android Programming Glossary: singlechoice
MVVMCross changing ViewModel within a MvxBindableListView android id @ id listviewArticle android choiceMode singleChoice android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent..
Navigation Drawer: set as always opened on tablets android layout_gravity start android choiceMode singleChoice android divider @android color transparent android dividerHeight..
DrawerLayout Double Drawer (Left and Right Drawers simultaneously) android layout_gravity start android choiceMode singleChoice android divider @android color transparent android dividerHeight.. android layout_gravity end android choiceMode singleChoice android divider @android color transparent android dividerHeight..
Android ListView with RadioButton in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout ListView with RadioButton in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout I have a ListView which is in.. and a custom row layout I have a ListView which is in singleChoice mode . All I want is to display a RadioButton to the side that.. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 ListView android choiceMode singleChoice android id @android id list android layout_width fill_parent..
Android ListView with RadioButton/CheckBox in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout ListView with RadioButton CheckBox in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout I have a ListView which is in.. and a custom row layout I have a ListView which is in singleChoice mode. All I want is to display a RadioButton to the side that.. to multipleChoice and radio buttons if you set it to singleChoice provided you use the above implementation. LinearLayout xmlns..
Click Listener on ListView 1 android drawSelectorOnTop false android choiceMode singleChoice android clickable true TextView android id @id android empty..
highlighting the selected item in the listview in android need to set the choiceMode attribute of your ListView to singleChoice . If you'd like custom background for the selected items in.. . ListView android id @ id my_list android choiceMode singleChoice android listSelector @android color darker_gray If you don't..
MVVMCross changing ViewModel within a MvxBindableListView 'Text' 'Path' 'Filter' 'Mode' 'TwoWay' Mvx.MvxBindableListView android id @ id listviewArticle android choiceMode singleChoice android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android orientation vertical local MvxItemTemplate @layout..
Navigation Drawer: set as always opened on tablets layout_width @dimen drawer_size android layout_height match_parent android layout_gravity start android choiceMode singleChoice android divider @android color transparent android dividerHeight 0dp android background @color drawer_background FrameLayout..
DrawerLayout Double Drawer (Left and Right Drawers simultaneously) android layout_width 240dp android layout_height match_parent android layout_gravity start android choiceMode singleChoice android divider @android color transparent android dividerHeight 0dp android background #111 ListView android id @ id.. android layout_width 240dp android layout_height match_parent android layout_gravity end android choiceMode singleChoice android divider @android color transparent android dividerHeight 0dp android background #111
Android ListView with RadioButton in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout ListView with RadioButton in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout I have a ListView which is in singleChoice mode . All I want is to display a RadioButton to.. ListView with RadioButton in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout I have a ListView which is in singleChoice mode . All I want is to display a RadioButton to the side that when clicked highlights to say it is selected and when a.. manner. My layout for the listview R.layout.view_orders xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 ListView android choiceMode singleChoice android id @android id list android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android divider @drawable..
Android ListView with RadioButton/CheckBox in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout ListView with RadioButton CheckBox in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout I have a ListView which is in singleChoice mode. All I want is to display a RadioButton to.. ListView with RadioButton CheckBox in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout I have a ListView which is in singleChoice mode. All I want is to display a RadioButton to the side that when clicked highlights to say it is selected and when a different.. get check boxes if you set the android choiceMode attribute to multipleChoice and radio buttons if you set it to singleChoice provided you use the above implementation. LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android android layout_width..
Click Listener on ListView fill_parent android background #00FF00 android layout_weight 1 android drawSelectorOnTop false android choiceMode singleChoice android clickable true TextView android id @id android empty android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent..
highlighting the selected item in the listview in android selection is not indicated visually. To change this you just need to set the choiceMode attribute of your ListView to singleChoice . If you'd like custom background for the selected items in your list you should also set the listSelector attribute. There.. not only colors but drawables images layer state drawables . ListView android id @ id my_list android choiceMode singleChoice android listSelector @android color darker_gray If you don't use a ListView directly but a ListActivity then these attributes..