android Programming Glossary: setselection
Spinner : onItemSelected not called when selected item remains the same .getActionView spinner.setAdapter mSpinnerAdapter spinner.setSelection PrefsHelper.getOrderingSpinnerPos prefs spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener.. attrs super context attrs @Override public void setSelection int position super.setSelection position if listener null listener.onItemSelected.. @Override public void setSelection int position super.setSelection position if listener null listener.onItemSelected null null..
EditText causing memory leak text BufferType.EDITABLE Convenience for @link Selection#setSelection Spannable int int . public void setSelection int start int stop.. Selection#setSelection Spannable int int . public void setSelection int start int stop Selection.setSelection getText start stop.. . public void setSelection int start int stop Selection.setSelection getText start stop Convenience for @link Selection#setSelection..
Android ListView setSelection() does not seem to work ListView setSelection does not seem to work I have a ListActivity that implements.. a doSomething function of the class. The latter contains l.setSelection position where l is the ListView object. Now there is a onClickListener..
Android: setSelection having no effect on Spinner setSelection having no effect on Spinner I'm having some problem with setSelection.. having no effect on Spinner I'm having some problem with setSelection on a Spinner. I set the value to be pre selected when the spinner.. dest Log.d TAG Dest dest pos routesPos destSpinner.setSelection routesPos destSpinner.setAdapter aa The code works as intended..
setSelection on Spinner based on rowId on Spinner based on rowId I have a Spinner View that's populated.. that is associated with this rowid currently . spinner.setSelection position won't work because I have the rowid I need a way to.. value.getLong value.getColumnIndex _id if id rowid spinner.setSelection i If you want to get the rowid of a selected item you can do..
Android: Programmatically animate between images in Gallery widget I can change the currently displaying image using the setSelection int position method however that does not animate. Then there's.. method however that does not animate. Then there's setSelection int position bool animate but the extra boolean on the end there..
Possibility of a Curved Gallery pos CarouselAdapter getAdapter .getList .size else pos 0 setSelection pos public OnAnimationEndListener getFadeInEndListener return..
Is there a way to tell if the soft-keyboard is shown? yOld super.onSizeChanged xNew yNew xOld yOld if yOld yNew setSelection ListAdapter getAdapter .getCount 1 then use it in your ListActivity...
Does a replacement for Gallery widget with View recycling exist? existing implementation would clear the recycler when a setSelection was called b a motion scroll occurred With these modifications..
Android,how do i Highlight a row in ListView he choose before. I already have the location by ListView.setSelection position And now what i want is to select this specific row.. are set to a selection mode of NONE in touch mode the setSelection method won't have visual effect. For keeping the previous selection.. It's useful to read the API Docs of these methods setSelection void android.widget.AdapterView.setSelection int position Sets..
ExpandableListFragment with LoaderManager for Compatibility Package with the adapter's data @param position public void setSelection int position ensureList mList.setSelection position public long.. public void setSelection int position ensureList mList.setSelection position public long getSelectedPosition ensureList return mList.getSelectedPosition..
Wait unitl ListView's smoothScrollToPosition() finishes position smoothly and then jump to another positoin with setSelection anotherPosition . This is done to create an illusion of smooth.. 100 lasts too much you know. Problem setSelection doesn't wait till smoothScrollToPosition finishes it's work.. wait till smoothScrollToPosition finishes it's work so setSelection is called immediately and user see quick jumping only Code private..
Spinner : onItemSelected not called when selected item remains the same spinner Spinner menu.findItem .getActionView spinner.setAdapter mSpinnerAdapter spinner.setSelection PrefsHelper.getOrderingSpinnerPos prefs spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener new OnItemSelectedListener @Override public void.. listener public MySpinner Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs @Override public void setSelection int position super.setSelection position if listener null listener.onItemSelected null null position 0 public void setOnItemSelectedEvenIfUnchangedListener.. MySpinner Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs @Override public void setSelection int position super.setSelection position if listener null listener.onItemSelected null null position 0 public void setOnItemSelectedEvenIfUnchangedListener..
EditText causing memory leak void setText CharSequence text BufferType type super.setText text BufferType.EDITABLE Convenience for @link Selection#setSelection Spannable int int . public void setSelection int start int stop Selection.setSelection getText start stop Convenience for.. super.setText text BufferType.EDITABLE Convenience for @link Selection#setSelection Spannable int int . public void setSelection int start int stop Selection.setSelection getText start stop Convenience for @link Selection#setSelection Spannable int.. Convenience for @link Selection#setSelection Spannable int int . public void setSelection int start int stop Selection.setSelection getText start stop Convenience for @link Selection#setSelection Spannable int . public void setSelection int index Selection.setSelection..
