android Programming Glossary: serverresponsecode
Upload Video from android to server? lineEnd Responses from the server code and message serverResponseCode conn.getResponseCode String serverResponseMessage conn.getResponseMessage.. file to server HTTP Response is serverResponseMessage serverResponseCode close streams Log.i Upload file to server fileName File is written.. ioex Log.e Huzza error ioex.getMessage ioex return serverResponseCode like 200 Ok end upLoad2Server 2 call it with int reponse upLoad2Server..
Android image Upload problem bytesRead buffer 0 bufferSize int serverResponseCode connection.getResponseCode String serverResponseMessage connection.getResponseMessage.. connection.getResponseMessage Log.d ServerCode serverResponseCode Log.d serverResponseMessage serverResponseMessage fileInputStream.close..
Upload progress bar in android? Log.e Huzza Source File Does not exist return int serverResponseCode 0 try open a URL connection to the Servlet FileInputStream fileInputStream.. lineEnd Responses from the server code and message serverResponseCode conn.getResponseCode String serverResponseMessage conn.getResponseMessage.. file to server HTTP Response is serverResponseMessage serverResponseCode close streams Log.i Upload file to server fileName File is written..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file and image to http server? Log.e Huzza Source File Does not exist return int serverResponseCode 0 try open a URL connection to the Servlet FileInputStream fileInputStream.. lineEnd Responses from the server code and message serverResponseCode conn.getResponseCode String serverResponseMessage conn.getResponseMessage.. file to serverHTTP Response is serverResponseMessage serverResponseCode close streams System.out.println Upload file to server fileName..
problem with uploading captured image in android camera twoHyphens boundary twoHyphens lineEnd int serverResponseCode connection.getResponseCode String serverResponseMessage connection.getResponseMessage.. new InputStreamReader conn.getInputStream String serverResponseCode conn. String serverResponseMessage conn.getResponseMessage while..
Upload large file in Android without outofmemory error lineEnd Responses from the server code and message int serverResponseCode connection.getResponseCode String serverResponseMessage connection.getResponseMessage.. connection.getResponseMessage Log.i Server Response Code serverResponseCode Log.i Server Response Message serverResponseMessage if serverResponseCode.. Log.i Server Response Message serverResponseMessage if serverResponseCode 200 response true String CDate null Date serverTime new Date..
Upload Video from android to server? lineEnd dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary twoHyphens lineEnd Responses from the server code and message serverResponseCode conn.getResponseCode String serverResponseMessage conn.getResponseMessage Log.i Upload file to server HTTP Response is serverResponseMessage.. serverResponseMessage conn.getResponseMessage Log.i Upload file to server HTTP Response is serverResponseMessage serverResponseCode close streams Log.i Upload file to server fileName File is written fileInputStream.close dos.flush dos.close catch MalformedURLException..
Android image Upload problem bufferSize Math.min bytesAvailable maxBufferSize bytesRead buffer 0 bufferSize int serverResponseCode connection.getResponseCode String serverResponseMessage connection.getResponseMessage Log.d ServerCode serverResponseCode.. connection.getResponseCode String serverResponseMessage connection.getResponseMessage Log.d ServerCode serverResponseCode Log.d serverResponseMessage serverResponseMessage fileInputStream.close outputStream.flush outputStream.close catch Exception..
Upload progress bar in android? File sourceFile new File sourceFileUri if sourceFile.isFile Log.e Huzza Source File Does not exist return int serverResponseCode 0 try open a URL connection to the Servlet FileInputStream fileInputStream new FileInputStream sourceFile URL url new URL.. lineEnd dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary twoHyphens lineEnd Responses from the server code and message serverResponseCode conn.getResponseCode String serverResponseMessage conn.getResponseMessage Log.i Upload file to server HTTP Response is serverResponseMessage.. serverResponseMessage conn.getResponseMessage Log.i Upload file to server HTTP Response is serverResponseMessage serverResponseCode close streams Log.i Upload file to server fileName File is written fileInputStream.close dos.flush dos.close catch MalformedURLException..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file and image to http server? File sourceFile new File sourceFileUri if sourceFile.isFile Log.e Huzza Source File Does not exist return int serverResponseCode 0 try open a URL connection to the Servlet FileInputStream fileInputStream new FileInputStream sourceFile CLIENT REQUEST.. lineEnd dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary twoHyphens lineEnd Responses from the server code and message serverResponseCode conn.getResponseCode String serverResponseMessage conn.getResponseMessage System.out.println Upload file to serverHTTP Response.. conn.getResponseMessage System.out.println Upload file to serverHTTP Response is serverResponseMessage serverResponseCode close streams System.out.println Upload file to server fileName File is written fileInputStream.close dos.flush dos.close..
problem with uploading captured image in android camera 0 bufferSize outputStream.writeBytes lineEnd outputStream.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary twoHyphens lineEnd int serverResponseCode connection.getResponseCode String serverResponseMessage connection.getResponseMessage fileInputStream.close outputStream.flush.. conn.getResponseMessage BufferedReader rd new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader conn.getInputStream String serverResponseCode conn. String serverResponseMessage conn.getResponseMessage while result rd.readLine null Log.v result result result Login.fbResponse..
Upload large file in Android without outofmemory error lineEnd outputStream.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary twoHyphens lineEnd Responses from the server code and message int serverResponseCode connection.getResponseCode String serverResponseMessage connection.getResponseMessage Log.i Server Response Code serverResponseCode.. connection.getResponseCode String serverResponseMessage connection.getResponseMessage Log.i Server Response Code serverResponseCode Log.i Server Response Message serverResponseMessage if serverResponseCode 200 response true String CDate null Date serverTime.. Log.i Server Response Code serverResponseCode Log.i Server Response Message serverResponseMessage if serverResponseCode 200 response true String CDate null Date serverTime new Date connection.getDate try CDate df.format serverTime catch Exception..