android Programming Glossary: sit
WebView and native browser crash on simple HTML The HTML causing the crash html body p Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt..
Spinner does not wrap text — is this an Android bug? arrays.xml string array name items item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consetetur sadipscing elitr sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor.. lines. @Override public View getDropDownView final int position View convertView ViewGroup parent if convertView null convertView..
Android Maps v2 - animate camera to include most markers Spotted an error in my previous code and decided to sit down and rewrite it. I have done something similar before where.. through all the markers and compare them to the given position. private List Marker selectLowDistanceMarkers List Marker.. marker2 float distance distBetween marker1.getPosition marker2.getPosition if longestDist.containsKey marker1..
Android - Adding and showing items to ListView one at a time using an ArrayAdapter private static final String items lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit morbi vel ligula vitae..
How to disable/enable network, switch to Wifi in Android emulator? library's response to a broken network connection or a transition from 3G to WiFi under various configuration conditions. The.. configuration conditions. The problem is I don't want to sit with the emulator and hit F8 all day. Is there a way to programmatically..
Android ListView Footer View not being placed on the bottom of the screen to do working. I'm trying to have a ListView footer sit at the bottom of the screen when the ListView items do not fill.. the ListView's addFooterView I want that footerView to sit at the bottom of the screen. When the ListView contains enough.. enough items to scroll the screen the footerView should sit at the end of the list not at the bottom of the screen . The..
Android: can height of SlidingDrawer be set with wrap_content? big gap underneath it. What I'd like is for the content to sit neatly on the bottom of the screen. I've tried everything I..
android live wallpaper rescaling rescaled. If it was just one image that did not need any positioning that would be easy but my problem is I have to get the.. I also have animations that fit in a certain x and y position on that background image to fit in place so it looks like.. exact percentage as the background image and they need to sit in a specific x and y position. Any help would be appreciated..
How to connect to a MySQL Database from an Android App?
Android - Package Name convention a path separator all applications from a publisher would sit together in the path hierarchy. So for instance packages from..
Android: Update Listview after Thread loads data from the net this question. But no answer After letting the problem sit for about two weeks I found the solution here Long story short..
Problem to load flv video in webview the webview webView.loadUrl Uri.fromFile flvHtml .toString sit back watch FLV and eat popcorn private void createVideoHtml..
Android ImageGetter images overlapping text but the images aren't having any space created for them to sit in so they end up overlapping the text above them. Here's my..
Why won't the Android browser span this paragraph over the full browser width? as possible. For example setting all paragraphs on my site to float seems like a bad idea. width Increasing the value.. Reset styles the width of the paragraph is unaffected. position When setting position to absolute on the paragraph it will.. of the paragraph is unaffected. position When setting position to absolute on the paragraph it will display as desired...
WebView and native browser crash on simple HTML problems loading the page including a few other HTC models. The HTML causing the crash html body p Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam..
Spinner does not wrap text — is this an Android bug? this as a sample project on GitHub Download res values arrays.xml string array name items item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consetetur sadipscing elitr sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. item item At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores.. when view completly created it wraps the text to appropriate lines. @Override public View getDropDownView final int position View convertView ViewGroup parent if convertView null convertView new TextView _context TextView item TextView convertView..
Android Maps v2 - animate camera to include most markers android google maps android api 2 share improve this question Spotted an error in my previous code and decided to sit down and rewrite it. I have done something similar before where I had ~4500 markers and wanted to select those within a.. method is way less CPU heavy as it only has to do a O n run through all the markers and compare them to the given position. private List Marker selectLowDistanceMarkers List Marker markers int maxDistanceMeters List Marker acceptedMarkers new.. marker2 destinations for Marker marker2 markers if marker1.equals marker2 float distance distBetween marker1.getPosition marker2.getPosition if longestDist.containsKey marker1 possible we have a longer distance if distance longestDist.get..
Android - Adding and showing items to ListView one at a time using an ArrayAdapter java.util.ArrayList public class AsyncDemo extends ListActivity private static final String items lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit morbi vel ligula vitae arcu aliquet mollis etiam vel erat placerat ante porttitor..
How to disable/enable network, switch to Wifi in Android emulator? testing the library I would like to automatically test the library's response to a broken network connection or a transition from 3G to WiFi under various configuration conditions. The problem is I don't want to sit with the emulator and hit.. connection or a transition from 3G to WiFi under various configuration conditions. The problem is I don't want to sit with the emulator and hit F8 all day. Is there a way to programmatically manipulate network connections on Android from..
Android ListView Footer View not being placed on the bottom of the screen every known combination I can come up with to get what I'm looking to do working. I'm trying to have a ListView footer sit at the bottom of the screen when the ListView items do not fill the page. For example I have a page with a ListView of three.. a page with a ListView of three items and a FooterView using the ListView's addFooterView I want that footerView to sit at the bottom of the screen. When the ListView contains enough items to scroll the screen the footerView should sit at the.. to sit at the bottom of the screen. When the ListView contains enough items to scroll the screen the footerView should sit at the end of the list not at the bottom of the screen . The XML I'm trying to use is listed below. Any and all help is..
Android: can height of SlidingDrawer be set with wrap_content? it's only about half the screen height so I end up with a big gap underneath it. What I'd like is for the content to sit neatly on the bottom of the screen. I've tried everything I can think of to fix it but nothing's worked so far. If I set..
android live wallpaper rescaling seen the images in the apk's on a lot of them and they get rescaled. If it was just one image that did not need any positioning that would be easy but my problem is I have to get the background image rescaled to fit all devices I also have animations.. I have to get the background image rescaled to fit all devices I also have animations that fit in a certain x and y position on that background image to fit in place so it looks like the whole background is being animated but only parts of it.. and the animations need to be rescaled as well to the exact percentage as the background image and they need to sit in a specific x and y position. Any help would be appreciated so I can get this going. I tired a few things figured I would..
How to connect to a MySQL Database from an Android App?
Android - Package Name convention If you consider each period '.' in the application name as a path separator all applications from a publisher would sit together in the path hierarchy. So for instance packages from Adobe would be of the form com.adobe.reader Adobe Reader com.adobe.photoshop..
Android: Update Listview after Thread loads data from the net have this same problem... and I got excited when I came across this question. But no answer After letting the problem sit for about two weeks I found the solution here Long story short Quote from above link We must use a Handler object because..
Problem to load flv video in webview flvHtml 20051210 w50s.flv load the content into the webview webView.loadUrl Uri.fromFile flvHtml .toString sit back watch FLV and eat popcorn private void createVideoHtml File htmlFile String htmlFileName TODO render your own html..
Android ImageGetter images overlapping text parsedString is the HTML by the way. Anyway it loads up but the images aren't having any space created for them to sit in so they end up overlapping the text above them. Here's my URLImageParser file public class URLImageParser implements..
Why won't the Android browser span this paragraph over the full browser width? page. So I would like the solution to be as little disruptive as possible. For example setting all paragraphs on my site to float seems like a bad idea. width Increasing the value of the width property on the p CSS class has no effect. Relative.. it will display as desired CSS Reset When I insert these CSS Reset styles the width of the paragraph is unaffected. position When setting position to absolute on the paragraph it will display as desired. But I'm unsure if that would be safe to.. CSS Reset When I insert these CSS Reset styles the width of the paragraph is unaffected. position When setting position to absolute on the paragraph it will display as desired. But I'm unsure if that would be safe to generally have enabled...