android Programming Glossary: stale
Android Fragments Retaining Data retrieve after rotation which presents a few problems with stale data but we can easily overcome. The other alternative I see..
NETWORK_PROVIDER not providing updated locations if I disable GPS and rely on network location it gives me stale results in this case from two days ago. I cannot get it to update... to update. Calling getLastKnownLocation returns the same stale results. Google Maps updates just fine so I know it's not a..
LocationListener of NETWORK_PROVIDER is enabled but , onLocationChanged is never called Fused Location in to consideration while checking for last stale location if bestResult null lastFusedLocation null if bestResult.getTime..
Handling registration ID changes in Google Cloud Messaging on Android getGCMPreferences context checks if the information is not stale long expirationTime prefs.getLong PROPERTY_ON_SERVER_EXPIRATION_TIME..
In GoogleCloudMessaging API, how to handle the renewal or expiration of registration ID? getGCMPreferences context checks if the information is not stale long expirationTime prefs.getLong PROPERTY_ON_SERVER_EXPIRATION_TIME..
ScrollView and Gallery interfering distanceX float distanceY Hack eat jerky scrolls caused by stale state in mGestureDetector which we cannot directly access if..
Is AsyncTask really conceptually flawed or am I just missing something? that mapping. This ensures that you will never reference a stale context instance and you always have access to a valid context..
How to add two edit text fields in an alert dialog
using ContentProviderClient vs ContentResolver to access content provider reason for keeping it active. So essentially leaving a stale Client open will force the Provider to keep running as a service..
Could not find ****.apk + android what worked for me at least. Edit note I also found some stale references in my .project files. They didn't seem to be causing..
Android - detecting application launch from home or history For example if you feel that their login credentials are stale based upon time then force them to log in again. You can do.. by checking the credentials in onCreate and if they are stale call startActivity to launch your login activity or pop up your..
Diff b/w bitmap.recycle() and bitmap=null to null afterwards has two benefits You won't have stale references to objects that won't work when you try to use them..
Android Fragments Retaining Data is to store the data into a session singleton object and retrieve after rotation which presents a few problems with stale data but we can easily overcome. The other alternative I see that seems like it is the best solution is to save the data..
NETWORK_PROVIDER not providing updated locations to listen. With GPS enabled everything works fine. However if I disable GPS and rely on network location it gives me stale results in this case from two days ago. I cannot get it to update. Calling getLastKnownLocation returns the same stale results... stale results in this case from two days ago. I cannot get it to update. Calling getLastKnownLocation returns the same stale results. Google Maps updates just fine so I know it's not a hardware system configuration problem. I've Googled around and..
LocationListener of NETWORK_PROVIDER is enabled but , onLocationChanged is never called if networkLocation null bestResult networkLocation take Fused Location in to consideration while checking for last stale location if bestResult null lastFusedLocation null if bestResult.getTime lastFusedLocation.getTime bestResult lastFusedLocation..
Handling registration ID changes in Google Cloud Messaging on Android boolean isRegistrationExpired final SharedPreferences prefs getGCMPreferences context checks if the information is not stale long expirationTime prefs.getLong PROPERTY_ON_SERVER_EXPIRATION_TIME 1 return System.currentTimeMillis expirationTime EDIT..
In GoogleCloudMessaging API, how to handle the renewal or expiration of registration ID? boolean isRegistrationExpired final SharedPreferences prefs getGCMPreferences context checks if the information is not stale long expirationTime prefs.getLong PROPERTY_ON_SERVER_EXPIRATION_TIME 1 return System.currentTimeMillis expirationTime ..
ScrollView and Gallery interfering public boolean onScroll MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float distanceX float distanceY Hack eat jerky scrolls caused by stale state in mGestureDetector which we cannot directly access if Math.abs distanceX 100 return false return super.onScroll e1..
Is AsyncTask really conceptually flawed or am I just missing something? callback it will fetch the current context instance from that mapping. This ensures that you will never reference a stale context instance and you always have access to a valid context in the callbacks so you can do meaningful UI work there...
How to add two edit text fields in an alert dialog
using ContentProviderClient vs ContentResolver to access content provider to release the provider it it determines that there is no other reason for keeping it active. So essentially leaving a stale Client open will force the Provider to keep running as a service in the background. So remember to clean up Summary Many..
Could not find ****.apk + android need to re add the library like I mentioned above. This is what worked for me at least. Edit note I also found some stale references in my .project files. They didn't seem to be causing any problems but I removed them too. If you do that be sure..
Android - detecting application launch from home or history screen . Please use a sensible user friendly login system. For example if you feel that their login credentials are stale based upon time then force them to log in again. You can do this by checking the credentials in onCreate and if they are.. upon time then force them to log in again. You can do this by checking the credentials in onCreate and if they are stale call startActivity to launch your login activity or pop up your login dialog or whatever is your means of logging them in..
Diff b/w bitmap.recycle() and bitmap=null expect it to simply no longer work . Setting the reference to null afterwards has two benefits You won't have stale references to objects that won't work when you try to use them The garbage collector will know to clean up the managed side..