Android ListView setSelection() does not seem to work ListView setSelection does not seem to work I have a ListActivity that implements onListItemClick and calls a doSomething function of the class... a ListActivity that implements onListItemClick and calls a doSomething function of the class. The latter contains l.setSelection position where l is the ListView object. Now there is a onClickListener listening for a button click that perfoms some actions..
Android: setSelection having no effect on Spinner setSelection having no effect on Spinner I'm having some problem with setSelection on a Spinner. I set the value to be pre selected.. setSelection having no effect on Spinner I'm having some problem with setSelection on a Spinner. I set the value to be pre selected when the spinner is shown in code but it has no effect and the first alternative.. dest events.get pos .getDestination int routesPos routes.indexOf dest Log.d TAG Dest dest pos routesPos destSpinner.setSelection routesPos destSpinner.setAdapter aa The code works as intended except for the setSelection part and I just can't figure..
setSelection on Spinner based on rowId on Spinner based on rowId I have a Spinner View that's populated through a SimpleCursorAdapter. Based on the selection.. I edit an entry I need to make the Spinner position selected that is associated with this rowid currently . spinner.setSelection position won't work because I have the rowid I need a way to find the current position of the item in the current spinner.. i Cursor value Cursor spinner.getItemAtPosition i long id value.getLong value.getColumnIndex _id if id rowid spinner.setSelection i If you want to get the rowid of a selected item you can do something similar Cursor cursor Cursor spinner.getSelectedItem..
Android: Programmatically animate between images in Gallery widget move between images in the Gallery widget with animation. I can change the currently displaying image using the setSelection int position method however that does not animate. Then there's setSelection int position bool animate but the extra boolean.. the currently displaying image using the setSelection int position method however that does not animate. Then there's setSelection int position bool animate but the extra boolean on the end there doesn't appear to do anything. In the source of Gallery..
Possibility of a Curved Gallery CarouselAdapter getAdapter .getList .size if size 2 pos pos pos CarouselAdapter getAdapter .getList .size else pos 0 setSelection pos public OnAnimationEndListener getFadeInEndListener return mFadeInEndListener public void setFadeInEndListener OnAnimationEndListener..
Is there a way to tell if the soft-keyboard is shown? protected void onSizeChanged int xNew int yNew int xOld int yOld super.onSizeChanged xNew yNew xOld yOld if yOld yNew setSelection ListAdapter getAdapter .getCount 1 then use it in your ListActivity. hope this helps ps. check Configuration Changes only..
Does a replacement for Gallery widget with View recycling exist? items the gallery has to display changes as it scrolls and the existing implementation would clear the recycler when a setSelection was called b a motion scroll occurred With these modifications my counter in my newView method in my adapter reached.....
Android,how do i Highlight a row in ListView past so is not the one that is going to choose is the one he choose before. I already have the location by ListView.setSelection position And now what i want is to select this specific row and to highlight. the code of the onCreate in the activity that.. share improve this question Since by default ListViews are set to a selection mode of NONE in touch mode the setSelection method won't have visual effect. For keeping the previous selection visually display an explicit selection first you must.. appropriately listview.setChoiceMode ListView.CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE It's useful to read the API Docs of these methods setSelection void android.widget.AdapterView.setSelection int position Sets the currently selected item. To support accessibility subclasses..
ExpandableListFragment with LoaderManager for Compatibility Package Set the currently selected list item to the specified position with the adapter's data @param position public void setSelection int position ensureList mList.setSelection position public long getSelectedPosition ensureList return mList.getSelectedPosition.. the specified position with the adapter's data @param position public void setSelection int position ensureList mList.setSelection position public long getSelectedPosition ensureList return mList.getSelectedPosition public long getSelectedId ensureList..
Wait unitl ListView's smoothScrollToPosition() finishes finishes Scope need to scroll to certain position smoothly and then jump to another positoin with setSelection anotherPosition . This is done to create an illusion of smooth scrolling of e.g. 100 items in ListView. smoothScrollToPosition.. of smooth scrolling of e.g. 100 items in ListView. smoothScrollToPosition 100 lasts too much you know. Problem setSelection doesn't wait till smoothScrollToPosition finishes it's work so setSelection is called immediately and user see quick jumping.. 100 lasts too much you know. Problem setSelection doesn't wait till smoothScrollToPosition finishes it's work so setSelection is called immediately and user see quick jumping only Code private final int scrollableItems 20 int firstVisiblePosition..