android Programming Glossary: singleselectionlistbox
How can I change the background color for an specific row properly in a ListView? (Android) parent View view int position long id Log.i Log SingleSelectionListBox Item clicked position position id id First set all rows.. to be unselected int counter parent.getCount Log.i Log SingleSelectionListBox counter items found inside the parent int children parent.getChildCount.. parent int children parent.getChildCount Log.i Log SingleSelectionListBox children views found inside the parent for int i 0 i children..
How can I change the background color for an specific row properly in a ListView? (Android) public void onItemClick AdapterView parent View view int position long id Log.i Log SingleSelectionListBox Item clicked position position id id First set all rows to be unselected int counter parent.getCount Log.i Log SingleSelectionListBox.. Item clicked position position id id First set all rows to be unselected int counter parent.getCount Log.i Log SingleSelectionListBox counter items found inside the parent int children parent.getChildCount Log.i Log SingleSelectionListBox children.. Log SingleSelectionListBox counter items found inside the parent int children parent.getChildCount Log.i Log SingleSelectionListBox children views found inside the parent for int i 0 i children i Log.i Log SingleSelectionListBox Child i has message..