android Programming Glossary: size.width
EXIF orientation tag value always 0 for image taken with portrait camera app android targetHeight h for Size size sizes double ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE..
How to set Android camera orientation properly? and size for Size size sizes Log.d TAG Checking size size.width w size.height h double ratio double size.width size.height.. size size.width w size.height h double ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE ..
Android - Problem whith converting preview frame to bitmap image new YuvImage data parameters.getPreviewFormat size.width size.height null File file new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..
Android onActivityResult not called / triggered source new PlanarYUVLuminanceSource data size.width size.height 160 60 480 360 GlobalHistogramBinarizer binarizer.. sizes width height parameters.setPreviewSize size.width size.height mCam.setParameters parameters mCam.startPreview.. height for Size size sizes double ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue..
Android byte[] to image in Camera.onPreviewFrame image new YuvImage data parameters.getPreviewFormat size.width size.height null File file new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..
Picture distorted with Camera and getOptimalPreviewSize ratio and size for Size size sizes double ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue.. for Camera.Size size p.getSupportedPreviewSizes if size.width width size.height height if result null result size else.. int resultArea result.width result.height int newArea size.width size.height if newArea resultArea result size return result..
How to capture the image and save it in sd card Size size sizes.get 0 parameters.setPreviewSize size.width size.height camera.setParameters parameters camera.startPreview..
Android: Jpeg saved from camera looks corrupted causing JPEG to be created wrong parameters.setPreviewSize size.width size.height parameters.setPictureFormat ImageFormat.JPEG mCamera.setParameters..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails and size for Camera.Size size sizes double ratio double size.width size.height double downsize double size.width w if downsize.. ratio double size.width size.height double downsize double size.width w if downsize MAX_DOWNSIZE if the preview is a lot larger than.. for Camera.Size size sizes double downsize double size.width w if downsize MAX_DOWNSIZE continue if Math.abs size.height..
Custom camera android Camera.Size size parameters.getSupportedPreviewSizes if size.width width size.height height if result null result size else int.. else int resultArea result.width result.height int newArea size.width size.height if newArea resultArea result size return result.. height parameters if size null parameters.setPreviewSize size.width size.height camera.setParameters parameters camera.startPreview..
EXIF orientation tag value always 0 for image taken with portrait camera app android null Size optimalSize null double minDiff Double.MAX_VALUE int targetHeight h for Size size sizes double ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize..
How to set Android camera orientation properly? int targetHeight h Try to find an size match aspect ratio and size for Size size sizes Log.d TAG Checking size size.width w size.height h double ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if.. aspect ratio and size for Size size sizes Log.d TAG Checking size size.width w size.height h double ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize..
Android - Problem whith converting preview frame to bitmap camera.getParameters Size size parameters.getPreviewSize YuvImage image new YuvImage data parameters.getPreviewFormat size.width size.height null File file new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getPath out.jpg FileOutputStream filecon new..
Android onActivityResult not called / triggered MultiFormatReader reader new MultiFormatReader PlanarYUVLuminanceSource source new PlanarYUVLuminanceSource data size.width size.height 160 60 480 360 GlobalHistogramBinarizer binarizer new GlobalHistogramBinarizer source BinaryBitmap bb new BinaryBitmap.. Size sizes parameters.getSupportedPreviewSizes size getOptimalPreviewSize sizes width height parameters.setPreviewSize size.width size.height mCam.setParameters parameters mCam.startPreview mCam.setOneShotPreviewCallback this @Override public void surfaceDestroyed.. Size optimalSize null double minDiff Double.MAX_VALUE int targetHeight height for Size size sizes double ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize..
Android byte[] to image in Camera.onPreviewFrame camera.getParameters Size size parameters.getPreviewSize YuvImage image new YuvImage data parameters.getPreviewFormat size.width size.height null File file new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getPath out.jpg FileOutputStream filecon new..
Picture distorted with Camera and getOptimalPreviewSize int targetHeight h Try to find an size match aspect ratio and size for Size size sizes double ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize.. Camera.Size result null Camera.Parameters p camera.getParameters for Camera.Size size p.getSupportedPreviewSizes if size.width width size.height height if result null result size else int resultArea result.width result.height int newArea size.width.. width size.height height if result null result size else int resultArea result.width result.height int newArea size.width size.height if newArea resultArea result size return result @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder..
How to capture the image and save it in sd card List Size sizes parameters.getSupportedPreviewSizes Size size sizes.get 0 parameters.setPreviewSize size.width size.height camera.setParameters parameters camera.startPreview isPreviewRunning true @Override public void surfaceCreated..
Android: Jpeg saved from camera looks corrupted to take effect... Unfortunately it's also causing JPEG to be created wrong parameters.setPreviewSize size.width size.height parameters.setPictureFormat ImageFormat.JPEG mCamera.setParameters parameters mCamera.setDisplayOrientation..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails int targetHeight h Try to find an size match aspect ratio and size for Camera.Size size sizes double ratio double size.width size.height double downsize double size.width w if downsize MAX_DOWNSIZE if the preview is a lot larger than our display.. aspect ratio and size for Camera.Size size sizes double ratio double size.width size.height double downsize double size.width w if downsize MAX_DOWNSIZE if the preview is a lot larger than our display surface ignore it reason on some phones there.. requirement if optimalSize null minDiff Double.MAX_VALUE for Camera.Size size sizes double downsize double size.width w if downsize MAX_DOWNSIZE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize size minDiff Math.abs..
Custom camera android Camera.Parameters parameters Camera.Size result null for Camera.Size size parameters.getSupportedPreviewSizes if size.width width size.height height if result null result size else int resultArea result.width result.height int newArea size.width.. width size.height height if result null result size else int resultArea result.width result.height int newArea size.width size.height if newArea resultArea result size return result SurfaceHolder.Callback surfaceCallback new SurfaceHolder.Callback.. Camera.Size size getBestPreviewSize width height parameters if size null parameters.setPreviewSize size.width size.height camera.setParameters parameters camera.startPreview inPreview true public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder..