android Programming Glossary: sip
VoIP library for Android share improve this question From android version 2.3 SIP API is added in Android. you can use either inbuilt SipStack.. uses doubango . You may also like to refer this Android SIP stack what to use All the Best Thanks share improve this answer..
Linphone Android how to import the library project? Android how to import the library project I am working on SIP application and using Linphone Library. I am trying to make..
Android audio calls using android's sip provided me two valid sip user_id and password. Am Using SIP API for SIP implementation.customer says that the call is not.. two valid sip user_id and password. Am Using SIP API for SIP implementation.customer says that the call is not going.he don't.. String localProfileUri updateStatus Registering with SIP Server... Log.d onRegistering Registering with SIP Server.....
More efficient way of updating UI from Service than intents? Android that is a sample VOIP client so it listens out for SIP messages and if it recieves one it starts up an Activity screen.. an Activity screen with UI components. Then the following SIP messages determine what the Activity is to display on the screen... An example is as follows Intent i new Intent i.setAction SIPEngine.SIP_TRYING_INTENT i.putExtra true sendBroadcast..
How to add new field(s) to the contact? trying to build a Voip application and would like to add a SIP address name@domain field to it. What MIME type will I need.. custom fields to the Call History like a session ID and SIP address name@domain field. How can I customize the call history..
Sip Manager api support Manager api support I have gone through SIP Manager Documentation it says Not all Android powered devices.. Not all Android powered devices support VOIP calls using SIP. You should always call isVoipSupported to verify that the device.. and isApiSupported to verify that the device supports the SIP APIs. Your application must also request the INTERNET and USE_SIP..
Android SIP stack - what to use? SIP stack what to use I need to create SIP phone on android witch.. SIP stack what to use I need to create SIP phone on android witch will work with asterix and will give.. In my study throughout the internet i found this SIP stacks PJSIP MJSIP JAIN SIP What do you recomend to use for..
How to add g729 codec in Android application? that there is a different codecs configuration file in org.sipdroid.codecs do create the this kind of .java file.. 0x1 telephone event Apr 9 18 00 25 NOTICE 3813 chan_sip.c 9187 process_sdp No compatible codecs not accepting this offer.. No compatible codecs not accepting this offer SDP To sip 5003@ From sip 5004@ tag z9hG4bK80811693..
How implement the VOIP application using package uses feature android name android.hardware.sip.voip android required true uses feature android name android.hardware.wifi.. the Samsung GALAXY S3 phone with Android 4.0 OS android sip voip rtp share improve this question I used the same code..
VoIP library for Android either inbuilt SipStack library or third party open source sip stacks. Refer Android Developer's Guide There are different.. Android Developer's Guide There are different open source sip stack libraries as well as projects are available on internet... projects. Here is the List of some popular open source sip stack libraries which allows to voice call over internet. 1...
Android audio calls using android's sip audio calls using android's sip I developed an application for a customer to internet calling.. an application for a customer to internet calling using sip.For that he provided me two valid sip user_id and password... calling using sip.For that he provided me two valid sip user_id and password. Am Using SIP API for SIP implementation.customer..
How to use pjsip on android device in order to have G.729 codec functionality to use pjsip on android device in order to have G.729 codec functionality.. I have did a lot research on this and came to know that pjsip is most promising solution for this. But I have not much idea.. this. can someone provide me complete steps for using pjsip in existing android application and how can i include support..
Sip Manager api support Edit How is Sip Droid working on 2.1 phone android api sip support share improve this question All Android devices..
Android SIP stack - what to use? must support G729 codec. Thanks in advance Jovan android sip pjsip jain sip mjsip share improve this question I would.. support G729 codec. Thanks in advance Jovan android sip pjsip jain sip mjsip share improve this question I would recommend.. codec. Thanks in advance Jovan android sip pjsip jain sip mjsip share improve this question I would recommend also..
VoIP library for Android to phone like 2 Skype account . android open source voip share improve this question From android version 2.3 SIP API is added in Android. you can use either inbuilt SipStack library or third party open source sip stacks. Refer Android..
Linphone Android how to import the library project? Android how to import the library project I am working on SIP application and using Linphone Library. I am trying to make and run the build on the device but getting few issues I have..
Android audio calls using android's sip for a customer to internet calling using sip.For that he provided me two valid sip user_id and password. Am Using SIP API for SIP implementation.customer says that the call is not going.he don't get any notification about missed calls when.. to internet calling using sip.For that he provided me two valid sip user_id and password. Am Using SIP API for SIP implementation.customer says that the call is not going.he don't get any notification about missed calls when he logged.. new SipRegistrationListener public void onRegistering String localProfileUri updateStatus Registering with SIP Server... Log.d onRegistering Registering with SIP Server... public void onRegistrationDone String localProfileUri..
More efficient way of updating UI from Service than intents? UI from Service than intents I currently have a Service in Android that is a sample VOIP client so it listens out for SIP messages and if it recieves one it starts up an Activity screen with UI components. Then the following SIP messages determine.. out for SIP messages and if it recieves one it starts up an Activity screen with UI components. Then the following SIP messages determine what the Activity is to display on the screen. For example if its an incoming call it will display Answer.. to let the Activity know what state it should display. An example is as follows Intent i new Intent i.setAction SIPEngine.SIP_TRYING_INTENT i.putExtra true sendBroadcast i Intent x new Intent x.setAction CallManager.SIP_INCOMING_CALL_INTENT..
