySSLSocketFactory extends SSLSocketFactory SSLContext sslContext SSLContext.getInstance TLS public MySSLSocketFactory KeyStore truststore throws NoSuchAlgorithmException KeyManagementException KeyStoreException..

Android HTTPS exception Connection reset by peer


X509Certificate getAcceptedIssuers return null Install the all trusting trust manager final SSLContext sslContext SSLContext.getInstance TLS sslContext.init null trustAllCerts new java.security.SecureRandom Create an ssl socket factory with our all trusting..

SSL not working on Android 2.2 (only in 2.3)


CertificateException public X509Certificate getAcceptedIssuers return new X509Certificate 0 SSLContext context SSLContext.getInstance TLS context.init kmf.getKeyManagers tm null HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory context.getSocketFactory HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier..

Https Connection Android


FACTORY HttpsURLConnection.getDefaultSSLSocketFactory public CustomSSLSocketFactory super null try SSLContext context SSLContext.getInstance TLS TrustManager tm new TrustManager new FullX509TrustManager context.init null tm new SecureRandom FACTORY context.getSocketFactory..