

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:01

android Programming Glossary: standart

How to navigate in fragments?


menu public void addNavaigationBar Create Action Bar sherlock ActionBar navigation_bar getSupportActionBar Setting standart navigation bar view navigation_bar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_STANDARD navigation_bar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled..

Android USB host and hidden devices


hidden devices I am developing an Android application in which I have to communicate to an USB device. I tried to use standart google API in my app but list of devices is allways empty. Same things if i use USB device info with google api. List of..

Custom title with image


for activity by disabling standard one and managing everything myself. I wonder if it's possible to replace theme standart title to my needs. I can customize size background image and text via themes by changing windowXYZStyle items. The only..

sliding drawer appear in all activities


Android OpenGL ES 2.0 emulator


similiar androbox project does not support native code NDK so even Hello Jni crash on them all samples works fine on standart AVD except Hello GL2 sample ofc don't know supports they a OpenGL ES 2.0 or not please tell me. So if there is a development..

Android ndk-build iostream: No such file or directory


sources cxx stl gnu libstdc include but I don't have any idea how to tell compiler to look for iotream and other standart header files in that folder. It seems to that I'm missing one or few environment variables or some comiler flags. android..