How to add new field(s) to the contact? Custom field to the ContactsContract content provider. I'm trying to build a Voip application and would like to add a SIP address name@domain field to it. What MIME type will I need to associate with it Also I want to add a group address field.. have to associate with this type of field. I also want to add custom fields to the Call History like a session ID and SIP address name@domain field. How can I customize the call history It'll be great if someone can give me an example. android..
Sip Manager api support Manager api support I have gone through SIP Manager Documentation it says Not all Android powered devices support VOIP calls using SIP. You should always call isVoipSupported.. I have gone through SIP Manager Documentation it says Not all Android powered devices support VOIP calls using SIP. You should always call isVoipSupported to verify that the device supports VOIP calling and isApiSupported to verify that.. to verify that the device supports VOIP calling and isApiSupported to verify that the device supports the SIP APIs. Your application must also request the INTERNET and USE_SIP permissions. I have Samsung galaxy young and ace mobiles..
Android SIP stack - what to use? SIP stack what to use I need to create SIP phone on android witch will work with asterix and will give users possibilite to.. SIP stack what to use I need to create SIP phone on android witch will work with asterix and will give users possibilite to change codecs i need to implemeant G729.. voice and codec and every bit of information will be appreciated. In my study throughout the internet i found this SIP stacks PJSIP MJSIP JAIN SIP What do you recomend to use for a commercial program Or you can recomend some other It must..
How to add g729 codec in Android application? to make that application to support G729 codec how to do that there is a different codecs configuration file in org.sipdroid.codecs do create the this kind of .java file for G729 codec Any suggestion and response will be appreciated... dtmf us 0x1 telephone event peer 0x1 telephone event combined 0x1 telephone event Apr 9 18 00 25 NOTICE 3813 chan_sip.c 9187 process_sdp No compatible codecs not accepting this offer SDP To sip 5003@ From sip 5004@ event Apr 9 18 00 25 NOTICE 3813 chan_sip.c 9187 process_sdp No compatible codecs not accepting this offer SDP To sip 5003@ From sip 5004@ tag z9hG4bK80811693 Call ID 082004294635@ CSeq 2 INVITE Contact sip..
How implement the VOIP application using package uses permission android name android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO uses feature android name android.hardware.sip.voip android required true uses feature android name android.hardware.wifi android required true uses feature android name.. android.hardware.microphone android required true I am using the Samsung GALAXY S3 phone with Android 4.0 OS android sip voip rtp share improve this question I used the same code you submitted and got it working with minor changes. Basically..
VoIP library for Android version 2.3 SIP API is added in Android. you can use either inbuilt SipStack library or third party open source sip stacks. Refer Android Developer's Guide There are different open source sip stack libraries as well as projects are available.. library or third party open source sip stacks. Refer Android Developer's Guide There are different open source sip stack libraries as well as projects are available on internet. You can download the source code of that projects. Here is.. available on internet. You can download the source code of that projects. Here is the List of some popular open source sip stack libraries which allows to voice call over internet. 1. Pjsip 2. Mjsip 3. doubango There are different open source..
Android audio calls using android's sip audio calls using android's sip I developed an application for a customer to internet calling using sip.For that he provided me two valid sip user_id and.. audio calls using android's sip I developed an application for a customer to internet calling using sip.For that he provided me two valid sip user_id and password. Am Using SIP API for SIP implementation.customer says that the.. sip I developed an application for a customer to internet calling using sip.For that he provided me two valid sip user_id and password. Am Using SIP API for SIP implementation.customer says that the call is not going.he don't get any..
How to use pjsip on android device in order to have G.729 codec functionality to use pjsip on android device in order to have G.729 codec functionality I want to use G.729 audio codec on my android application... I want to use G.729 audio codec on my android application. I have did a lot research on this and came to know that pjsip is most promising solution for this. But I have not much idea about all this. can someone provide me complete steps for.. solution for this. But I have not much idea about all this. can someone provide me complete steps for using pjsip in existing android application and how can i include support of G729 codec via pjsip . Any help will be appreciated. EDIT..
Sip Manager api support Or Where can I have a list of mobiles that support SIP Edit How is Sip Droid working on 2.1 phone android api sip support share improve this question All Android devices which can connect to the Internet support SIP. After all SIP..
Android SIP stack - what to use? for a commercial program Or you can recomend some other It must support G729 codec. Thanks in advance Jovan android sip pjsip jain sip mjsip share improve this question I would recommend also Doubango . It supports G729 as you would like.. a commercial program Or you can recomend some other It must support G729 codec. Thanks in advance Jovan android sip pjsip jain sip mjsip share improve this question I would recommend also Doubango . It supports G729 as you would like and.. program Or you can recomend some other It must support G729 codec. Thanks in advance Jovan android sip pjsip jain sip mjsip share improve this question I would recommend also Doubango . It supports G729 as you would like and there's an..