android Programming Glossary: stablearrayadapter
What is the best way to debug the android code in Eclipse? String list new ArrayList String for int i 0 i taskarr.size i list.add taskarr.get i public void LoadTasks class StableArrayAdapter extends ArrayAdapter String HashMap String Integer mIdMap new HashMap String Integer public StableArrayAdapter Context context.. class StableArrayAdapter extends ArrayAdapter String HashMap String Integer mIdMap new HashMap String Integer public StableArrayAdapter Context context int textViewResourceId List String objects super context textViewResourceId objects for int i 0 i objects.size..
Android listview row delete animation to previous versions. Example public class ListViewRemovalAnimation extends Activity StableArrayAdapter mAdapter ListView mListView BackgroundContainer mBackgroundContainer boolean mSwiping false boolean mItemPressed false HashMap.. ArrayList String for int i 0 i Cheeses.sCheeseStrings.length i cheeseList.add Cheeses.sCheeseStrings i mAdapter new StableArrayAdapter this R.layout.opaque_text_view cheeseList mTouchListener mListView.setAdapter mAdapter Handle touch events to fade move.. mSwiping false mListView.setEnabled true firstAnimation false mItemIdTopMap.clear return true public class StableArrayAdapter extends ArrayAdapter String HashMap String Integer mIdMap new HashMap String Integer..